Transcript Slide 1

Liveitit. .
Experience it.
Decide it.
Preparing for…
The Opportunity Knocks
Part-Time Job Fair!
USC Career Center
Live it.
Decide it.
Experience it.
Live it
Opportunity Knocks
Part-Time Job Fair
Monday, August 18
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Russell House University Union
Live it.
Experience it.
Decide it.
You will be able to…
• Understand the difference between
work-study & non work-study
• Understand how to prepare for the
part-time job fair
• Identify ways to speak with a Career
Center staff member for additional
assistance in your part-time job search
Live it.
Experience it.
Decide it.
You will be able to…
• Understand the difference between
work-study & non work-study
• Understand how to prepare for the
part-time job fair
• Identify ways to speak with a Career
Center staff member for additional
assistance in your part-time job search
Live it.
Experience it.
Decide it.
You will be able to…
• Understand the difference between
work-study & non work-study
• Understand how to prepare for the
part-time job fair
• Identify ways to speak with a Career
Center staff member for additional
assistance in your part-time job
Decide it.
Experience it.
Non Work-Study
Live it.
Live it
Live it.
Experience it.
Decide it.
Work-Study Position
If you have been awarded Federal WorkStudy funds through the Office of Financial
Aid & Scholarships:
• Find a Work-Study job (either on or off
campus) in order to use your award.
• Your award notification discloses the total
Work-Study amount ($) you may earn per
• You can explore Work-Study job
opportunities on the Financial Aid website.
• You can also interact with employers that
have Work-Study positions at the part-time
job fair.
Live it.
Experience it.
Decide it.
Non Work-Study Positions
• Non Work-Study Positions are simply
part-time jobs located on or off
• You do not need to have any WorkStudy funds in order to apply for this
type of position.
Decide it.
Experience it.
Before the Fair
Live it.
Live it
Live it.
Experience it.
Decide it.
Consider This…
• Why are you looking for a part-time
– Paycheck
– 1st Job / Looking to gain experience
– References
– Launching to another experience
– Transferrable skills
• Ideal # of hours
• Transportation
Live it.
Experience it.
Decide it.
Consider This…
• Why are you looking for a part-time
– Paycheck
– 1st Job / Looking to gain experience
– References
– Launching to another experience
– Transferrable skills
• Ideal # of hours
• Transportation
Live it.
Experience it.
Decide it.
Consider This…
• Why are you looking for a part-time
– Paycheck
– 1st Job / Looking to gain experience
– References
– Launching to another experience
– Transferrable skills
• Ideal # of hours
• Transportation
Decide it.
Experience it.
Live it.
Live it
Decide it.
Experience it.
The Day
of the Fair
Live it.
Live it
Live it.
Experience it.
Decide it.
Be Sure To Bring…
• Carolina Card or VIP ID
• Pen/Planner/Calendar
• Multiple copies of your academic
• Multiple copies of your resume
• Proof of work-study award, if
Live it.
Experience it.
Decide it.
Be Sure To Bring…
• Carolina Card or VIP ID
• Pen & Planner/Calendar
• Multiple copies of your academic
• Multiple copies of your resume
• Proof of work-study award, if
Live it.
Experience it.
Decide it.
Be Sure To Bring…
• Carolina Card or VIP ID
• Pen/Planner/Calendar
• Multiple copies of your
academic schedule
• Multiple copies of your resume
• Proof of work-study award, if
Live it.
Experience it.
Decide it.
Be Sure To Bring…
• Carolina Card or VIP ID
• Pen/Planner/Calendar
• Multiple copies of your academic
• Multiple copies of your resume
• Proof of work-study award, if
Live it.
Experience it.
Decide it.
Be Sure To Bring…
• Carolina Card or VIP ID
• Pen/Planner/Calendar
• Multiple copies of your academic
• Multiple copies of your resume
• Proof of work-study award, if
Live it.
Experience it.
Decide it.
Dress to Impress
Be sure to avoid….
• Tank tops
• Jeans
• Ripped or torn clothing
• Short shorts, dresses or skirts
• T-shirts
• Sneakers
• Hats
Live it.
Experience it.
Decide it.
A Few More Things…
• Take time to review the materials
provided to you at check-in
• Be polite and professional
• Ask questions
• Take detailed notes
• Follow up appropriately
Decide it.
Experience it.
Live it.
Live it
Decide it.
Experience it.
Live it.
Live it
Live it.
Decide it.
Experience it.
Live it
Opportunity Knocks
Part-Time Job Fair
Monday, August 18
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Russell House University Union