SE Curriculum - Portland State University

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INCOSE, Head of Education and Research © 2007, INCOSE, All Rights Reserved. Dr. Rashmi Jain [email protected]; 1

SE Curriculum WG • Scope: Focus on existing SE centric


graduate level courses offered by various institutions and universities across the US.

• SE Curriculum WG was formed to discuss the relevant issues on the subject and provide guidance.

• The group represented several institutions from academia, industry, and government both from the US and overseas

1 basic and advanced level programs leading to a bachelors or higher degree in SE comprise a distinct category with a discipline-like focus. Included herein are only those degree programs where the concentration is designated as SE; where SE is the intended major area of study.

© 2007, INCOSE, All Rights Reserved. Dr. Rashmi Jain [email protected]; 2

Research Methodology • Survey of Existing Programs:

– Initial survey of existing SE programs was based on previous work and reports on graduate curriculum, personal phone calls, and follow-up emails to the department heads.

– The database was organized to provide details on the name of the university, program, core courses, elective courses, program contact details, course credit, pedagogy, and mode of delivery.

– SE curriculum WG reviewed the list of programs, provided inputs for its completeness and recommended a format for a curriculum framework.

© 2007, INCOSE, All Rights Reserved. Dr. Rashmi Jain [email protected]; 3

Research Methodology • Survey of Existing Programs:

– Second round of on-going survey based on • letters to the universities, • graduate catalogs obtained from universities, • information provided by the program contacts, • course descriptions obtained from the program websites and catalogs, • published papers on SE curriculum, • INCOSE directory, • , • university websites, and • professional societies.

– Updates based on follow-up e-mails requesting confirmation of each university’s SE program and course information sent to the contacts at the universities (37.5% return rate).

© 2007, INCOSE, All Rights Reserved. Dr. Rashmi Jain [email protected]; 4

SE Degrees Awarded by University

# Institution

1 Air Force Institute of Technology 2 Boston University 3 California State University - Fullerton 4 Colorado School of Mines 5 Cornell University 6 Florida Institute of Technology 7 George Mason University 8 George Washington University 9 Iowa State University 10 Johns Hopkins University 11 Loyola Marymount University 12 Naval Postgraduate School 13 Oakland University 14 Old Dominion University 15 Pennsylvania State University - Valley 16 Polytechnic University - Farmingdale 17 Portland State University 18 Rochester Institute of Technology 19 Southern Methodist University 20 Southern Polytechnic State University 21 State University of NY - Binghamton 22 Stevens Institute of Technology 23 University of Alabama - Huntsville 24 University of Arizona

25 University of Arkansas - Little Rock

26 University of Idaho 27 University of Maryland 28 University of Missouri - Rolla 29 University of Pennsylvania 30 University of Southern California 31 University of Virginia

32 U.S. Military Academy 33 U.S. Naval Academy

34 Virginia Tech 35 Washington University

B* M* P*



X M.S., Ph.D. in Systems Engineering X X X M.S., Ph.D. in Systems Engineering M.S. Option in Systems Engineering X X X X X X X M.E., M.S., Ph.D. in Engineering Systems M.E., Systems Engineering Option M.S. in Systems Engineering B.S., M.S. in Systems Engineering X X X X X B.S., M.S., Ph.D. in Systems Analysis and Engineering M.S. in Systems Engineering M.S. in Systems Engineering, Post Masters Certificate M.S. in Systems Engineering X X




X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X M.S. in Systems Engineering X B.S., M.S., Ph.D. in Systems Engineering M.S. in Systems Engineering M.E. in Systems engineering M.S. in Systems Engineering and Integration M.E. in Systems Engineering M.E. in Systems Engineering M.S. in Systems Engineering M.S. in Systems Engineering M.S. in Systems Engineering X M.E., Ph.D. in Systems Engineering X M.S.E., Ph.D. in Systems Engineering X B.S., M.S., Ph.D. in Systems Engineering

B.S. in Systems Engineering

M.E. Systems Engineering & Systems Thinking X M.E., M.S., Ph.D. in Systems Engineering M.S. in Systems Engineering X B.S., M.S.E., Ph.D. in System Science and Engineering M.S. in Systems Architecture and Engineeing X B.S., M.S., Ph.D. in Systems Engineering

B.S. in Systems Engineering B.S. In Systems Engineering

M.E., M.S. in Systems Engineering M.S. in Systems Science and Engineering © 2007, INCOSE, All Rights Reserved. Dr. Rashmi Jain [email protected]; *B = Bachelors *M = Masters *P = Ph.D.


Research Methodology

• Competencies focused curriculum – SE curriculum WG and researchers agreed that the curriculum framework should address the SE competencies needs of the industry – SE competencies (Appendix 1) that were considered were derived based on: • Engineering Process Improvement, “SE Curriculum”, EPI 270-15 Rev. 1.1, April 5, 2006, Lockheed Martin, 2006.

• INCOSE UK Advisory Board, “Systems Engineering Core Competencies Framework”, INCOSE UK, 2005. This report referenced the following: – International Standards Organization ISO15288, – Capability Maturity Model Integration, – EIA731, – INCOSE Systems Engineering Body of Knowledge & Handbook, – NASA Handbook, – IEE/BCS Safety Competency Guidelines, – A review of systems engineering competency work conducted by: BAE Systems, EADS Astrium, General Dynamics, Loughborough University, Ministry of Defense (Director General Smart Acquisition), Thales, University College London, and feedback from the Systems Engineering Community.

• Stevens Internal Survey, Feb, 2003, and • Others © 2007, INCOSE, All Rights Reserved. Dr. Rashmi Jain [email protected]; 6

Research Methodology • Review of the existing SE programs:

– Identified commonalities in course contents based on the review of SE program course descriptions.

– Defined initial set of Topical Areas (TA) addressing both the industry required SE competencies & incorporate the breadth of courses offered by the SE programs.

– Defined the 'best fit' category for each university's SE courses • Sorted courses by categorization • Baseline course descriptions • Reiterative process – Reviewed completeness of content.

© 2007, INCOSE, All Rights Reserved. Dr. Rashmi Jain [email protected]; 7

Research Methodology • Review of the existing SE programs:

– Each course was placed into one of the four levels (Appendix 2) • Level 0: Foundation Courses • Level 1: Introductory Courses • Level 2: Core Courses • Level 3: Specialization Courses – Topical areas were cross referenced to industry needs through QFD • Identified potential gaps in the process or gaps in the capability to meet industry needs.

• Process was repeated until industry needs were sufficiently addressed and Topical Areas were refined into some suggested topical areas for a SE curriculum.

© 2007, INCOSE, All Rights Reserved. Dr. Rashmi Jain [email protected]; 8

SE Topical Areas

• Final grouping of the sixteen topical areas into four levels 1. Foundation Courses I.

Mathematics II. Probability and Statistics 2. Introductory Courses I.

Fundamentals of Systems Engineering II. Introduction to Systems Engineering Management 3. Core Courses I.

Systems Design/Architecture II. Systems Integration and Test III. Quality, Safety and Systems Suitability IV. Modeling, Simulation and Optimization V. Decisions, Risks and Uncertainty VI. Software Systems Engineering 4. Specialization Courses I.

General Project Management II. Finance, Economics, and Cost Estimation III. Manufacturing, Production, and Operations IV. Organizational Leadership V. Engineering Ethics and Legal Considerations VI. Masters Project or Seminar © 2007, INCOSE, All Rights Reserved. Dr. Rashmi Jain [email protected]; 9

Gap Analysis

© 2007, INCOSE, All Rights Reserved. Dr. Rashmi Jain [email protected]; 10

Gaps Analyzed: SE Programs • Correlation of the topical areas with the SE competencies

– SE competencies not addressed adequately: – System concepts – Architectural design – Modeling and simulation • Closely followed by: – System requirements – Determine and manage stakeholder requirements – Super-system capability issues – SE course offerings that need improvements: • Level 1: Introductory Courses – Fundamentals of SE • Level 2: Core course – System design/architecture – Systems integration – Quality, safety, and systems suitability – Decisions, risks and uncertainty © 2007, INCOSE, All Rights Reserved. Dr. Rashmi Jain [email protected]; 11

Gaps Analyzed: SE Programs

• Correlation within the identified topical areas – Core courses that had weak relationship or absence of any relationship with some of the other topical areas • Quality, safety, and systems suitability • Modeling, simulation and optimization • Decisions, risks and uncertainty – Serious gaps were noticed between the above three and the specialized/elective offerings below: • General project management • Finance, economics, and cost estimation • Organizational leadership © 2007, INCOSE, All Rights Reserved. Dr. Rashmi Jain [email protected]; 12

Framework for reference curriculum for Graduate SE Centric Program

Level 3: (12 Credits) Level 2: Core Courses (12 Credits) Level 1: Introductory Courses (6 Credits) Specialization Courses

Software Systems Engineering

General Project Management

Finance, Economics, and Cost Estimation

Manufacturing, Production, and Operations

Organizational Leadership

Engineering Ethics and Legal Considerations

Masters Project or Seminar

• • • • • • • • • •

Systems Integration and Test Quality, Safety, and Systems Suitability Modeling, Simulation and Optimization

• • • •

Intro to Systems Engineering Management

• • • • © 2007, INCOSE, All Rights Reserved. Dr. Rashmi Jain [email protected]; 13

Appendix 1

© 2007, INCOSE, All Rights Reserved. Dr. Rashmi Jain [email protected]; 14

SE Competencies

SE Competency

Systems Thinking


Systems Thinking contains the under pinning systems concepts and the system/super system skills including the business and technological environment.

The application of the fundamental concepts of systems thinking to systems engineering. These include understanding what a system is, its context within its environment, its boundaries and interfaces and that it has a lifecycle.

Systems concepts Super-system capability issues Business and technology environment An appreciation of the role the system plays in the super system of which it is a part.

The definition, development and production of systems within an enterprise and technological environment.

© 2007, INCOSE, All Rights Reserved. Dr. Rashmi Jain [email protected]; 15

SE Competencies Continued

Holistic Lifecycle view

Determine and manage stakeholder requirements System Requirements Holistic Lifecycle View contains all the skills associated the systems lifecycle from need identification, requirements through to operation and ultimately disposal.

To analyze the stakeholder needs and expectations to establish and manage the requirements for a system.

To translate the stakeholder needs and expectations for the system into system requirements such that it reflects the true needs of the stakeholders.

© 2007, INCOSE, All Rights Reserved. Dr. Rashmi Jain [email protected]; 16

SE Competencies Continued

System Design:

Architectural design Concept generation Design for requirements of later life cycle stages Functional analysis The definition of the system architecture and derived requirements to produce a solution that can be implemented to enable a balanced and optimum result that considers all stakeholder requirements (business, technical….).

The generation of potential system solutions that meet a set of needs and demonstration that one or more credible, feasible solutions exist.

Ensuring that the requirements of later lifecycle stages are addressed at the correct point in the system design. During the design process consideration should be given to manufacturability, testability, reliability, maintainability, safety, security, flexibility, interoperability, capability growth, disposal, etc.

Analysis is used to determine which functions are required by the system to meet the requirements. It transforms the requirements into a coherent description of system functions and their interfaces that can be used to guide the design activity that follows. It consists of the decomposition of higher-level functions to lower levels and the traceable allocation of requirements to those functions.

© 2007, INCOSE, All Rights Reserved. Dr. Rashmi Jain [email protected]; 17

System Design:

SE Competencies Continued

Interface Management Maintaining Design Integrity Modeling and Simulation Select Preferred Solution System Robustness Interfaces occur where system elements interact, for example human, mechanical, electrical, thermal, data, etc. Interface Management comprises the identification, definition and control of interactions across system or system element boundaries.

Ensuring that the overall coherence and cohesion of the “evolving” design of a system is maintained, in a verifiable manner, throughout the lifecycle, and retains the original intent.

Modeling is a physical, mathematical, or logical representation of a system entity, phenomenon, or process. Simulation is the implementation of a model over time. A simulation brings a model to life and shows how a particular object or phenomenon will behave.

A preferred solution will exist at every level within the system and is selected by a formal decision making process.

A robust system is tolerant of misuse, out of spec scenarios, component failure, environmental stress and evolving needs.

© 2007, INCOSE, All Rights Reserved. Dr. Rashmi Jain [email protected]; 18

System Design:

SE Competencies Continued

Integration & Verification Validation Transition to Operation Systems Integration is a logical process for assembling the system. Systems Verification is the checking of a system against its design – “did we build the system right?”. Systems integration and verification includes testing of all interfaces, data flows, control mechanisms, performance and behaviour of the system against the system requirements; and qualification against the super system environment (e.g. Electro Magnetic Compatibility, thermal, vibration, humidity, fungus growth, etc).

Validation checks that the operational capability of the system meets the needs of the customer/user – “did we build the right system?”.

Transition to Operation is the integration of the system into its super-system. This includes provision of support activities for example, site preparation, training, logistics, etc.

© 2007, INCOSE, All Rights Reserved. Dr. Rashmi Jain [email protected]; 19

SE Competencies Continued

Systems Engineering Management

Concurrent engineering Enterprise Integration Integration of specialisms Systems Engineering Management deals with the skills of choosing the appropriate lifecycle and the planning, monitoring and control of the systems engineering process.

Managing concurrent lifecycle activities and the parallel development of system elements.

Enterprises can be viewed as systems in their own right in which systems engineering is only one element. System Engineering is only one of many activities that must occur in order to bring about a successful system development that meets the needs of its stakeholders. Systems engineering management must support other functions such as Quality Assurance, Marketing, Sales, and Configuration Management, and manage the interfaces with them.

Coherent integration of Specialisms into the project at the right time. Specialisms include Reliability, Maintainability, Testability, Integrated Logistics Support, Producability, Electro Magnetic Compatibility, Human Factors and Safety.

© 2007, INCOSE, All Rights Reserved. Dr. Rashmi Jain [email protected]; 20

SE Competencies Continued

Systems Engineering Management

Lifecycle process definition Planning, monitoring and controlling Logistics and Operation Systems Engineering Management deals with the skills of choosing the appropriate lifecycle and the planning, monitoring and control of the systems engineering process.

Lifecycle Process Definition establishes lifecycle phases and their relationships depending on the scope of the project, super system characteristics, stakeholder requirements and the level of risk. Different system elements may have different lifecycles.

Establishes and maintains a systems engineering plan (e.g. Systems Engineering Management Plan) which incorporates tailoring of generic processes .The identification, assessment, analysis and control of systems engineering risks. Monitoring and control of progress.

Identifies and manages the supporting logistics and operation of the system related issues.

© 2007, INCOSE, All Rights Reserved. Dr. Rashmi Jain [email protected]; 21

Appendix 2

© 2007, INCOSE, All Rights Reserved. Dr. Rashmi Jain [email protected]; 22

Four Levels of SE Courses

Level 0: Foundation Courses Level 1: Introductory Courses Level 2: Core Courses Level 3: Specialization Courses Pre-systems engineering courses. Students must be competent in these areas to enter the systems engineering graduate program.

Fundamental systems engineering courses for the beginning graduate student. These are the initial courses taken in the systems engineering graduate program.

Required core courses towards the completion of a graduate degree in Systems Engineering. These are recommended as core courses in any systems engineering program.

Either advanced courses which focus on systems engineering niches or special areas related to systems engineering. Students focus on specialization courses once the initial and core courses are complete.

© 2007, INCOSE, All Rights Reserved. Dr. Rashmi Jain [email protected]; 23