Valutazione del Progetto DIFFONDI

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Quality Management Organisation, Validation of standards, Developments and Inquiries for SRF

Giovanni Ciceri – CESI Ricerca – Coordinator

Project supported by the “Intelligent Energy - Europe” Programme of the European Community QUOVADIS Workshop, Rome, October 24, 2007




Project number: GRANT - Agreement DG TREND-EIE-2003-031 EIE/031/S07.38597 Co-ordination: Number of participant: Represented EU Countries: Budget: CESI Ricerca Spa (Italy) 15 8+EC (DG-JRC) Duration: 2.104.000 Euro European Commission Funds: 1.052.000 EURO 3 years (2005-2007)

QUOVADIS Workshop, Rome, October 24, 2007




Directive 2001/77/EC includes in its scope the production of electricity from biomass, being defined as the biodegradable fraction of products, waste and residues from agriculture, forestry and related industries, as well as the biodegradable fraction of industrial and municipal waste.

In this context the EC gave a mandate (M325) to CEN to develop and validate Technical Specification (TS) concerning SRF for energy recovery and to transform these TS into European Standards.

To meet these requests, the consortium proposes a holistic validation programme covering quality management and the validation exercises for the pre-standards of CEN TC 343.

QUOVADIS Workshop, Rome, October 24, 2007




QUOVADIS focuses on the organisation and evaluation of the validation for sampling, sample pre-treatment, and measurement Technical Specification (TS) provided by CEN/TC 343 “Solid Recovered Fuels”.

The work will include also a validation of TS for Quality Management and for a SRF classification system.

The endorsement of the new standards in the new Member States it is also considered.

QUOVADIS Workshop, Rome, October 24, 2007




Pillar 3 (WP 3 7)

in SRF

(WG 1)

; to class. system

(WG 2)

; • Eval. of cost/benefit of QMS

(WG 1)

; • Survey of existing QM-Systems for SRF

(WG 1)

; • Eval. of environmental benefit

(WG 1)

; • Further work on class

(WG 2)


• WP 4: Sampling

(WG 3)

; • WP 5: Physical props.

WG 4)

; • WP 6: Chemical Props.

(WG 5)

; • WP 7: Biological Props.

(WG 3)


+ Dissemin.of QUOADIS -Information;

QUOVADIS Workshop, Rome, October 24, 2007




1 CESI Ricerca (IT) - COORDINATOR 2 CTI – Comitato Termotecnico Italiano (IT) 3 JRC - European Commission - DG Joint Research Centre (EC) 4 TAUW - BW (NL) 5 IVD - Institut fuer Verfahrenstechnik und Dampfkesselwesen (DE) 6 INFA - Institute for Waste, Waste Water and Infrastructure-Management (DE) 7 ENEL - Enel Produzione SpA (IT) 8 CREED Centre de Recherche pour l'Environnement, l'Énergie et le Déchet (FR) 9 GREEN - Green Land Reclamation Ltd (UK) 10 SCOR - GEOCYCLE (BE) 11 STRAT - Stratene E u.r.l. (FR) 12 VTT - VTT - Technical Research centre of Finland (FI) 13 REMONDIS - Remindis (DE) 14 SLU - Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet (SE) 15 CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Istituto di Ricerche sulla Combustione (IRC) (IT)

QUOVADIS Workshop, Rome, October 24, 2007



Expected Results

Full documentation (including Round Robins and ruggedness) on validated TS for 19 TS for chemical, physical, biological, and sampling to be submitted to CEN; so as to cover: sampling, (sampling and sample reduction; preparation of test-portion) A validated classification system for SRF Documentation on the application of QM to selected plants, including cost/benefit analysis (CBA) A comprehensive database on SRF in Europe, based on the classification system necessary for the validation of the TS Further details on

QUOVADIS Workshop, Rome, October 24, 2007



Work Packages

WP 1 – Co-ordination and Management (CESI) WP 2 – A holistic approach for quality management and classification (CTI) WP 3 – Organisation of validation exercises (JRC) WP 4 – Sampling(TAUW) WP 5 – Physical parameters (IVD) WP 6 – Chemical parameters (CESI) WP 7 – Biological parameters (INFA) WP 8 – Data collection (CESI in co-operation with IEN Institute of Power Engineering - Poland) WP 9 – Dissemination (CESI)

QUOVADIS Workshop, Rome, October 24, 2007



Work Packages 1

Co-ordination and Management

 To manage the project from a technical and financial point of view  To co-ordinate all the action to within the project  To manage and solve any request from the Commission  To report on the progress of the Project to the Commission, CEN/TC 343 and to a Steering Committee (SC)

QUOVADIS Workshop, Rome, October 24, 2007



Work Packages 2

Quality management and classification

 To develop an European database on quality of SRF according to the classification system introduced by CEN/TC 343 WG2 (Specification and Classification)  To develop QM guidelines and model manuals to facilitate the application of the TS on QM in plant producing SRF

QUOVADIS Workshop, Rome, October 24, 2007



Work Packages 3

Organisation of validation exercises

 Identification of representative SRF for the production of test materials  Production and characterisation of test materials for validation studies  Performing ruggedness testing and validation exercises according to ISO-Standard 5725 in co-operation to WPs 5-7  Perform a statistical evaluation of validation intercomparisons (performance characteristics of methods)

QUOVADIS Workshop, Rome, October 24, 2007



Work Packages 4


 Drafting of a reference document for the validation of sampling  Validation of the TS for sampling SRF  Establish the performance of ruggedness test for sampling

QUOVADIS Workshop, Rome, October 24, 2007



Work Packages 5

Physical parameters

 Evaluation of robustness of TS for physical properties through ruggedness testing on selected reference materials from WP 3  Support the supervision of the intercalibration exercise for the validation of TS for physical analysis from CEN TC343 WG4. Identification and selection of the laboratory for the intercalibration

QUOVADIS Workshop, Rome, October 24, 2007



Work Packages 6

Chemical parameters

 Evaluation of robustness of TS for chemical properties through ruggedness testing on selected reference materials from WP 3  Support and supervision of the intercalibration exercise for the validation of TS for chemical analysis based upon the TS from TC 343 WG5. Identification and selection of the participating laboratory for the intercalibration  Validation of sample-reduction procedure from laboratory sample to test-portion

QUOVADIS Workshop, Rome, October 24, 2007



Work Packages 7

Biological parameters

 Information on ruggedness of procedures for biological parameters (based on the draft document CEN/TC 343/WG 3 N 47 "

Solid recovered fuels: Methods for the determination of biodegradable/biogenic material")

 Delivery of reference values for the selective dissolving method for determining the biomass content by using the manual waste sorting method (again based on the draft Ts from CEN/TC 343/WG 3)  Design of a reference document for determination of the biomass/biodegradable fraction in SRF

QUOVADIS Workshop, Rome, October 24, 2007



Work Packages 8

Data collection

 Collecting information on current and expected waste management strategies in NMS and analysing how the new standards for SRF can maximise the use of SRF  Gathering and updating information about current practices in waste-management in NMS  Identifying waste-streams that are relevant for SRF-production in NMS and how they can influence the perspective of the production and use in the enlarged EU  foster the application of the new standards in NMS

QUOVADIS Workshop, Rome, October 24, 2007



Work Packages 9


 Avoid the divorce between the requested and delivered information on the TS validation process.  Define a strategy for an efficient communication of the gathered WP results.  Ensure proper dissemination of the information gathered to all of the Project’s stakeholders.

QUOVADIS Workshop, Rome, October 24, 2007




CEN/TC 343/WG 1 – Terminology and Quality Management  Quality management systems – Particular requirements for their application to the production of solid recovered fuels CEN/TC 343/WG 2 – Fuel specifications and classes  Fuel specifications and classes (this Technical Specification prescribes a classification system for SRF and a template for the specifications of SRF properties)

QUOVADIS Workshop, Rome, October 24, 2007




CEN/TC 343/WG 3 – Sampling, sample reduction and supplementary test methods  Methods of sampling and sample reduction  Method for the determination of biodegradable/biogenic material (this is intended as a tool for the practical implementation of the RES-E Directive)

QUOVADIS Workshop, Rome, October 24, 2007




CEN/TC 343/WG 4 – Physical/Mechanical Tests  Methods for the determination of calorific values  Methods for the determination of bulk density  Methods for the determination of moisture content  Methods for the determination of the content of volatile matter  Methods for the determination of ash content  Methods for the determination of ash melting behaviour  Methods for the determination of particle dimensions and particle size distribution  Methods for the determination of the density of pellets and briquettes  Methods for the determination of the durability of pellets and briquettes  Methods for the determination of bridging properties

QUOVADIS Workshop, Rome, October 24, 2007




CEN/TC 343/WG 5 – Chemical Tests  Methods for the determination of carbon (C), hydrogen (H) and nitrogen (N) content  Methods for the determination of sulphur (S), chlorine (Cl), bromine (Br) and fluorine (F) content  Methods for the determination of the content of major elements (Si, Al, K, Na, Ca, Mg, Fe, P, Ti)  Methods for the determination of the content of trace elements (As, Ba, Be, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mo, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, V and Zn)  Methods for the determination of metallic aluminium  Methods for the digestion of material before chemical analysis

QUOVADIS Workshop, Rome, October 24, 2007