MDP - Episcopal Church of Cuba

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Episcopal Church of Cuba Missionary Development Program (MDP)

Office phone: (53 7) 831-9937 [email protected]

Comprehensive Development of Missionary Work

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Missionary Work produces the development of new missionary, pastoral and technical capacities; the promotion of values, rescuing the socio-cultural identity, promotion of spirituality and creativity, the sustainable use of natural resources, as well as any other initiative contributing to human development.

We seek to bring about changes of vision, empowering and articulating our work with other social actors. The service of the Church should bring about happiness, joy and faith.

We understand that a community of faith must go beyond the walls of the church building and reach the surrounding community, as one of the main forms for sharing the Gospel.

Our opening towards society, grounded on our faith in Jesus Christ, calls for dynamics of gathering, inclusion and integration.

Church Leader for Community Development?

A Christian person with leadership skills, who follows God’s calling to enlighten society from the Gospel and to promote development in this one, using all of the potentialities and spiritual resources provided by their faith communities and socio-cultural context.

Missionary Development Program (MDP)

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One objective of the Strategic Planning is the ‘implementation of development strategies through specific projects and programs leading to the transformation and the comprehensive growth in the Diocese life.’ MDP is the instrument for the Episcopal Church of Cuba to develop opportunities for service and the search for a better quality of life in the communities of the Diocese, as well as contributing to the strengthening of its institutional capacities.

What areas does the MDP support?

• PDM supports initiatives that address the solution of real problems, related to the comprehensive missionary development, at an episcopal church community, including Christian education, biblical-theological ecclesiastical groups and vulnerable sectors.

training and accompaniment of different ecclesiastical and non • PDM specially supports sustainable food production, food culture, the rational use of natural resources and alternative sources of energy, ecological animal-raising and the use of eco-friendly technology to protect God’s creation.

MDP’s donors

The MDP is supported by Canada’s Primate´s World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF) and the United States’ Episcopal Relief & Development Agency (ERD).

What are we doing in the MDP? A triennial program (2013-2015) seeks to train lay and clergy leadership for projects aimed at the development of the community.

Training Cycle: Successfully carried out during two years (2013-2014) through the celebration of various encounters that took place in the Eastern (Santiago de Cuba) and Western (La Habana) regions.

The workshops made it possible for MDP to work with 64 people trained in projects management, who also had immediate access to MDP Projects Folder.

Implemented projects 2014 Totals of direct beneficiaries Lay and clergy people as “Church Leaders for Community Development” People b e nefitted by i mplemented micro-projects Sub total Totals of indirect beneficiaries Totals Totals 64 139 203 209 412 8 Women 30 84 114 133 247 Men 34 55 89 76 165 People who were indirectly benefitted – includes non-church families interested in the experience, decision-makers, local associations and NGOs, indirect consumers of handcrafted goods, staff from other programs and projects, as well as the staff from the Cuban Episcopalian Women’s Association and young people.

Benefits for families of the community, both affiliated and non affiliated with the church

Santa María Virgen Church, Itabo, Matanzas

The community has developed missions and self sustaining, agro-ecological projects

Blankingship Camp

Improved nutritional balance by adding animal prot e in to the breeding of rabbits in backyards Episcopal Church of San Andres, Manati, Las Tunas

Coordinator: Geonel Ramón Ramas Sobrecuevas

Resources for improving the quality of life of elderly people Episcopal Parish of San Francisco de Asís, Cardenas, Matanzas

Coordinator: Jesús Ramírez Torres

Raised awareness about Gender issues (ECC - OMEC)

Coordinator: Laura Sarraff

Improved nutritional balance of families Church of ‘San Pablo’, Cienfuegos.

Coordinator: Mayelín Águeda Jorrín

Improved food security for the community ‘El Llano’ Church of San Marcos, Holguin

Coordinator: Noel Josué Rodríguez Santos

Formation of values, creative abilities, manual skills and Christian education in the community Church of San Juan Bautista, Palma Soriano, Santiago de Cuba

Coordinator: Teresa N. Quevedo Ferrer

Better attention to children and employment issues Church of San Lucas, Santiago

Coordinator: Yeleny Bello Marrero

Improved food security for 10 families Church of San Jorge, Bartle, Las Tunas

Coordinator: Yordanis Oscar Acosta Porta

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This experience is completely new for the Cuban Diocese.

While it was necessary to carry out quite int e nse work and time was limited, still the results of the process were deemed satisf a ctory.

Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice. 5 Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; 6 do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Phil 4.4-7