Transcript Document

iBT/Next Generation
Copyright © 2004 Educational Testing Service
Why Change the Test?
3 Important Reasons:
• Speaking has been added
• Focus on the ability to communicate
– Measures not only how much the student
knows about English, but how well he or
she can use it
• Uses integrated tasks that reflect how
language is actually used
Copyright © 2004 Educational Testing Service
Why Change the Test?
What are integrated tasks?
Questions that require use of more than one
skill at a time
– Read/listen/speak
– Listen/speak
– Read /listen /write
They give us a better picture of how well the
student can communicate in English.
Copyright © 2004 Educational Testing Service
Next Generation TOEFL iBT
• Begins September 2005, continues into
• Tests all four skills: Reading, Writing,
Listening, Speaking
• Linear, not computer-adaptive
• Fixed test dates, not continuous testing
• Note taking allowed in all sections of the
• Test time: 4 hours
Copyright © 2004 Educational Testing Service
Reading Section
• Academic reading sets, each followed by
11-13 questions
• Reading passages are longer than TOEFL
CBT – 700 words
• Some familiar TOEFL CBT question types
• Some new question types
– Fill in a table or prose summary
– Paraphrasing
• New! Glossary and review features
Copyright © 2004 Educational Testing Service
Listening Section
• More authentic
Conversations with 2 speakers – campus life
4-6 lectures, some lectures include student participation
5-6 questions for each listening set
Includes a variety of global English accents
• Some familiar TOEFL CBT question types
• New questions measure understanding of
a speaker’s attitude or purpose
Copyright © 2004 Educational Testing Service
Speaking Section
• 2 independent tasks about familiar topics
– Responses based on personal experience
• 4 integrated tasks
2 Reading/Listening/Speaking tasks
2 Listening/Speaking tasks
Responses based on what was read and heard
Academic and campus-based material
Short listening and reading material
Copyright © 2004 Educational Testing Service
Copyright © 2004 Educational Testing Service
Copyright © 2004 Educational Testing Service
Copyright © 2004 Educational Testing Service
Writing Section
• 1 Reading/Listening/Writing task
– Short academic listening and reading material
– Response based on what was read and heard
• 1 independent task
– Response based on personal experience
Copyright © 2004 Educational Testing Service
Copyright © 2004 Educational Testing Service
Copyright © 2004 Educational Testing Service
Copyright © 2004 Educational Testing Service
TOEFL Practice Online
• View the Reading, Writing, Listening and
Speaking portions of the new test
• Listen to a Speaking demonstration, including
sample questions and sample responses
• Discussion board
For a Fee
• Practice the Reading, Listening, and Writing
sections ($20)
– Receive instant scores and performance
• Scored Speaking practice available through
TAST Practice ($30)
Copyright © 2004 Educational Testing Service
A Breakthrough in Testing
• iBT allows ETS to capture speech
and score responses in a
standardized and fair manner.
• ETS plans to expand test access
from a few hundred test centers
today, to thousands of test
centers over the next 3 years.
Copyright © 2004 Educational Testing Service
Internet-Based Testing
• Administered via official Internet-based
testing (iBT) network
• Security measures to ensure test integrity
and score authenticity
• Moving from continuous to fixed-date
testing for TOEFL starting in September
• A fixed testing schedule will require many
more test centers than now used
Copyright © 2004 Educational Testing Service
Internet-Based Testing
• Test center network will expand so that
test-takers have increased geographic
access to tests
• Based on volume and test center capacity,
most areas will have 30-40
administrations per year
• See for specific
• Write [email protected] with questions
Copyright © 2004 Educational Testing Service
High Standards of Quality
• A phased approach is necessary to
ensure ETS’ high standards of quality.
• Test and score integrity require a
successful transition worldwide.
• Our entire system must work reliably
in initial locations so that it can have a
successful rollout elsewhere.
Copyright © 2004 Educational Testing Service
A Phased Approach
• The new test begins September 2005
• CBT testing ends in the U.S. in midSeptember, and iBT begins September 24,
• Canada, Germany, France, and Italy begin
in October 2005
• CBT & PBT continue until launch of iBT in
other parts of the world
Copyright © 2004 Educational Testing Service
A Phased Approach
• TOEFL iBT launches in the rest of the
world in 2006
• At no time will test takers be unable to take
• Rollout schedule will be posted on our
Web site by November 1, 2005
Copyright © 2004 Educational Testing Service
Improving Service
For test takers
• Now - online registration for TOEFL CBT,
• In September 2005 – scores available for
viewing online free of charge 15 business
days after the test
• Feedback on performance
Copyright © 2004 Educational Testing Service
Improving Service
For score users
• Scores viewable online 15 business
days after the test
• “Print friendly” format, with photo
• Sortable database in 2006 to assist in
matching scores with applications
Copyright © 2004 Educational Testing Service
We’re Here to Answer Your
Help Line for TOEFL Score Users:
[email protected]
Copyright © 2004 Educational Testing Service