Alliteration & Kennings

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Transcript Alliteration & Kennings

 The
repetition of consonant sounds in
words that are close to one another
 Often
at the beginning of words
Increases poem’s rhythmic and musical
 Makes
a poem’s lines memorable
Examples of Alliteration
 Sally
sells seashells at the sea shore
 Peter
Piper picked a peck of pickled
 Hot-hearted
Beowulf was bent upon battle
Search & Share
 Search
for 3 examples of alliteration in
Beowulf and record them in your
 Share
with your group and add to your list
metaphorical phrase or compound
word used to name a person, place, thing,
or event indirectly
 The
compound word describe a
characteristic or quality.
 Provides
 Makes
the lines easier to remember
Examples of Kennings
 Headhunter
Person who seeks out qualified professionals
for a particular job
 Gas-guzzler
A car that uses a large amount of gas
 Whale-road
The ocean
 Shepherd
of evil
Search & Share
 Read
section 5 of Beowulf
 Find
2 examples of kennings in section 5
and record them in your notebook
 Share
with your group and add to your list
 #1:
Find song lyrics that use alliteration.
 #2: Create Kennings
Create kennings for Snookie, Grendel,
Facebook, & a classmate in your group
 #3:
Analyzing Kennings
Complete the handout analyzing modern
 #4:
Create Your Own Kenning
Create a kenning for yourself. Write a
paragraph explaining its meaning. Mount
onto construction paper
Do Now
 Finish
reading Part 4 The Arrival of the Hero
(p. 25 line165-189)
 What
do you think the purpose of Part 4
character who contrasts another
 The
contrast emphasizes the differences
between the characters
 This
brings out the unique qualities in each
Gallery Walk
 TChart
Compare Unferth’s argument & Beowulf’s
 Reflection
• What are Unferth’s possible motives for
challenging Beowulf?
• Apply your knowledge of foil characters.
What does the foil relationship teach us
about Beowulf?
• Do you think this dialogue shows Beowulf as
more of an epic hero or less of one?
Modern Script
 Interpret
the dialogue between Unferth &
 Write
a script using modern language
reflecting their conflict
 Consider
 20
each character’s argument
lines total
 Figure
of speech that makes a
comparison between two unlike things
without using like or as.
Example: His love is a rose
Extended Metaphor
o A metaphor that is developed over several
lines of poetry or throughout a whole poem.
o Page 1196
Think Pair Share
 Independently,
find an extended
metaphor in section 7 on page 30
 Discuss
 Hint:
with a partner
Consider Beowulf’s defeat of the sea