Transcript Slide 1

Medieval Realms
1066 & all that
• Who should be King?
• Why did William win the
battle of Hastings?
• How did William
consolidate his position?
• What is a castle?
What does the Baron want?
What will our castle consist of?
What do we need to find out?
What will our castle consist of?
How will we present our pitch?
Who should be King?
 To know what features are
important in a King
Complete the Single Bubble with words
that you think describe a King:
To understand the situation
that faced King Harold in
To be able to comment on
who you think will be the
King of England
Using the words we have discussed
which ones do you think are the
most important?
Number them 1 – 6
1 = the most important
6 = the least important
Be sure you know why
Meet the Contenders
Harold Hardraada
Harold Godwineson
William Duke
of Normandy
You are going to research these 3 men in order to decide who should be King
You will have 10 minutes to fill
in one of these sheets
Harold Hardraada
Are they a King? A Duke? No-one?
(Good points about me,
reasons I would make a
good King)
Remember what a King should be like:
What do I not have? What is missing?
(Bad point about me,
reasons I would make a bad
Marks out of ten as a King
Decide how good they are
1 = useless, 5 = ok and 10 = fab!
Now lets add up the scores!
The Contender
Harold of England
Harald Hardraada
Number of High
Who won at the Battle of
Learning Objectives
• To know who was victorious
at Hastings
• To understand why they
were victorious
• To be able to assess the
importance of these reasons
Complete the Single Bubble for things you
need to win a battle?
to win
Which one is the most important and why?
William Duke of Normandy won the
Battle of Hastings – But WHY?
Its a mystery???
Read all the pieces of card carefully.
You will need to decide which cards can help
you answer the following question?
Why did William of Normandy win at the
Battle of Hastings?
Put all the cards that help into one row and
the ones that do not in another
Now that you have all of your
reasons for Williams success
you need to sort them into an
order of importance
At the top the most importance
At the bottom the least
In your books...
The most important reason for Williams success
at Hastings was ____________________________
This is the most important because _______________
The next most important reason was _______________
This is also important as _______________________
How did King Harold die?
Learning Objectives
• To assess the evidence
surrounding Harold’s
• To come to a conclusion
his cause of death
Stick your post it note next to the statement
you most agree with...
William won at the Battle of Hastings because:
• Harold’s Army were tired from the long march south
• Harold was killed on the Battle field and his troops felt
• William was an ambitious and determined man who was
desperate to be King of England
• Williams men tricked the English by pretending to run
You are going to investigate how Harold
died... Was he shot in the eye?
In one colour highlight all the possible weapons
used to kill Harold
In another colour highlight all the different ways
he could have died (body parts etc)
Does any of the evidence agree about how
Harold died? Label the ones that do
Can we trust the evidence? With one pattern
label the parts we can trust and with another
the parts we cant
PEE on your work!
• Point – I have looked at all the evidence describing
the death of Harold at the Battle of Hastings. I have
come to the decision that Harold died
• Evidence – My evidence for this is
__________________________________ .
• Explain – This evidence shows that Harold
It is reliable (trustworthy) because
Why did William the Conqueror win
the Battle of Hastings?
Learning Objectives
• To know what is
expected of us in an
• To understand how to
successfully complete
the assessment
• To be able to mark
our own work and
explain our decision
William was
ambitious and
determined to
be King of
Williams men
Harold's by
pretending to
run away
Why did
William win the
Battle of
Harold was
killed on the
William had
had time to
prepare his
troops well
Harold’s army
were tired and
after the Battle
of Stanford
brought with
him a strong
mix of well
trained troops
How did William take control?
Learning Objectives
• To know what happened after
the Battle of Hastings
• To understand the situation that
faced William in 1066
• To be able to comment on the
decisions taken by William and
his men
William: The Battle is won
and you are victorious, what
thoughts are going through
your mind at this moment in
Fill in the thought bubbles
Consider what you would need to do when
you have just killed the King of England!
You are an advisor to William, it is your
job to ensure that he makes the right
This is an important job as any wrong
move may be your last!
Decision 1: You must decide which
problems are short term and which
problems are long term
Decision which needs
to be made
The English Lords are not
to be trusted
You need money but there
is no system of accounts
Not all of Harold’s men
showed up and they are
still safely in London
There is a strong castle
full of English soldiers at
Long or short term?
Reason for choice
Decision 2: What route should we take to
Decision 3: What Kind of King will you be?
You have two choices...
Be lenient to the people you
meet on your journey
Be bloodthirsty to the people
you meet on your journey
Make sure you explain your decision
My decision about how to act
concerning the population of
Britain is:
My reason why is...
• Be Lenient
• Be Blood Thirsty
(Tick One)
However was all as good as it seemed...
How much have you learned?
True of False
1. The first battle was called the Battle of
Stamford Pond
2. Harold Godwineson’s men had the better
3. William was from Norway
4. Harold’s brother was called Odo
5. All of the evidence tells use exactly the
same story of how Harold died
What was the feudal system and
how did William use it?
Learning Objectives
• To know what the feudal
system was
• To understand how
William used it
• To be able to comment
on the how the feudal
system aided Williams
control of England
How does one King rule a whole country?
Think about the people who keep you safe
(and tell you what to do) who are they? Make
a list
• The King said that all the land in England
belonged to him, BUT it was too big for
him to manage all by himself so how did
he stay in charge???
• His answer was to lend people the land in
return for loyalty!
• ‘Feudal’ is the Latin word for land so it
became known as the feudal system.
• The Feudal System was a system used by
King’s to control the people in their
country. They would ‘lend’ them land as
long as they behaved and did as they were
told. If they did not they would be
punished and have the land taken away.
Using the picture you have been
given and boxes of text, match
the description to the right area
of the Feudal Triangle
You must come and get me to
check your work before you
stick them down
Who had a good deal?
• Barons – King William didn’t give his barons
their land all in the same place – he carefully
dotted around England, he did this to stop
Barons forming their own armies in case
they rebelled against him!
• Villein’s – Their life was very tough. He
could never leave the lords land and he paid
for everything (to use the lords mill, to use
the oven, he paid when his son was born and
when his daughter got married)
Answer the following questions ...
1. How did the feudal system make it much easier for King
William to control the English?
2. Why was William careful not to give land to his barons that
was too close together?
3. William was a clever man. As soon as he became King of
England he knew he needed to:
• Reward his followers
• Keep law and order all over England
• Raise money
• Find out how much English was worth
Put these 4 in order of importance and explain why you
have chosen the most important one
In the back of your books...
Go around the room and ask 4 people
How many TV’s they have in their home?
How many cars do they own?
Where did they go on holiday last year?
How many times a week do they have a
takeaway or eat out?
If someone had a TV in every room, more cars than they could drive,
they went around the world and ate out every night what would you
think of them?
What was the Doomsday book?
Learning Objectives
• To know what the
doomsday book was
• To understand how
William used it
• To be able to comment
on the how the feudal
system aided Williams
control of England
You just completed a survey and that is
exactly what William did!
• William sent officials all over England to
visit every village (13,000) and ask a series
of detailed questions! It took them a year!
• All the records from the village surveys
were sent to Winchester where one man
copied it all together in Latin. They filled
two huge books and contained around 2
million words!
Using the cards from your
envelopes answer the questions on
your doomsday book worksheet
Who had a good deal?
• Barons – King William didn’t give his barons their
land all in the same place – he carefully dotted
around England, he did this to stop Barons
forming their own armies in case they rebelled
against him!
• Villein’s – Their life was very tough. He could
never leave the lords land and he paid for
everything (to use the lords mill, to use the oven,
he paid when his son was born and when his
daughter got married)
Thinking Tools
Multi-Flow Map
Major Event
The Battle of
Thinking Process: Cause and Effect
Key Question: What are the causes and effects of this event?
See 3 before me
In your books write 2 questions
that you would still like to have
Then ask 3 people in the
classroom if they know the
answer before you ask me!
What is a knight?
Learning Objectives
• To know what a knight was
• To understand their
importance in warfare
• To be able to answer
question about knights and
their use in medieval
Choose 5 words you would use to
describe a knight
Now if you
only had 1
what would it
What is a knight?
Complete the Single Bubble with words
you would use to describe a knight
Now if you only had 1 what
would it be?
You are going to design
your own shield!
Start by drawing the correct
shape and then deciding
what design you want on it
History Homework
Finish your shield! And colour it in!
Give me one reason why William the Conqueror never
got to read the Doomsday Book
What was the original name of the Doomsday book?
Who is at the top of the feudal system?
Why did William the Conqueror use the feudal system?
What was the best way to kill a knight?
Murder in the Cathedral
Who was responsible?
Learning Objectives
• To know what happened
on the day of the murder
• To understand possible
reasons for the murder
• To be able to complete our
assessment on the murder
of Thomas Becket
The murder
• We are going to read a short account of this
• Your first task is to find out who was
murdered and where it took place.
The murder
• We now need to find out what happened just
before the murder.
• Highlight your account with 3 different colours.
• Use 1 colour to highlight the parts of the story that
show Becket was a very religious man.
• Use a second colour to highlight the parts that
show he was a stubborn or determined man.
• Use a third colour to highlight the parts that
suggest he was a brave man.
The murder
• We are now going to read another account written
by Ralph of Diceto.
• Now highlight anything in this source which shows
that the Archbishop had upset the King.
• Highlight anything else that shows the Archbishop
had upset some bishops.
• Look back at your other sources. Is there anything
in those that show Becket had upset people ?
Using a full page in
your book mind
map what you
know so far
The Murder
of Sir
Predict who was responsible for the
murder ...
From what I have learned today I guess that Thomas
Beckett was murdered because______________________
My reasons for this are _____________________________
Murder in the Cathedral
Who was responsible?
Learning Objectives
To know what happened on
the day of the murder
To understand possible
reasons for the murder
To be able to complete our
assessment on the murder
of Thomas Becket
Timeline of Mediaeval Kings
• It is useful to know where Henry II fits in
with other Kings at this time.
• Murder of Thomas Becket 29th December
• Write this in your blank box
• You are now going to cut out each of the
events and place them in order
The King
• The King has been mentioned in the
accounts of the murder so we need to find
out what he had to do with it.
• The king at the time was Henry II
• Henry II ruled England from 1154 until
• The king and Becket had quarreled
How did these Kings die ?
King Harold – killed at Hastings
William I – his bladder burst in a riding accident
William II – shot in a hunting accident
Henry I – died of eating too much
Stephen I – died of dysentery
Henry II - died while fighting a war against his 2
• Richard I – shot in the neck by an arrow and died
from an infection
Months before the murder
• Complete your table
like this one
New facts
which help
explain the
Becket and
the King
had been
Parts of the
story I still
Years before the murder
• To complete our understanding we need to go
back even further and find out why trouble had
been brewing for many years !
• What extra information do you now have ?
• How did the King`s actions make things worse ?
• How did Becket`s actions make things worse ?
• Now complete the next task – match the speech
bubbles with one of the 4 people.
The Assessment
• You need to complete at least the front page of a
newspaper describing the murder of Thomas
• You must include a description of the actual
• As a journalist you have been investigating the
background details to this event, so you need to
explain how Becket and the King were good
friends and why they fell out.
• Give your opinion of why the murder took place
What happened before the murder
The Assessment
• The murder is part of a bigger problem that
existed at the time.
• Henry II thought like most Kings that he should be
in charge of everything and everyone, including
the Church.
• Becket thought that as Archbishop it was his job to
protect the Church and make sure that the king
did not take any power away from the Church.
• The problem was, it was very difficult for any King
to control the Church.
The Assessment
• This time you are going to produce a
newspaper front page.
• You need the name of a newspaper –
perhaps something like The Mediaeval Times
• Then you need a dramatic headline such as
Archbishop Slain !
• The rest of the writing should be in columns and
you can use pictures to make it look interesting
Was religion important in
medieval England?
Learning Objectives
• To know the role that religion
played in the everyday lives
of medieval people
• To understand the churches
view on heaven and hell
• To be able to comment on
the importance of the
What might this
picture show?
Pay special attention to
the creatures trying to
climb the ladder
• In the Middle Ages almost everyone
believed in God and that heaven and hell
were real places
• If you lived a good life on earth and went
to church then you would probably go to
• However if you committed crimes, didn't
pray much and were a bad person you
would face the horrors of hell
• The church was the centre of many peoples
lives and of communities
• They played an essential role
• A Church was seen as a lively place, full of
laughter, conversation and activity
Using the sheet decorate with your own
pictures to represent the role of the church!
Copy and Complete
Everyone believed in ____________ and went to
___________ in the Middle Ages. The local
Church was a busy place and children’s games,
plays and summer __________ were sometimes
held in the _________ ______. People tried to
lead good lives because they wanted to go to
___________. They were afraid of_________.
Was religion important in
medieval England?
• Choose yes or no and then give 3 reasons
for your response
I believe that religion in medieval England
was/was not important because...
What was life like for
medieval monks?
Learning Objectives
• To know what everyday life
was like for a monk
• To understand the rules
monks had to obey and why
• To be able to comment on
why people chose this life
Some men decided to spend their whole life worshipping God. They left their
villages and went to live in the local monastery as monks. A monastery was a
large stone building where the monks would spend their days praying, working
hard and caring for others. Becoming a monk meant following a strict set of
rules which were written by a monk called St Benedict.
What do you think these rules should be?
On your copy write the following rules
that were designed by St Benedict:
1. spend his life in service to God
2. give away his property to others
3. obey the abbot (the head of the
monastery) at all times
4. wear a habit (the robe) and sandals
and shave the top of his head
(known as the tonsure)
5. stay in the monastery until he dies
Miss Sword
Read the diary of novice Arthur aged 13 ¾ and answer the following
1. At what time did Arthur:
• Get up for prayer?
• Go to sleep at night?
2. In what ways did Monks in monasteries try and help local people and
3. Describe what went on in the
• Refectory?
• Scriptorium?
• Infirmary?
4. Name two types of punishment Arthur may have received in the
What was life like for
medieval monks?
Life for a medieval monk was _______________________________.
Write about 3 things they have to do throughout the day.
Early mornings