Transcript Slide 1

Town of Morrisville

Airport Overlay District

Thursday, November 8, 2012


• Airport Overlay District included as part of 1985 update to the Morrisville Zoning Ordinance • • Reasons for the Airport Overlay District:  insure the safety and welfare of the community from annoyance of aircraft noise;    danger from falling aircraft, limit land uses to specific nonresidential uses; confine, to the extent possible, land affected by this overlay district to industrial, commercial, agricultural or recreational uses which are not subject to high population concentrations ensure that such uses are located, designed, constructed and maintained in a manner compatible with activities associated with air traffic and services The orderly development of land is necessary to achieve the goals and objectives of the town and the Airport Overlay District is designed to promote the most appropriate use of land affected by airport activities

Current Framework

• Part C, Article III, Section 1 of the Morrisville Zoning Ordinance • The Airport Overlay District supersedes the permitted uses and specific development requirements that would normally be permitted within the underlying district.

• The Airport Overlay District is further divided into two (2) subdistricts: • • Sub-district A: that area located east of Chapel Hill Road (NC54) found within the 65 Ldn Sub-district B: that area located west of Chapel Hill Road (NC54) found within the 65 Ldn

Sub-district A Sub-district B

Sub-district A


Prohibits several uses including New residential construction (including mobile homes) • • • • • Rooming and boarding houses Nursing and personal care facilities Hospitals Correctional institutions Petroleum refining and related industries (including aboveground storage tanks) • • Schools, Public or private Day Care Center Allows other uses only with soundproofing, such as: • Hotels and motels • • Theatres Amusement and commercial and private recreation services (except low intensity uses such as golf courses and stables) • • Post secondary educational institutions Private clubs

Sub-district B


All land uses permitted in the underlying zoning district are allowed, subject to compliance with Soundproofing and Avigation Easement provisions


• During site plan review for development within the Airport Overlay District Sub-district A and Sub-district B, a letter describing sound mitigation techniques to be employed on the building(s) shall be submitted by a qualified professional.

Avigation Easement

• Defined as the right of overflight in the airspace above or in the vicinity of a particular property • The Ordinance requires developers whose property is within the Airport Overlay District Sub-district A and Sub-district B to grant an Avigation Easement to the Raleigh-Durham Airport Authority for the subject property