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Research Agenda Concept Dr. Francis W. Wambalaba, PhD.,




Office of Research and Program Development

Background Context

  Research Weakness at USIU  Previous strength in teaching & community service.

 Concerns by WASC, CHE & Stakeholders about Research at USIU.

Opportune Time for USIU Research   Office and Director for RAPD.

Time for Strategic Plan.

 Government Interest in University Research.


   Objectives:   Present current vision of the research directorate.

Engage faculty in the development of the research agenda at USIU.

Anticipated Outcomes   An Engaged Faculty.

A Research Agenda.

Subtopic Areas 1.

The Decision Making Process 2.

The Research Agenda at USIU 3.

The Research Concept Vision

1. Decision Making Process

 The decision making process is anticipated to be informed through three key avenues:  The Grants and Research Coordinating Committee.

  The Research Technical Subcommittee.

Stakeholder Forums and Surveys.

a) Grants & Research Coordinating Committee

  Objectives    Provides guidance on strategies & funding.

Reviews progress made.

Makes recommendations on key decisions.

To meet once a semester.

  Includes     Deans of Respective Schools.

Director of IPD who also provides the secretariat.

Director of CELT The Librarian IT Director    Alumni representative. Director of RAPID as its chair DVCAA attends by choice

b) Research Technical Subcommittee

  Objectives   Advice on planning, implementation and operation strategies for managing research agenda.

Identify areas of opportunities and challenges.

Meets once a month  Includes      Directors of Research Centers:  CEED   SUDC Others to come.

Chair of Faculty Senate Academic and Research Committee Chair of IRB, Student Affairs Council rep. Director of RAPD chairs subcommittee

c) Stakeholder Forums & Surveys

 Forums    Faculty colloquia.

Research outcomes development process.

Research centers concept.

 Surveys   Faculty profile surveys.

Faculty research agenda process.

2. The Research Agenda at USIU

Two Concurrent Phases  The transition phase of the research agenda.

 Developing a Research Culture & Inventory at USIU.

Redefining Research Scholarship.

 Embedding Research Process in Long Range Planning.

  

Research Plan Concept.

Context of Academic Plan.

Context of Strategic Plan.

a) Redefining Research Scholarship at USIU

Three Philosophical Aspects Worth Considering.

Role of Research at Universities.

Pedagogy and Scholarship.

Applied Versus Abstract or Basic Research

i) Role of Research at Universities:

School/University Dichotomy  Humboldts 1810 dichotomy between “university” and “school”.

  “School is concerned essentially with agreed and accepted knowledge.” University treats scholarship always “in terms of not yet completely solved problems, whether in research or teaching”   “The teacher is then not there for the sake of the student, but both have their justification in the service of scholarship”. Role of faculty and students is to enhance scholarship defined by Ashby (1958) as ‘the empirical approach to knowledge’.

ii) Pedagogy & Scholarship Dichotomy

  Elton (2008) in his paper on Scholarship of Teaching & Learning (SOTL) attempts to narrow Humboldt’s dichotomy.

Argues for a synthesis between:  Disciplinary as well as generic teaching and learning…….

with  …..disciplinary research and research into teaching and learning.

USIU Experience in Pedagogy and Scholarship

   Both disciplinary & research into scholarship.

Scholarship indirectly informing on Pedagogy  Revealing from faculty profile.

Scholarship directly informing on Pedagogy  Disciplinary Research.

 Case Studies Research  Conference: Researching & Teaching in French.

   SBA Strategic Management Course Research into Scholarship.

 Simulations Exercises (student’s research)  SAS International Relations Model UN August 2008 Symposium  Quality Assurance in Higher Ed.

iii) Applied Versus Abstract or Basic Research Dichotomy.

  Applied research is designed to solve practical problems of the modern world  rather than to acquire knowledge for knowledge's sake Goal is to improve the

human condition

necessitated by the problems resulting from global overpopulation, pollution, the overuse of the earth's natural resources” etc.

  Basic (fundamental or pure ) research is driven by a scientist's curiosity or interest in a scientific question.

The main motivation is to expand man's knowledge , not to create or invent something.

Emerging Trends: Experience in the United States

  Major government research funding geared towards applied research.

 National Science Foundation (NSF),  The US Energy Department  The National Institute of Health (NIH) Industry which due to stiff competition has also redirected business funding towards applied research

Experience at USIU

        Amb. D. Kikaya, UN HABITAT Grant,

Evaluation of Mshariki innovations in local governance Awards program (MILGAP)

 Prof. J. Kahindi, Global Environment Facility (GEF) and United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) Fund,

Conservation and Management of Below Ground Biodiversity Project.

 Dr. F. Wambalaba, ICBE/Trust Africa Grant,

Public-Private Alliances: A Case Study of Strategies for Urban Restoration in Kenya


 Dr. F. Wambalaba, CHE Grant,

Determinants and Strategies for Improved Water Supply for Rural Peasants in Kenya


 Dr. M. Muniafu, The 1420 Foundation Grant,

Sustainable Development Education

 Dr. M. Muniafu, AWSE and ICRAF, Funded,

Integrating HIV/AIDS into existing undergraduate common courses.

 Dr. J. Arasa, Codesria, Grant,

Reproductive health and rights of persons with disabilities.

3. Proposed Research Concept Vision

Strengthening Faculty Academic Research Strengthening Student Academic Research Strengthening Research Support Services

a) Vision for Strengthening Faculty Academic Research

   Enhance Existing Research Centers   Enhance CEED Formalize SUDIC Create New Research Centers       Initiate International Relations & Communications Center Initiate Center for Public Policy and Non Governmental Studies Develop a Forum for Exchange of Ideas Host conferences & workshops Initiate Faculty Colloquium Public Lecture Series Select proceedings for publications (see 3c below).

b) Vision for Strengthening Student Academic Research

              Streamline thesis/project process Introduce graduate student advisor system Develop guidelines for graduate student supervisory process Develop and harmonize research handbooks Expand the graduate student colloquium Introduce a research colloquium class Introduce an after research workshop for practitioners Select findings or proceedings for publications (see 3c below).

Develop a Graduate Student Research program Institutionalize and implement GRA pool program Enhance graduate research mentorship Initiate an undergraduate university scholars program Forum for undergraduate student scholarship engagement Develop a university honors program writing thesis.

 

c) Vision for Strengthening Research Support Services

        Promote a culture of grant funded activities Engage government for research funding.

Solicit and engage faculty to solicit research grants Support and enhance the case writing culture Solicit and engage faculty to solicit funded training opportunities Institutionalize grant writing workshops.

Develop a Research Park concept Collaborative partnerships with government for research contracts.

Collaborative partnerships with business for research contracts.

Collaborative partnerships with non governmental for research contracts   Revive University Publications  Start use of ISBN designation  Publish journals Publish books  Develop Policy Guidelines  Guidelines for research centers    Guidelines for collaborative research Guidelines for Human Subjects Guidelines for Student Research Papers (grad & undergrad).

Concluding Observations

   Importance of thinking beyond our region.

   Academia is very much international.

Create a rising tide to lift all the boats.

Attraction and retention of alumni funding.

With grants, you can write own cheque.

  You set your own rates (competitive international rates).

Include equipment (lap tops, printers etc).

Need to be engaged.

 Professional growth.

Next Colloquia

     July 2, Peter Kiriri,

Entrepreneurship Education in MBA Program at USIU

July 7, Moses Onyango,

Post Conflict Reconstruction in Kenya, Kenya China Trade Relations, Inclusiveness in Academic institutions in Kenya.

July 16, Tabitha Ndungu,

Multidisciplinary Approach in Research

July 23, Mwanashehe Mohamed,

Trials and tribulations of Women’s Wholesale/Retail Businesses.

July 30, Akosa Wambalaba,

Public-Private Partnerships.

Now Accepting Fall 2008 Proposals

Thank You

Dr. Francis W. Wambalaba, PhD.,




Office of Research and Program Development (RAPD)