Poetic Devices in Beowulf

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Poetic Devices in Beowulf
Alliterationtwo initial consonant sounds repeated
A. Used in modern poetry, but more
extensive in Anglo-Saxon literature
B. In Beowulf, alliteration exists in almost
every line, with at least one alliterative
word in each hemi-stiche.
C. Double alliteration: two initial
consonant sounds that are repeated
Wyrm wobogen wealden ne moste
Geaf me sine ond symbel, sibbe germunde
a metaphorical compound word
used as a poetic device
Signifies a person or thing by a
characteristic or quality
A noun renamed in a creative way,
generally compounding two words
Bone-house = body
Whale-road = ocean
Gold friend of men = generous prince / king
Ring-giver = lord
Flashing-light = sword
A figure of speech involving a direct comparison,
using the words “like” or “as” between two basically
unlike things that have something in common
Not usually found in Anglo Saxon
poetry, but there are a few in Beowulf
Our love is like a forest fire (compares
love with fire; commonality = burning,
out of control)
Like sands through the hour glass, so
are the days of our lives
a negative expression usually in the
form of an understatement
It is a grimly humorous statement, an
ironic remark
Fits with the tough and gloomy
outlook of Anglo Saxon life
EXAMPLE-”Hildeburh had no cause
to praise the Jutes.”
–The Jutes have just killed his brother
author’s choice of words and
phrases in a literary work
In Beowulf, the diction is elevated and
generalized, like the diction of other
epic poetry
Number of repetitions , number of
circumlocutions—use of many words
where a few would do)
Used to help the poet memorize lines
and as a guide when telling the story
EXAMPLE = Boasts
Another Litote Example
When Grendel’s mother makes a
revenge attack and murders a king’s
man the poet observes “no good
bargain that they had to pay with the
life of a friend.”
“bargain” and “pay” are mild terms in
comparison to the horror of what
Gnomic Sayings
Short sayings with a moral or ethical basis;
general observations about common
concerns of life.
Sometimes a general truth is stated, a simple observation
based on human experience
wise sayings or 'lore' . 'Gnomic' means wisdom and the
verses reveal interesting things about the society and the
world view of the people who made them. Although the
verses do not rhyme, they have a distinct rhythm which
makes them memorable. This was a common function of
'poetry' in ancient times: the rhythms helped people to
remember important information.
Example: It was wise on his part to leave her room.
Examples: lines 24-5 as ‘Behavior that’s admired / is that
path to power among people everywhere’
a short narrative focusing on one
Example: The Fight at Finnsburg
» Heremond
Rarely mentioned only by name
Use of an identifier
Hrothgar, ring-giver, a gold friend
Beowulf, Ecgtheow’s son
Poetic Analysis of lines 130-237
Identify 12 examples of alliteration
Cite the line, underline the alliterated words
Identify 7 examples of kennings
Cite the line, underline the kenning, identify
what the kenning means
Write a detailed summary of what occurs in
lines 130-237
How does understanding these poetic
devices help us better understand the
meaning of the poem?
your group must write your own
examples of the following devices:
5 examples of alliteration (I suggest writing a short
poem to do so)
5 examples of kennings (using modern day people
or things)
5 examples of similes (must then show the
comparison and commonality)
1 example o varying diction (write a sentence or
two with an elevated diction write the same
sentence with a simple diction)
2 examples of litotes (show why it is a litote)
2 examples of gnomic sayings (explain them)