Transcript Slide 1

Linking Global Partnerships and
the Bank’s Country Programs:
Lessons from GFDRR and FCPF
Chris Gerrard
Evaluation Week
March 19, 2013
Objectives of This Session
►To present a framework for addressing linkages between
GRPPs and the Bank’s country programs
►To hear perspectives from regional operational staff
working with two programs that IEG has recently reviewed
and that have had some success in this regard, but not
without challenges:
• Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR) –
Abhas Jha, Sector Manager for Transport, Urban and Disaster Risk
Management for East Asia and the Pacific
• Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) – Paola Agostini, FCPF
Regional Coordinator for Africa
►To have a discussion about these issues – starting with
Warren Evans, former ENV Director, 2004-11
Global-Country Linkages Have Been A Consistent
Theme in the Bank’s Strategic Documents
► January 2001: “A Framework for Managing Global Programs and
• “Partnerships should demonstrate a clear linkage to our core institutional
objectives and, above all, to our country operational work.”
► March 2003: “Update on Management of Global Programs and
• “Global programs must take into account client country priorities as
expressed through PRSPs or similar country-owned strategy documents. .
. . Going forward, the principle of subsidiarity will be more rigorously
applied when deciding whether a global program should be established
and whether an activity should be carried out by the global program
rather than, as the preferred option, implemented through country
operations. If resources are mobilized through global programs, they
should be channeled as much as possible directly to the country level and
services should be provided as an integral part of country operations.”
A Consistent Theme (cont.)
► April 2005: A Strategic Framework for the Bank’s Global Programs and
• “Global programs and country-led approaches should be complementary. The
Bank should . . . . forge better links between global and developing country
priorities. . . . . Each of the regional and network vice presidential units will now
be held explicitly accountable to . . . improve the alignment and linkages of global
programs and partnerships with country- and region-based development
► August 2007: Global Public Goods: A Framework for the Role of the Bank:
• The Bank will “use PRS, CAS and sector strategies as the platform to work with
countries on strengthening the links between national priorities and global/
regional public goods. The Bank needs to bridge the partial disconnect between its
country programs managed by the Regions, and its work on global issues managed
by the Network Anchors. Management will explore how best to ensure a more
systematic treatment of global issues as part of Bank country-level work.”
Corporate Strategies Relating to GRPPs
public goods
public goods:
2007 Strategy
2005 Strategy
However, the Bank Has Not Operationalized
These Good Intentions
►The Bank has not yet specified what kinds of linkages
it expects:
• For different kinds of programs (knowledge networks,
technical assistance, or investments)
• For programs funded by DGF or trust funds
• For programs located inside and outside the Bank
►IEG’s 2011 Report, The World Bank’s Involvement in
Global and Regional Partnership Programs, found that only 4
of the 17 programs reviewed for the report had strong
linkages with the Bank’s country operations
17 GRPPs Reviewed by IEG, 2006 --11
Location of the Secretariat
Principal Activities
In the
World Bank
advocacy &
Providing countrylevel technical
Cities Alliance
(global or
In Another Partner
GISP (CABI-Nairobi)
ProVention (IFRC)
Independent Legal
GDN (New Delhi)
GFHR (Geneva)
GWP (Stockholm)
Stop TB (WHO)
Development Gateway
(Washington, DC)
MBC (San Salvador)
MMV (Geneva)
IEG’s 2011 Report Recommended
►The Bank should have an explicit engagement strategy
for each GRPP in which it is involved, including the
• The expected roles of the Bank in the program at both the
global and country levels, along with the expected duration
of these roles
• How the program’s activities are expected to be linked
with the Bank’s country operations
• How the risks to the Bank’s participation will be identified
and managed, including conflicts of interest among the
Bank’s roles in the program.
Management “Partially Agreed”
► Management sees the need for a more holistic approach to
partnerships as envisioned by explicit engagement strategies and
will work to provide guidance to task team leaders of new GRPPs,
informed by the work on the new partnership management
framework and the work of the Matrix Leadership Team.
► However, Management would modify the recommendation on
country-level linkages. Instead of an explicit “link with the Bank’s
country operations,” the design of country-level linkages within the
engagement strategy should be tailored to cases where the Bank will
be the primary interface at country level, versus others where the
Bank’s operational role is limited, or where the program objective,
such as global knowledge or research, has an indirect linkage to
Bank country operations.
Three Major Types of Linkages
1. Strategic Linkages: The strategic objectives of the
GRPP and the Bank are aligned.
2. Operational Linkages: The GRPP is financing or
supporting activities (such as technical assistance or
investments) that are directly contributing to or
complementing the implementation of the Bank’s country
programs, or vice versa.
3. Institutional Linkages: The GRPP’s partners and the
Bank have non-operational linkages such as attending each
other’s annual meetings or staff exchanges that also
contribute to the achievement of mutually shared
Some Considerations
►Linkages are a means to an end, not an end in
themselves – to achieve mutually shared objectives.
►Strategic alignment will rarely be 100 percent; one of
the roles of GRPPs is to be incubators of innovation
that, if successful, the Bank can subsequently
incorporate into its own work.
►The Bank’s sector strategy papers (typically of 10 years
duration) are not well synchronized with GRPPs’ own
strategic planning periods (typically 3-5 years).
Circumstances are constantly changing, rendering one
or the other less relevant.
GFDRR & FCPF: Objectives & Activities
Start date
September 2006
September 2007
SDN – Urban and DRM Dept.
SDN – Carbon Finance Unit
• To strengthen global & regional • To assist eligible REDD countries in
partnerships for supporting DRR
building domestic capacity
and climate change adaptation • To pilot a performance-based
• To mainstream DRR & CCA in
payment system for emissions
country development strategies
reductions from REDD activities
• To assist recovery in post• To test ways to enhance rural
disaster countries
livelihoods and conserve biodiversity
• Capacity building
• Defining and developing the
• Tools and methodologies
modalities for REDD
• Knowledge sharing & generation • Country-level capacity building
Track I: Support to ISDR System
Track II: Mainstreaming DRR
Track III: Standby recovery
1. Readiness Fund: Formulation
grants and preparation grants
2. Carbon Fund: Investments
GFDRR & FCPF: Governance & Financing
Consultative Group
Participants Assembly / Participants
Committee / Bureau
• Part I countries
15 members and 7 observers
4 members and 4 observers
18 financial contributors (14 on the
Participants Committee)
• Part II countries
8 members and 11 observers
36 country participants (14 on the
Participants Committee)
• International
4 members and 4 observers
(among which UNISDR,
UNFCCC Secretariat, UN-REDD
Programme, and other observers
• NGOs
Nature Conservancy plus others
DGF Grants
FY07-12: $28.5 million
TF Contributions
FY07-12: $227 million
Readiness Fund: $250 million
Carbon Fund: $390 million
TF Disbursements
FY07-12: $103 million
FY08-12: $27 million
GFDRR & FCPF: World Bank Roles
Member of governing body
Chair of governing body
Host of secretariat
Financial contributor
Yes, through DGF
Bank underwrote the initial
$2.35 million to establish
the FCPF
Implementing agency /
delivery partner
Yes, for Tracks II and III;
UNISDR for Track I.
Yes, along with FAO, IDB
and UNDP
GFDRR Global-Country Linkages
• Closely aligned with OP 8.00 on “Rapid Response to Crises and
Emergencies,” 2008 Climate Change Framework,
2010 Urban Strategy, and 2012 Environment Strategy
• Regional DRM coordinators channel country-level demands for
DRR assistance to the GFDRR Secretariat
• Bank’s TTLs supervise GFDRR-financed activities
• UNISDR is a member and UNDP-BCPR and IFRC are permanent
observers on the Consultative Group
• UNISDR has implemented Track I activities
• Bilateral donors (members and observers) undertake their own
disaster reduction and recovery activities
FCPF: Global-Country Linkages
► Strategic
• Bank’s Board approved the Bank’s roles in FCPF in September 2007, based on the
Bank’s experience in designing and implementing pilot activities that pioneer
carbon markets to mitigate climate change
• Bank’s poverty reduction mission is closely linked with climate change mitigation
and adaptation
► Operational
• Regional FCPF coordinators collaborate with and receive financial support from
the Facility Management Team
• Bank’s TTLs supervise FCPF grants
• FCPF and FIP are working in six countries in common
► Institutional
• UN-REDD and UNFCCC are observers on the FCPF Participants Committee
• FCPF and UN-REDD hold their meetings back-to-back due to a high level of
overlap in membership
• FAO, IDB, and UNDP are also Delivery Partners
• Bilateral donors co-finance REDD+ activities in countries that have approved
REDD strategies
GFDRR: Major IEG Findings & Lessons
► GFDRR is active in a field with many players; its comparative
advantage is in providing technical and financial assistance that is
integrated with the Bank’s country operations.
► There has been a quantitative and qualitative improvement in the
way in which the Bank’s country partnership strategies have
addressed disaster risk issues, and a clear shift toward DRR in
Bank-supported investment projects since 2006.
► The Bank is playing such a dominant role in GFDRR: Is this still
a partnership program with shared governance (as indicated in
the Charter), or essentially a Bank program supported by donor
trust funds (as it appears to be in practice)?
► The program needs more rigorous systems for reporting its work
plans, selecting activities, monitoring their implementation and
assessing their results at completion.
FCPF: Major IEG Findings & Lessons
►Given the scale and cross-sectoral nature of REDD+,
FCPF needs enhanced strategic alignment with World Bank
corporate goals and greater integration with country
operations to be effective.
►Given the uncertainty about future financial flows for
REDD+, the World Bank needs to articulate how it plans
to support REDD+ going forward, to meet client
expectations about future financing flows.
►Until there is greater clarity about the contours of future
REDD+ financing, the Bank should give priority to “no
regrets” investments and activities such as legal and policy
support for land tenure and forest governance reforms that
dovetail with the Bank’s wider objectives in the forest
Questions for Discussion
►Are strategic, operational, and institutional linkages a
useful framework for thinking about linkages between
GRPPs and the Bank’s country operations?
►For technical assistance programs like GFDRR and
FCPF that are located in the Bank:
• What is working well, and why?
• What is not working well, and why not?
►What kinds of linkages should the Bank expect:
• For other types of programs (such as knowledge networks)?
• For programs not located in the Bank?
• For programs supported by DGF grants?
Thank You