Transcript Radiation

Activity and Exposure
Radiation: Energy (electromagnetic waves
or particulates)
Ionization: The removal of electrons from
an atom
Ionizing Radiation: Particles or rays with
sufficient energy to remove electrons from
• The ionized atom causes changes
• which MAY damage cells,
• which MAY cause health effects
Radiation dosimetry: quantitative
description of the effect of radiation on
living tissue
Types of Detectors
1) Ionization chambers
– Ion pairs are formed in gas as a fast charged particle passes through.
Under the influence of an electric field, this generates a current.
2) Proportional counters
Gas filled detector – introduced in 1940’s. Operated in pulsed mode- using
amplification by avalanche breakdown in the gas. Can be used in very
low count situations.
3) Geiger-Mueller counters
Gas filled detector – Operated in pulsed mode- but with very high voltage
Types of Detectors cont.
4) Scintillators (and Photomultiplier tubes)
Converts kinetic energy of charged particles into proportionate
amounts of detectable light via luminescence. Work predominantly
through Photoelectric Effect.
5) Thermoluminescent detectors (TLD)/Semiconductor Diode detectors
TLDs consist of a small crystalline dielectric. Heating the crystal
releases the energy.
6) Film
Silver bromide (AgBr) grains embedded in gelatin layer.
7) many many miscellaneous detectors
• Activity: The change in the number of nuclei
over a change in time.
• Decay Constant: Proportionality constant
relating the activity of a radioactive substance
to the number of decaying particles
• Half-life: the time interval required for the
quantity to decay to half of its initial value
•A common, but old unit of activity is the
Curie (Ci), which was historically defined
as the activity of 1g of pure 226Ra
•1 Ci = 3.70 x 1010 decays/s or 3.70x 1010
The SI unit for activity is the Becquerel
(Bq), where 1 Bq is equal to one
disintegration per second. Laboratory
source normally have activities in
the range kBq to MBq.
Absorbed Dose is the energy absorbed
per unit mass of material. Consequently,
it varies for different materials. The SI unit
is the Gray (Gy), the absorption of an
average of one joule of energy per
kilogram of mass in the target material. A
more common unit is the rad. One gray
equals 100 rads.
The rate of energy deposition along the particle
track is known as the linear energy transfer
Types of radiation with a large linear
energy transfer, such as heavy charged
particles (eg alpha particles) cause greatest
biological damage compared to radiation
with a low linear energy transfer (eg
Dose Equivalent measures the
biological effect of radiation interacting
in material. This is important to quantify
since the effects of absorbing equal
amounts of energy per unit mass can
vary greatly depending on the type of
radiation (particle).
Sievert (Sv) – SI unit of dose equivalent
rem – Roentgen Equivalent in Man; common
unit of dose equivalent; 1 sievert = 100 rem
Dose equivalent is related directly to the absorbed dose by a
quality factor Q that characterizes the biological effect of a
particular type of radiation.
Dose Equivalent = Dose x Quality Factor
Quality factor Q for different types of radiation
Radiation type
Quality factor Q
X-rays, β, γ-rays
low energy protons and neutrons
high energy protons and neutrons
alpha particles
a measure of how damaging a given
type of particle is when compared to
an equivalent dose of x-rays
US Average ~ 360 mrem/yr
Denver, CO ~ 700 mrem/yr
Brazil (beaches) ~ 5,000 mrem/yr
General Public Dose
Limit = 100 mrem/yr
Occupational Dose
Limit = 5,000 mrem/yr
*Activity, Cause of Death
• Smoking 1 cigarette Cancer, Heart Disease
• Travel 50 miles by car Fatal Accident
• Drinking 30 cans of diet soda Cancer (saccharin)
• Eating 100 grilled steaks Cancer (benzopyrene)
• Chest X-ray (10 mrem) Cancer
• *Performing this activity increases your chance
of dying by one in a million (1 x 10 - 6 )
Ionizing Radiation Overview
• Can not see it, feel it, or smell it
• - we must rely on training and equipment to
protect ourselves
• Relatively simple to detect and measure
• - unlike chemical and biological hazards
• - we can quickly assess and take action
• Biological effects have been intensely studied
• for 50 years