Assistantship Policies and Procedures

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Transcript Assistantship Policies and Procedures

Spring 2015
Types of Assistantships
 GRA: Research Assistantship
 GTA: Teaching Assistantship
 Some students may have a combination of both
Term of appointment
 9 month
 Summer
 12 month (contracts usually issued in 2 parts: 9 month
+ summer)
 Single semester (Fall or Spring)
 note-single semester contracts do not include a payment
in January over semester break
Level of Effort
 Part time: 10 hours per week compensated
 Full time: 20 hours per week compensated
 All students are limited to 20 hours per week
 Can have 2 part time appointments to make a full time
position, or an hourly position and an assistantship
 Additional time above paid hours is considered
academic time
Level of Effort
 Hours related to a research position must be logged on a
daily basis using the assistantship work log system
(Teaching Assistants are not required to log hours)
 Will be submitted monthly to your supervisor for
Beginning work
 Pick up contract from department secretary; deliver
signed copy to Graduate Office
 Complete Human Resource paperwork (at this session;
submit any remaining documents as soon as possible)
 Discuss expectations with your supervisor
 Check your SNAP access for work log system
Pay dates
 Pay dates are the last working day of the month
 9 month contracts: paid September-May
 Summer: paid June-August
 Fall only: September-December
 Spring only: February-May
 note-single semester contracts for fall/spring do not
include a payment in January over semester break
Tuition reduction
 All graduate assistants are entitled to reduced tuition
with a qualifying assistantship
 Tuition and fees are due at the beginning of the
semester (prior to payment of assistantship stipend)
 Can sign up for a payment plan of 3-4 monthly payments
Note that the last day to sign up for the payment plan is
January 12!
Sign up through WebAdvisor or contact the Cashier’s office if
you have questions
Registration Requirements
 ALL students on assistantship must be registered for at
least 9 credits
 9 credits must be maintained throughout the entire
 Dropped courses below 9 credits are subject to full
tuition rates
 Must maintain satisfactory academic standing.
Students on probation are not eligible for assistantship
funding without special approval
 Ask your supervisor first
 Check with the program secretary
 Paycheck questions:
 Human Resources, Oharra Building
 Tuition questions:
 Cashier’s office, Surbeck Center
 Grad Office, Chem building, c2201