Transcript Slide 1

Presented by Jonathan Mort, Director,
Retirement Fund Specialized Services
(24 October 2006)
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Pension Fund Second Amendment Act, No. 39 of 2001
(“the surplus legislation”)
Promulgated on 7 December 2001
Introduced certain definitions
Sections 14A, 14B, 15A – 15K
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Surplus Scheme Provisions
Every fund must submit a surplus apportionment
scheme as at the effective date of its first
statutory actuarial valuation after 7 December
2001 (SAD) (section 15B(1))
Add to actuarial surplus the amount of any
improper use (section 15B(5)(a))
Deduct minimum benefits due to former
members and minimum pension increase
adjustment due to pensioners (section 15B(5)(b))
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Surplus Scheme Provisions (cont)
Residue must be “equitably split between
existing members, former members and the
employer in such proportions as the board shall
determine after taking account of the financial
history of the fund” (section 15B(5)(c))
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Section 15B(6) – The Improper Use
 Section 15B(6)
“Surplus utilised improperly by the employer prior to the surplus apportionment date shall consist
the cost of benefit improvements for executives in excess of the cost that would have
applied had the executives enjoyed the benefits provided to other members;
the cost of any additional pensions or deferred pensions granted to selected members in
lieu of the employer’s obligation to subsidise the medical costs after retirement of those
the cost to recognize prior pensionable service for selected members or for members
transferred into the fund in excess of any amount paid into the fund in respect of such prior
service; and
the value of any contribution holiday enjoyed by the employer after the commencement
Provided that the board may exclude from surplus utilised improperly by the employer any use of
actuarial surplus which the Registrar is satisfied was approved by the members, or by trade unions
representing the members, after a clear and comprehensive communication exercise as part of a
negotiated utilisation of surplus by stakeholders.”
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Sanlam Case – In Limine Points
The issue is whether the improper use provisions had any
retrospective effect to a date prior to 7 December 2001
Points in limine by the Registrar
Application brought by the Chairman of the Board of
the Trustees with no ostensible authority
The fund should have been cited as a party
The FMR should have been joined as a party
A declaratory order was not an appropriate remedy in
this matter
Points in limine dismissed
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Arguments by the Registrar
The word “prior” is not qualified and therefore,
according to the Registrar, there is no limit to its
Employers devised “spurious” schemes to
“access” the surplus
Improper use provisions were necessary to
“rectify the past misappropriation of assets of the
fund at the hands of an employer”
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Registrar’s Arguments (cont)
Surplus which benefited an employer other than
through a proper process of negotiation “has
always been unlawful or improper”
Schemes of improper use were “in all instances
ultra vires the powers of the particular pension
fund and in some instances amounted to
fraudulent actions on the part of the participating
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Registrar’s Arguments (cont)
FSB Appeal Board decision in BKB Group Retirement
Fund v Registrar on 14 December 2004
Court held that if the rules of a fund permitted the surplus
to be utilised in that way then it was lawful
Court held that if the actions of a fund were ultra vires
then remedial legislation was not necessary
The word “prior” – expresio unius est exclusion alterius
(section 15B(6)(d))
National Uranium Tanker Company v MV Partias GC
1995 (1) SA 475 (A) – presumption against retrospectivity
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Decision of the Court
Court declared that section 15B(5)(a) and 15B(6)
do not apply retrospectively to any date prior to 7
December 2001
Costs of the application awarded against the
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Where To Now?
Registrar has lodged an application for leave to appeal
Is the Sanlam judgment binding pending the appeal?
MV Snow Delta Serva Ship Limited v Discount Tonnage
Limited 2000 (4) SA 746 (SCA)
MV Triena Haji-Iannou v MV Tirena 1998 (2) SA 938 (D)
Beinash v Reynolds NO 1999 (1) SA 1094 (W)
Once the appeal is noted the judgment is suspended
Retrospectivity of former member claims?
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What Do Trustees Do Now?
Schemes which have been approved by the Registrar
where improper use was paid in by the company or
account taken of it in apportioning the residual surplus
Schemes which have been submitted to the Registrar but
not yet approved
Schemes which are in the process of being devised and
have not yet been submitted to the Registrar
Insurance claim / estoppel in respect of claims by
employer where improper use paid in and not
Who will win the race – legislation or the appeal?
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Thank you for listening.
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