Is Creativity Fundamental to Giftedness?

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Transcript Is Creativity Fundamental to Giftedness?

Guilford, 1961
• Creativity is
from IQ
• Divergent
Piirto, 1992
• Creativity is the
concept of
Cropley, 1993
• Creativity is a
of giftedness
Comparison Chart on following slide:
A High Achiever...
A Gifted Learner...
A Creative Thinker...
Remembers the answers.
Poses unforeseen questions.
Sees exceptions.
Is interested.
Is curious.
Is attentive.
Is selectively mentally engaged.
Daydreams; may seem off task.
Generates advanced ideas.
Generates complex, abstract ideas.
Overflows with ideas, many of which will never be
Works hard to achieve.
Knows without working hard.
Plays with ideas and concepts.
Answer the questions in detail.
Ponders with depth and multiple perspectives.
Injects new possibilities.
Performs at the top of the group.
Is beyond the group.
Is in own group.
Responds with interest and opinions.
Exhibits feelings and opinions from multiple
Shares bizarre, sometimes conflicting opinions.
Learns with ease.
Already knows.
Questions: What if...
Needs 6 to 8 repetitions to master.
Needs 1 to 3 repetitions to master.
Questions the need for mastery.
Comprehends at a high level.
Comprehends in-depth, complex ideas.
Overflows with ideas--many of which will never be
Enjoys the company of age peers.
Prefers the company of intellectual peers.
Prefers the company of creative peers but often
works alone.
Completes assignments on time.
Initiates projects and extensions of assignments.
Initiates more projects that will ever be completed.
Is accurate and complete.
Is original and continually developing.
Is original and continually developing.
Enjoys school often.
Enjoys self-directed learning.
Enjoys creating.
Gets A's.
May not be motivated by grades.
May not be motivated by grades.
Author - Date
Information About Assessment
The Instances Test
Uses Test
Structure of the Intellect (SOI)
Wallach and Kogan, 1965
Untimed, game-like listing of uses or descriptions of everyday objects
Guilford, 1967
24 components of divergent thinking
Four content areas:
Figural, symbolic, semantic, behavioral
Six types of product:
Units, classes, relations, systems, transformations, implications
One example is sketch test – draw as many objects as possible using a basic figure
Torrance Tests of Creative
Thinking (TTCT)
Torrance, 1974, 2008
Most widely used
Longest running, continually published
Two forms: A/B
Two sections:
Figural (picture construction, picture completion, lines and circles)
Verbal section (Ask and Guess, Asking, Guessing Causes, Guessing
Consequences, Product improvement, Unusual uses, unusual questions, just
Profile of Creative Abilities
Ryser, 2007
Similar to Torrance, but uses real-world divergent thinking items
Author - Date
Information About Assessment
Consensual Assessment Technique CAT
Baer, 1994
Amabile. 1996
A type of assessment where a participant produces some type of creative product which is
judged by a panel of experts in the field.
Does not have standardized scores
Used less in schools
Creativity Checkllist
Proctor and Burnett
A Gifted Rating Scale
A checklist for creative behaviors or characteristics
No norms, only valid for comparisons
Creative Behavior Inventory
Hocevar, 1981
Self-reporting checklist of activities and attainments
Creative Achievement Questionnaire CAQ
Carson, Peterson, Higgins, 2005
Self-reporting checklist
96 items across nine domains within the arts or the sciences
Abedi-Schummacher Creativity Test CT
Abedi, 2002
Auzmendi, Villa, Abedi, 1996
Unique because it has a Spanish – language version
Runco Ideation Behavior Scale RIBS
Runco, Plucker, Lim, 2000-2001
Self-reporting checklist
Example: I come up with a lot of ideas or solutions to problems.