CHINA - Weebly

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 CHINA’S population
 CHINA’S longest river
 CHINA’S Sea’s
 CHINA’S capital
 CHINA’S language
 CHINA’S Terracotta Army
 CHINA’S clothing
 CHINA’S climate
 CHINA’S length of coastline
 CHINA’S time change to Australia
 CHINA’S major industries
 CHINA’S region
 CHINA’S technology
 CHINA’S alphabet
 CHINA’S architects
 CHINA’S Highest Tower
 CHINA’S Longest Building
 CHINA’S fastest car
 Why are so many goods we use made in china
 Explain the terms TRADE, IMPORT, EXPORT
 What are the main products IMPORTED from china
 MAP of China
CHINA’S population
 CHINA’S population is 1,360,763,000...
Including the people that live there from other country's. 
 CHINA’S MAJOR cities are BEIJING (北京), HONG KONG (香港), SHANGHAI (上海),
CHANGCHUN (长春市), LHASA (拉萨市), KUNMING (昆明市), SANYA (三亚市),
HARBIN (哈尔滨市), TIANJIN (天津市), Urumqi (乌鲁木齐市), CHENGDU (成都市),
(南京市), HANGZHOU (杭州市) and XI'AN (西安市).
CHINA’S longest river
 CHINA’S longest river is Yangtze River (长江) and is 6,300 km long
and goes through the most of China, it is the main river for trade because
it goes through the most of china
 CHINA’S HIGHEST MOUNTAIN is Mount Everest (珠穆朗玛峰) which is 8,848m,
(29,029 ft.) and is the HIGHEST MOUNTAIN in the WORLD
 CHINA’S LARGEST DESERT is Taklamakan Desert (塔克拉瑪干沙漠) which is 337,000
km² LONG
 CHINA’S Sea’s are Yellow Sea, East China Sea and South China Sea.
CHINA’S capital
 CHINA’S capital is BEIJING (北京).
 CHINA’S TOP TEN FAMOUS landmarks are: #10 Oriental Pearl Tower in Shanghai, #9 Lama
Temple in Beijing, #8 Chi Lin Nunnery in Hong Kong, #7 Potala Palace in Lhasa, #6 Xi'an City
Wall in Xi'an, #5 Shanghai World Financial Centre in Shanghai, #4 Big Buddha in Hong Kong,
#3 Temple of Heaven in Beijing, #2 Summer Palace in Beijing, #1 Great Wall at Mutianyu in
 CHINA BORDERS: “Russia, Mongolia, North Korea, South Korea, Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan,
Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bhutan and Burma.”
CHINA’S language
 CHINA’S language is “Mandarin” some “Australian” people know it too.
 The Terracotta Army or the "Terracotta Warriors and Horses" is a collection of terracotta sculptures depicting the armies
of Qin Shi Huang, the first Emperor of China. It is a form of funerary art buried with the emperor in 210–209 BCE and whose
purpose was to protect the emperor in his afterlife.
 The figures, dating from approximately the late third century BCE,[1] were discovered in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong
District, Xi'an, Shaanxi province. The figures vary in height according to their roles, with the tallest being the generals. The
figures include warriors, chariots and horses.
 Estimates from 2007 were that the three pits containing the Terracotta Army held more than 8,000 soldiers, 130 chariots
with 520 horses and 150 cavalry horses, the majority of which remained buried in the pits nearby Qin Shi Huang's
mausoleum.[2] Other terracotta non-military figures were found in other pits, including officials, acrobats, strongmen and
CHINA’S clothing
 There are there type of tradition clothing in CHINA. All of these items are use few stitchers and with loose fitting with large
sleeves. They are normly dark in colour with intricate tapestry sew over the top.
 Today, clothing in China uses a mix of traditional and modern ideas. Traditional motifs such as lions, deities and Chinese
opera characters are often printed, woven or embroidered onto fabrics. Dragons, phoenixes and lightning are popular
designs, particularly among the younger generation.
CHINA’S climate
 The climate in China varies from region to region since the country is massive! In the
northeast the summers are hot and dry and the winters are freezing cold. The north and
central regions have frequent bouts of rain coupled with hot summers and cold winters. In
the southeast there is plenty of rainfall, semi-tropical summers and cool winters. Flooding
can occur in the central, southern and western regions and the country in general can
experience earthquakes.
CHINA’S length of coastline
 China's coastline covers approximately 14,500 km (around 9,010 mi) from the Bohai gulf on
the north to the Gulf of Tonkin on the south. Most of the northern half is low lying, although
some of the mountains and hills of Northeast China and the Shandong Peninsula extend to the
CHINA’S time change to Australia
The center of China is 2 hours behind Sydney, Australia.
CHINA’S major industries,
 Industry and construction account for about 48% of China's GDP. China ranks second
worldwide in industrial output. Major industries include mining and ore processing; iron and
steel; aluminium; coal; machinery; armaments; textiles and apparel; petroleum; cement;
chemical; fertilizers; food processing; automobiles and other transportation equipment
including rail cars and locomotives, ships, and aircraft; consumer products including
footwear, toys, and electronics; telecommunications and information technology. China has
become a preferred destination for the relocation of global manufacturing facilities. Its
strength as an export platform has contributed to incomes and employment in China. The
state-owned sector still accounts for about 40% of GDP. In recent years, authorities have
been giving greater attention to the management of state assets — both in the financial
market as well as among state-owned-enterprises — and progress has been noteworthy.
CHINA’S major industries,
 Since the 1950s, the trend away from the agricultural sector toward industrialisation has
been dramatic, and is a result of both policy changes and free market mechanisms. During
the 1950s and 1960s, heavy industry received most attention and consequently grew twice as
rapidly as agriculture. After the reforms of 1978, more attention to the agricultural sector
as well as a move away from heavy industry toward light resulted in agricultural output
almost doubling with only marginal increases for industry.
CHINA’S major industries,
Energy industry
 Power grid construction has entered its fastest ever development; main power grids now
cover all the cities and most rural areas, with 501-kv grids beginning to replace 220-kv grids
for inter-province and inter-region transmission and exchange operations. An international
advanced control automation system with computers as the mainstay has been universally
adopted, and has proved practical. Now China's power industry has entered a new era
featuring large generating units, large power plants, large power grids, ultra-high voltage
and automation.
CHINA’S major industries,
 An example of an emerging heavy industry is automobile manufacture, which has soared
during the reform period. In 1975 only 139,800 automobiles were produced annually, but by
1985 production had reached 443,377, then jumped to nearly 1.1 million by 1992 and increased
fairly evenly each year up until 2001, when it reached 2.3 million. In 2002 production rose to
nearly 3.3 million and then jumped again the next year to 4.4 million. Domestic sales have
kept pace with production. After respectable annual increases in the mid- and late 1990s,
sales soared in 18 the early 2000s, reaching 3 million automobiles sold in 2003. With some
governmental controls in place, sales dipped to 2.4 million sold in 2004.
CHINA’S major industries,
 Concomitant with automotive production and other steel-consuming industries, China has
been rapidly increasing its steel production. Iron ore production kept pace with steel
production in the early 1990s but was soon outpaced by imported iron ore and other metals
in the early 2000s. Steel production, an estimated 140 million tons in 2000, rose to more
than 420 million tons by 2007.
CHINA’S region
 China’s region is ASIA
CHINA’S technology,
 One example of new Chinese military technology is the DF-21D anti-ship ballistic missile
which reportedly has contributed to a quick and major change in US naval strategy. China is
developing anti-satellite weapons and plans to make the navigational Beidou system global by
2020.Other new technologies include Chinese anti ballistic missile developments, the
Chengdu J-20 fifth-generation jet fighter, and possibly electromagnetic pulse weapons.
Chinese reconnaissance satellites are, according to a 2011 report, almost equal to those of
the United States in some areas in which China had almost no capability a decade
earlier.Despite increased defense spending, China's share of the world's import of arms is
rapidly falling, in part reflecting the increased abilities of the indigenous military production.
China is also developing power projection military capabilities such as through the Chinese
aircraft carrier programme and the Type 071 amphibious transport dock.
CHINA’S technology,
Polar research
 The Chinese Arctic and Antarctic Administration (CAA) organizes China's scientific program
for both the Arctic and Antarctic. Polar research by China, in particular in Antarctica, has
been growing rapidly with China now having three Antarctic research stations and one in the
Arctic on Svalbard.
CHINA’S technology,
 The Chinese animation industry and access to the latest technology, such as 3D computergenerated imagery technology, is actively supported by the Chinese government and included in
the latest national planning. In part this may be because of a desire to increase Chinese soft
power. The same technology as in Hollywood is available and much postproduction is outsourced
to China. Successful indigenous artistic creativity is seen as a problem and may be restricted by
factors such as production being aimed at getting government patronage rather than public
approval, censorship, and some story lines based on Chinese culture not appealing to foreign
audiences. DreamWorks Animation, in a joint venture with Chinese companies, will set up a studio
in Shanghai that may eventually get bigger than DreamWorks HQ, in part to avoid to quota
restrictions on foreign films with China within a decade having been predicted to become the
world's biggest cinema and entertainment market. Disney has also entered into a partnership in
order to help develop the Chinese animation industry.
CHINA’S technology,
Motor vehicles
 The automotive industry in China is the world's largest producer of motor vehicles. However,
China's indigenous car companies have had difficulties on the global market and the growing
electric vehicle market has been seen as way to remedy this. China in 2010 proposed
controversial legislation requiring foreign electric vehicle producers to form minority jointventures and share technologies with Chinese carmakers in order to get market access. A
2011 report financed by the World Bank stated that China was becoming the world leader on
electric vehicles
CHINA’S technology,
 BBC wrote in a 2011 article on high-speed rail in China that China in 2005 had no high-speed
railways. In 2010 it had more than Europe and in 2012 China was expected to have more than
the rest of the world combined. China demanded that foreign companies wanting to
participate had to share their technology. 10,000 Chinese engineers and academics then in
three years produced a faster Chinese high-speed train. China is now exporting it to other
nations. The high-speed rail network has been criticized as a questionable state megaproject
aimed at increasing national pride and growth but having had problems such as corruption,
construction quality, safety, low utilization due to high ticket prices, and high costs.
CHINA’S technology,
 Transportation infrastructure continues to be rapidly developed. The National Trunk Highway
System was in 2011 estimated to surpass the US interstate system in length.[85] Many
Chinese cites have or are planning to build metros or other forms of rapid transit.
CHINA’S technology,
Environmental issues
 Rapid industrialization has been accompanied by many environmental problems and rising
pollution in China. One part of the Chinese response involves advanced technology such as
the world's largest high-speed rail network and high fuel efficiency requirements for
vehicles. China is rapidly expanding its wastewater treatment systems and power plant
emission reduction systems. Due to the Chinese water crisis, as well as for future exports,
China is building up its desalination technological abilities and plans to create an indigenous
industry. Some cities have introduced extensive water conservation and recycling programs
and technologies.
CHINA’S technology,
 KPMG in 2010 predicted that the Chinese chemical industry will become world's largest
producer by 2015. The Chinese government aims to make China self-sufficient regarding
petrochemicals and plastics with the exception of the raw feedstock of oil and gas. The
Chinese industry is increasing R&D in order to create higher value products using more
advanced technology.[57] Another development is increasing focus on environmental
concerns and renewable energy technology.
CHINA’S technology,
 There is a lack of arable land and water which means only new technology can increase the
output of Chinese agriculture. Former President Jiang Zemin's has therefore called for a
"new revolution in agricultural science and technology."[59] Restrictions and regulations
concerning genetically modified foods have been introduced or proposed after widespread
public concern.[60] China has been buying millions of foreign breeder animal as well as
large amount of foreign semen and livestock embryos in order to rapidly improve the
genetics of Chinese livestock.[61] More advanced agricultural methods such as increasing
use of pesticides has contributed to concerns regarding the Food safety in China.
CHINA’S technology,
 In some regions, such as the Pearl River Delta, manufacturers have problems with labor
shortages, raising wages, and higher expectations regarding work from more highly
educated young people. This has increased the demand for industrial robots. In 2014 China is
predicted to be ranked fifth regarding the total number of robots installed and to be ranked
first regarding the number of new robots installed.
CHINA’S technology,
Machine tools
 Development of advanced machine tools, such as computer numerical control machine tools,
are seen as a priority and supported by the Chinese government. China is the world's leading
producer and consumer of machine tools. A 2010 US government report stated that US
export controls of advanced five axis machine tools were ineffectual due to the technical
capabilities of Chinese and Taiwanese manufacturers.
CHINA’S technology,
 Supercomputing in China has expanded rapidly. Supercomputing affects the possibility to do
cutting edge research in many areas such as design of pharmaceuticals, cryptanalysis,
natural resource exploration, climate models, and military technology. In 2011 China had 74 of
the 500 biggest supercomputers while a decade earlier it had none. China is developing the
capacity to manufacture the components domestically and plans to be the first to build an
exascale supercomputer. China may also be planning to create much more powerful largescale distributed supercomputing by connecting its supercomputer centres together.
Tianhe-1 was for a period in 2010-2011 the world's fastest supercomputer. In June 2013,
Tianhe-2, the successor to Tianhe-1, retook the crown again.
CHINA’S technology,
 China's semiconductor industry has despite extensive governmental support had many
problems in areas such as innovative new designs. This may be due to factors such as poorly
guided state and local government support for soon outdated technologies and
geographically scattered efforts, lacking engineering education, and poor protection of
intellectual property. This may change by factors such a new emphasis on market
mechanisms rather than direct support, concentration of efforts, return of Chinese who
have studied abroad, increased pressure on foreign companies to transfer technology,
indigenous Chinese technological standards, and increased demands for indigenous
technology in the local market.
CHINA’S Alphabet
CHINA’S architects
 Chinese architecture refers to a style of architecture that has taken shape in East Asia over
many centuries. The structural principles of Chinese architecture have remained largely
unchanged, the main changes being only the decorative details. Since the Tang Dynasty,
Chinese architecture has had a major influence on the architectural styles of Korea,
Vietnam, and Japan.
CHINA’S Highest Tower
 The Shanghai Tower is the highest tower in China it reaches (2,073 ft)
CHINA’S Longest Building
 Guangzhou Metro: Line 3 is so long that it goes through penrith
CHINA’S fastest car
 CHINA’S fastest car is Bugatti Veyron Supersport (268mph)
Why are so many goods we use made in China
 Because the labor is cheaper so are the parts of the products. The Chinese worker must
work at least 12 to 13 hour; so ending product is a lot of production faster and cheaper. So
many products are made in China because in China, people can work faster, for a longer
period of time, and for less money than the U.S!
Explain the terms TRADE, IMPORT, EXPORT
 TRADE: Two people swap a item for another; EG “goods and materials”
 IMPORT: bring something from another country in to yours
 EXPORT: Bring something out of a country to someone else's country
What are the main products IMPORTED from China
 #1 - Electrical machinery and equipment
 #2 - Power generation equipment
 #3 - Toys, games, and sports equipment
 #4 – Furniture
 #5 - Footwear & parts thereof
 #6 - Apparel, knitted or crocheted
 #7 - Apparel, not knitted or crocheted
 #8 - Plastics & articles thereof
 #9 - Iron, steel
 #10 - Vehicles, excluding rail