Transcript Slide 1

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Spring Term 1 2013
Term 3
Winter/Jack Frost
Chinese New Year
Mr Wolf’s Pancakes (Shrove Tuesday)
Term 4
Traditional Tales (3Little Pigs, Jack & the Beanstalk)
Reading with your child
Find a quiet place to sit and enjoy the book together.
Let your child hold the book.
Talk about the cover. What does he/she think the book is about?
Who is the author and who is the illustrator? What do they mean?
Encourage your child to turn the pages independently, from the front
to the back.
Talk about the pictures on each page. What can they see? What do
they think is happening?
Help your child identify the text. Encourage them to point to each
word from left to right as you or your child decodes the text.
Look out for any repetitive text in the book.
Encourage your child to ‘sound out’ words using their phonic
knowledge (c-a-t, d-o-g).
Help them recognise ‘tricky words’ which you know they have learnt.
Can your child predict what will happen next in the story?
At the end of the story, can they tell you what it was about?
Blending is the process of saying the sounds in the
order they are written to be able to read the whole
word eg. s-a-t = sat, sh-i-p = ship, c-l-o-ck = clock. It is
the skill children need to be able to read.
Please ensure when your child is blending they
enunciate the sounds correctly e.g. when blending
l-a-d, if you sound it out as ‘luh’ ‘a’ ‘duh’ it actually
blends to be ‘ladder’ not ‘lad’.
With Phase 3 phonics it is particularly important for
the children to know digraphs. These are graphemes
consisting of two letters, but which make one sound,
eg. ck, ll, ff, ss, zz, sh, ch, th, ai, ee, oo.
Segmenting is the reverse process of blending. It is the
skill that children need to be able to write words.
Children need to be able to orally segment words
eg. sat = s-a-t, ship = sh-i-p, clock = c-l-o-ck.
Once they can hear the individual sounds in a word,
they should be able to write the corresponding
Sometimes there are different ways of writing the
same phoneme, eg. c, k, ck At this stage it is only
important that they represent the sound using a
correct grapheme.
When we spell words containing these digraphs, we
use the letter names rather than the sounds eg. feet,
Children are encouraged to write at every opportunity
both inside and outside, using a range of mark-making
Encourage your child to write simple words and lists,
especially in real life situations.
Allow your child to write the sounds that they hear
rather than trying to correct spellings. Phonetically
plausible attempts are what we are looking for at the
moment, correct spelling will come later as we learn
alternative graphemes - different ways to spell the
We are focusing this term on:
Counting forwards to 10/20 and backwards from 10/20
Recognising, ordering and writing numerals to 10/20
Counting with one-to-one correspondence
Understanding the concepts of adding and subtracting,
including knowing one more or one less than a given number
Matching and sorting activities
Being able to talk about, recognise and recreate patterns
Recognising simple 2-D and 3-D shapes and talk about their
Understanding the concepts of more and less, bigger and
smaller, heavier and lighter, longer and shorter
Using mathematical ideas to solve problems and recording
their work pictorially
In Terms 3 & 4 our RE topics are Special People to Me and
Our Beautiful and Living World
These topics will thread through the other main topics
we are learning about and will mainly contribute to our
Understanding the World area of learning.
 Mrs Rodgers has sent out a letter asking you to put
together a box of things which are special to your child.
Once you have put it together, please bring it into
school. We will return it when your child has had a
chance to present it to the other children.
Bits and Pieces
Book bags: Please do not put water bottles in your child’s
book bag, as we have already had several books
damaged by water.
 Phonics books: Please continue to practise the new
sounds and tricky words. Try to spot these tricky words
when you are reading together.
 Reading books: Please ensure that reading books are
kept in your child’s book bag every day, as we do not
have a set day for your child to read. Similarly with the
bookmarks, so that we are able to keep a record of each
time your child reads.
 Please make sure that gloves, hats and scarves are
named, as we always have a lot left over at the end of
the day!
And finally …
Please feel free to come and see us
if you have any questions or concerns.
Don’t forget to check out our Foundation Stage
page on our school website.
Ideas always welcome!