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New States of Strongly
Interacting Astrophysical
PITP Conference 2005
Mannque Rho (Saclay)
Where does the mass come from?
Molecules, Atoms, Nuclei:
Masses =sum of masses of constituents
+ tiny binding energy
Constituents: protons, neutrons, electrons
Nuclear BE < 1%
Mysteries abound in the Standard
Model and Beyond…
Where do the quark, lepton etc. masses come
.. Etc…
Where do the “dark stuff ” in the Universe
come from?
.. Etc…
For someone else!
Mass right around us
•Proton/Neutron Mass=938/940 MeV
Constituents: Quarks and gluons
• Proton= uud ; Neutron= udd
Sum of “current-quark” masses ≈ 10 MeV
Where do ~ 99% of the mass come from?
QCD Answer
• QCD on lattice explains the proton mass
within ~ 10% .
“ Energy stored in the motion of the
(nearly) massless quarks and energy in
massless gluons that connect them”
Proton mass ≈ 1 GeV
“Mass without mass”
• Technically, “chiral symmetry
spontaneously broken (cSB)”
Order Parameter
Quark condensate: <qq>
≠ 0 cS broken
= 0 cS restored
• <qq> ≈ - (0.23±0.03 GeV)3→ Proton
mass ≈ 1 GeV
• What happens when <qq>→ 0 ?
The Question
If the mass is generated by dynamical
“dressing,” can it be made to disappear by
“undressing” in the laboratories ?
Or can one dial the mass to zero?
Yes! through dialing the
condensate to zero
(Two) Surprises
New “unexpected” states are found
• At High Density (Gravity):
Kaon condensation
• At High Temperature (Heavy-Ion Collisions):
Nearly perfect liquid
Effective Field Theories
QCD cannot address directly the problem of
going toward the critical point Tc/nc, so we
need to resort to effective field theories
Tools at our disposal:
• NLs: Nonlinear sigma model with pseudoGoldstone bosons (p, K, …)
• HLS: Hidden local symmetry model
with p, K, light vectors (r,w,K*, …)
etc …
In Favor of HLS
• AdS/QCD indicates a 5-D pure gauge theory
giving in 4-D a tower of vector mesons and
a multiplet of Goldstone bosons describing
QCD in nonperturbative regime
• Baryons emerge as skyrmions to complete
the degrees of freedom required
• With a suitable truncation and in the chiral
limit (quark masses=0), the theory can arrive
at the critical point as a fixed point known
as “Vector Manifestation (VM)”
Predictions with HLS
As <qq>→
0, i.e., n (or T)→ nc (or Tc)
Theory well defined at this limit!
 Hidden gauge coupling g  <qq>
¯ →0
 Pion decay constant fp  F(<qq>)
 Even away from the limit, hadron mass
(except for p’s) satisfies “BR scaling”;
e.g., in density
m(n)/m(0) ≈ fp (n)/fp (0) for n ≤ n0
≈ g(n)/g(0) for n > n0
where n0 = 0.16 fm-3 nuclear matter
There are indications that
the scaling is operative up to n0
mw (n0)/mw ≈ fp(n0)/fp ≈ 0.8
CBELSA/TAPS Collaboration
Deeply bound
pionic nuclei
High precision
at GSI from 2007
A dense new state above n0
It is certain that the interior of neutron stars
is much denser than nuclear matter:
Can one create such a dense system in the
Answer (T. Yamazaki et al, KEK):
Capture anti-strangeness (e.g. K- ) inside nuclei
Turns out to be surprisingly simple
Huge attraction from two main sources:
• Attractive K- - nuclear interaction
 - (1/fp*)2  density ≡ - A
• Density counters EcSB, tending to restore cS
 - c SKN  density ≡ - B
A+B ~ 200 MeV at n  n0 =0.16 fm-3
Kaon Potential
Discovery of strangeness nugget
KEK 2004
A bound pnnK – = “ S0 (3115)”
BE=mp + 2mn + mK – mS
=194 ± 5 MeV
Average density ~ 3 n0
Strong binding overcomes
compression energy!
Embed KSchematic calculation
Producing Dense Strange Matter
Capture K-’s
Yamazaki et al. (future)
Kaon condensation in neutron
How the nugget is stabilized is not yet understood.
However if the same mechanism is applied to
(infinite) neutron star matter, kaons will condense
e - → K- + n
nC ≥ nNugget
For a suitable set of parameters, kaon
condensation occurs at a density slightly
above that of the nugget S0 (3115) . It
has one proton and two neutrons per
each condensed kaon just like the
S0 (pnnK-) .
Kaons condense before chiral symmetry is restored and
before color superconductivity can set in.
Condensed kaons soften EOS. An intriguing possibility
a la Bethe and Brown: Compact stars with mass greater
than ~ 1.5 times the solar mass undergo gravitational
collapse  maximum stable neutron star mass ~ 1.5 
solar mass.
So far no strong cases against the BB scenario exists.
“Probing” the Early Universe
By Heavy Ions
Ideal liquid above Tc (?)
State of matter 10-6 s after the “Big Bang”:
Heavy Ion
Standard lore based on asymptotic freedom:
Weakly-coupled quark-gluon plasma above Tc
(CERN announcement)
Lattice calculation & RHIC experiments indicate: Not a gas
of quarks and gluons but
• A strongly coupled system
much like black hole horizons
• Possibly an “ideal” liquid
with viscosity/entropy
h/s ~ 1/4p*, ~ 400 times
smaller than (h/s)water.
• Just above TC , strongly bound
states of light p, s, r, a1
saturate the entropy.
*Conjectured bound (a la Kovtun, Son and Starinets) based on holgraphic duality
 Perfect liquid at Tc + e,
resembling strong
coupling condensed matter
systems as well as black hole
 Dense strange nugget at > 3 n0
resembling a cluster in kaon
condensed neutron stars.