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Transcript ORIENTATION TO AIChE PROGRAMMING Houston Programming

Orientation to AIChE Programming Cheryl Teich EBPC 2


Vice Chair April 22, 2006

References and Acknowledgments: Herbie Epstein & Phil Westmoreland, 2002 George Liebermann, 2003 Joe Cramer, Jim Hill, and George Liebermann, 2004

Agenda 

Why are we here?

 National Program Committee (NPC)  AIChE Staff  Executive Board of National Program Committee (EBPC)  AIChE Conferences/Meetings  Programming Activities Schedule (guidelines)  NPC Programming Retreat (Spring National Meeting) 22 April 2006 2

Why are we here?

 Ensure various Programming Groups are aligned on work processes, schedules, etc.

 Introduce new NPC members to AIChE programming, and refresh returning members  Provide a networking opportunity to promote cosponsorship and cohesive programming  Develop strategies on   Programming development Programming content 22 April 2006 3

Agenda  Why are we here?

National Program Committee (NPC)

 AIChE Staff  Executive Board of National Program Committee (EBPC)  AIChE Conferences/Meetings  Programming Activities Schedule (guidelines)  NPC Annual Meeting (Spring National Meeting) 22 April 2006 4

What is the NPC?

• The NPC (National Program Committee) plans, organizes and executes the Annual (Fall) and National (Spring) AIChE Meetings • Who belongs to the NPC?    Group and area programming Chairs and Vice chairs MPCs and GACs of upcoming meetings EBPC (the Executive Board of the NPC) 22 April 2006 5

National Program Committee

organizes technical programming for AIChE’s Annual (Fall) and National (Spring) Meetings  What are our responsibilities?

   Programming upcoming AIChE meetings Ensuring continuity, innovation and quality in programming Providing input on AIChE strategic items  When/How do we meet?

    Annual Programming Retreat, Saturday before start of the Spring Meeting Sunday PM Meeting, at Annual AIChE Meeting Group/Area, Division, Forum Meetings E-mail, web based interactions 22 April 2006 6

How do we fit into the AIChE Structure?

SIOC BOD CTOC Executive Director & Staff CEOC Divisions Forums

22 April 2006 Includes programming function of divisions, forums, and committees

Committees NPC


EBPC (Ad-hoc) MPCs GACs Programming groups and areas



CTOC EBPC NPC MPC's / GAC's Divisions and Forums Other technical entities CTOC – Chemical Engineering Technology Operating Council NPC – National Program Committee EBPC – Executive Board of NPC 22 April 2006 MPC – Spring or Fall Meeting Program Chair GAC – General Arrangements Chair for the Meeting 8

NPC Structure


comprises various Programming Groups, which in turn may encompass several Areas.


is formally distinct from Divisions and Forums.

Most programming groups, however, are based on a Division or Forum 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 Engineering Science and Fundamentals 13 Separations Particle Technology Forum Education Management North American Mixing Forum Transport and Energy Processes Materials Engineering and Sciences Environmental 10 11 12 Computing Systems and Technology Safety & Health Process Development Sunsetted 14 15 16 Nuclear Engineering Food, Pharma, and Bioengineering Fuels and Petrochemicals 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Forest Products Liaison Functions


ECC now an affiliated society Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Computational Molecular Science and Engineering Forum Nanoscale Science and Engineering Forum Sustainable Engineering Forum

Structure of the NPC

     The

Programming Groups

and technology cover different fields of ChE science The


governs the

Programming Groups Areas



cover more specific topics Most


are tied to a

Division or Forum

extend beyond programming) (whose charters Each Group and Area sets terms and succession plans for its

chairs/program chairs,

consistent with AIChE By-laws.

You are the NPC!

22 April 2006 10

Group/Area Chair Responsibilities

 Oversee programming activities  Improve/maintain session quality  Propose sets of





(titles and session chairs) to MPCs and Programming Department for future AIChE meetings 22 April 2006 11

How are Sessions Developed?

 

Group and Area Chairs

   Coordinate session requests Finalize co-sponsored sessions Appoint Session Chairs and Co-chairs    Supply Session info to MPC Consolidate sessions as needed Request session scheduling; room size

Session Chairs and Co-chairs

  Arrange papers within session Notify authors after MPC organizes entire program 22 April 2006 12

Timeline for Session Development

MPC with AIChE staff sets timeline and communicates it to NPC

One reason why up-to-date contact info is vital

Will discuss in more detail later in presentation

Spring and Fall meeting schedules are different

22 April 2006 13


 National Program Committee (NPC) 

AIChE Staff

 Executive Board of National Program Committee (EBPC)  AIChE Conferences/Meetings  Programming Activities Schedule (guidelines)  NPC Annual Meeting (Spring National Meeting) 22 April 2006 14

NPC works closely with (Very Lean) AIChE Staff Bette Lawler Director of Operations John Sofranko Executive Director Steve Smith Director of Technical Activities & Journals

Tim McCreight Marketing

Ilia Killeen Spring Meetings Manager Jeff Wood Director, Meetings & Contracts Open Logistics Planner Joe Cramer Technical Programming Director Consultants

Terri Guttilla Technical Programming Associate

22 April 2006 15

Steve Smith: Director of Technical Activities and Journals

NPC related responsibilities:

 Overall responsibility for       Programming at Meetings Industry technology alliances  Publications Ensures existence and implementation of clear and consistent work processes Ex-officio member of EBPC Maintains high level of corporate contacts for AIChE Senior staff CTOC representative 22 April 2006 16

Joe Cramer: Director, Programming

 Creates program content and works on promotion    Analyzes market for technical activities Interfaces with other technical societies Works with Jeff Wood and Meetings Department  Facilities      Program book Planning  Alliances (for meetings and programming) Works with Marketing Department Secretary of EBPC CTOC staff representative 22 April 2006 17

Jeff Wood: Director, Meetings and Contracts

          Overall logistics of meetings Site selection and space needs Arranges contracts for meetings Develops budget PTP process Meeting implementation Coordinates GAC activities Works with Programming and Marketing Ex-officio member of EBPC Responsible for management of AIChE contracts 22 April 2006 18


 National Program Committee (NPC)  AIChE Staff 

Executive Board of National Program Committee (EBPC)

 AIChE Conferences/Meetings  Programming Activities Schedule (guidelines)  NPC Annual Meeting (Spring National Meeting) 22 April 2006 19

EBPC coordinates the NPC

       4 executive positions with 4-year commitment     Chair (Bob Hoch) 1 st Vice Chair (Rex Reklaitis) 2 nd Vice Chair (Cheryl Teich) Past Chair (Phil Westmoreland) 6 Members-at-Large with offset 3-year terms CTOC (Chemical Engineering Technology Operating Council) Liaison – ex officio RANTC (Research and New Technology Committee) Liaison – ex officio Secretary - AIChE staff liaison (Director of Technical Programming) AIChE staff-ex officio members Current MPCs, GACs – ex officio 22 April 2006 20

2006 Executive Board of Program Committee (EBPC) http://www.aiche.org/Conferences/Resources/ExecutiveBoard.aspx

Joseph J. Cramer,


Director, Technical Programming AIChE Phillip R. Westmoreland,

Past Chair

Professor University of Massachusetts, Amherst Robert E. Hoch,


Process Economics Consultant Rex Reklaitis,

First Vice Chair

Professor and ChE Dept Head Purdue University Cheryl Teich,

Second Vice-Chair

Senior Engineer Rohm and Haas Company D.B. Bhattacharyya, Alumni Professor


University of Kentucky Liese Dallbaumann,


Principal Engineer PepsiCo Carol K. Hall, Alcoa Professor North Carolina State University Gil Lee,


Associate Professor Purdue University Tiberiu (Tiby) M. Leib, Principal Consultant DuPont Engineering Technology – DuET Rashmi Shah, Jim Hill, Professor Iowa State University Steve Smith, Director, Technical Activities & Journals AIChE Jeffrey Wood, Director, Meetings AIChE

Member-at-Large Member-at-Large Member-at-Large Ex-Officio Liaison Ex-Officio Ex-Officio


EBPC’s responsibilities:

      Oversees programming process Sets policy for programming Develops future strategic directions Sets up/approves programming groups Selects leaders for national meetings:  Meeting Program Chair (MPC)  General Arrangements Chair (GAC) Selects AIChE award winners for:    Institute Lecturer Lappin Award Reviews cosponsorship requests 22 April 2006 22

EBPC Activities Schedule

 Sunday AM Meeting at Annual and National AIChE Meetings  Monthly Phone Conferences  Priority Task Group meetings/communications, reporting monthly 22 April 2006 23


 National Program Committee (NPC)  AIChE Staff  Executive Board of National Program Committee (EBPC) 

AIChE Conferences/Meetings

 Programming Activities Schedule (guidelines)  NPC Annual Meeting (Spring National Meeting) 22 April 2006 24


  

AIChE Meetings (NPC main responsibility)

  Spring – National (includes Global Congress on Process Safety) Fall – Annual Freestanding Conferences (e.g., PDS, Ammonia) Co-sponsored   Management Conference (with ACS or others) With other Societies (e.g., OTC)    International Conferences (e.g., World Congress) Biennial Mixing Conference (NAMF) Engineering & Construction Contracting Association (ECC – an affiliated organization) 22 April 2006 25

AIChE Meetings Work Process












  Select location (several years in advance) –

(with consultation) AIChE Director, Meetings

EBPC appoints MPC & GAC NPC’s Groups and Areas propose sessions, including Topical Conferences–

AIChE/MPC coordinates

Titles and session chairs submitted –electronically on web Cosponsorships, details discussed at Annual NPC Meeting

MPC prepares tentative program Call for Papers (PTP electronically on Web) Chairs, Topical Chairs, and NPC members approve papers and construct sessions (web process) MPC schedules sessions (supported by AIChE Staff) Publish program and promote the meeting Follow-up on sessions/topicals organization, authors, etc Have the meeting Evaluate the meeting (includes post conference e-mail web survey) 22 April 2006 26

Responsibilities of the MPC

 Organizes overall meeting, establish themes and technical program   with NPC Group/Area chairs/programming chairs with AIChE staff  Coordinates with General Arrangements Committee  Responsible to EBPC for meeting schedule, quality, etc 22 April 2006 27

Responsibilities of the GAC

  Coordinates and organizes the General Arrangements Committee, setting up:  Entertainment / tours  Social program    Publicity Program copy Session aides (if required)  Onsite Volunteer Staff Coordinates with Director of Meetings and Meeting Logistics Planner 22 April 2006 28


 National Program Committee (NPC)  AIChE Staff  Executive Board of National Program Committee (EBPC)  AIChE Conferences/Meetings 

Programming Activities Schedule (guidelines)

 NPC Annual Meeting (Spring National Meeting) 22 April 2006 29

Meeting Development Process

GC/AC forwards session requests to Confex after Confex opened by HQ MPC sets allocation at retreat (Spring) GC/AC * reviews, revises & completes session info into Confex PTP (elec. CFP opens on Web) Actions are the same for the Fall and Spring meetings, but the mode of execution and timing are different. SCs plan Sessions and Recruits papers MPC plans meeting, approves sessions MPC & Staff use Confex system To develop TP, Index, Grid Meeting happens 22 April 2006 30

Best Practices for Programming Development

Guidelines (“Topical Conference How-To Guide”) published by Winston Ho and Phil Westmoreland, November 2002, available on the web at:


Needs update on use of Confex system.

22 April 2006 31

Year (-2 )Activities for the Annual Meeting (conducted through the web & e-mail)

    MPC announces Meeting theme EBPC assigns a number of base and supplementary session slots to each Group as needed -2 year in Fall – AIChE request submission of sessions from Programming Groups Groups and areas plan and submit their set of sessions and Topical Conferences (web process)  Include agreement for co-sponsorships (Valuable for cross disciplinary contributions) 22 April 2006 32

The Spring Meeting is Different

    Meeting is comprised of strong Topicals and Sub conferences (e.g., EPC, Loss Prevention, F&PD, IMRET) + “unaligned” sessions (10-15%) Programming groups follow internal, historical timelines Programming for following year’s Spring meeting is generally developed at current meeting or afterwards EBPC Spring Meeting Task force is working on a more coherent meeting, maintaining quality of strong programming while improving weaker components 22 April 2006 33

Session Types

 Symposia – 4 to 8 papers    Sponsored by group/area Cosponsored by different groups/areas or by external entities Affiliated with a topical conference  Plenary sessions (invited speakers)  Posters  Panel Discussions  Tutorial sessions (can use single or multiple speakers, instructional in nature, presentations are well coordinated) 22 April 2006 34

Topical Conferences

  Focused on one area, several sessions (6 – 20) Must be approved by EBPC and MPC (approval process is on of exception)   Typically include:   Proceedings (now to be included on one master CD) An event(s) (dinners, lunches, receptions, etc.)   Plenary sessions Associated short courses and/or tutorials May have AIChE and external co-sponsors  Currently 80-90% of Spring Meeting and 30% or more of Annual Meeting 22 April 2006 35

Ticketed (extra fee) Tutorials and Short Courses

 Run by AIChE, sponsored by Groups, usually on Sundays, before main conference sessions  Tutorials (ticketed for non-meeting attendees)  Short courses (ticketed for all but sometimes free) 22 April 2006 36

Soliciting Papers

 Calls for Papers may be mailed, e-mailed, and posted by session organizers. This works well for the Fall meeting. The Spring Meeting requires more personal attention to assemble quality papers. …  Calls for Papers (Sessions and Topicals are described on www.aiche.org

, under “Conferences”

– about 7-9 months before the Meeting

 Proposals-To-Present (PTP) are also submitted through www.aiche.org

, under “Conferences”  Organizers may invite featured speaker(s).

22 April 2006 37

Accepting and Scheduling Papers

   6-7 months before meeting, Web submission of PTPs closes Over the next 1-1/2 months:   Session chairs review and accept / reject / transfer papers using Web interface MPC and Group and Area chairs evaluate undersubscribed and over-subscribed sessions, eliminating and possibly adding sessions 4-5 months before meeting, the technical program schedule is announced on the Web (Our Goal) 22 April 2006 38

Preparations in the final few months .

     Program Book is generated Programming Dept. works with chairs (all levels) to instruct authors on submittal of pres. record (abstracts or full papers) Topical Conferences Proceedings are included in the Meeting Proceedings CD. (Certain topicals may be able to justify preparation of print volumes) Program chairs remind session chairs to notify authors and to solicit Records of Presentation (anywhere from 1-2 pages to full papers) Adjustments are made if authors/titles change or if there are cancellations 22 April 2006 39

At the Meeting...

 Support Session Chairs:   Check room: audio, lights Coordinate times and A/V with presenters  Ensure attendance is reported  Program Chairs (NPC):   NPC Programming Retreat Saturday (Spring)/ Sunday afternoon (Fall).

Group/Area meetings (throughout meeting week):   Solicit session titles and session chairs for 1 - 2+ years ahead Firm up session titles and chairs for next (two) year(s) 22 April 2006 40


 National Program Committee (NPC)  AIChE Staff  Executive Board of National Program Committee (EBPC)  AIChE Conferences/Meetings  Programming Activities Schedule (guidelines) 

NPC Annual Meeting (Spring National Meeting)

22 April 2006 41

At the Annual Programming Retreat Spring National Meeting Review last year’s Meetings:

performance/quality, attendance, other statistics - experience gained - input for future, etc - strategic initiatives

Discuss Programming Procedures

   Web session submission PTP Input for continuing improvements

Identify, Discuss & Input on Critical/Strategic Programming Issues

   Current year EBPC/NPC Priorities Growth/Quality Annual/Fall Meeting Program Book (preparation process / format)

Discuss & Refine & Catalyze Next Year’s Meeting Requests

 Session titles/topics, number, themes   Topicals Cosponsorships for above 22 April 2006 42

22 April 2006

Addendum Additional Information for

General Arrangements Committee Chairs Meeting Program Committee Chairs (MPC’s) 43

GAC Responsibilities

[Appointed by EBPC. Work with local section at host city, MPC, and Director of Meetings Major responsibility is to raise funds for welcoming reception. Work with Meetings Director and Meeting Logistics Planner and MPC on physical facilities Provide host city information for meeting program book (MPB) Provide GA Committee information for MPB Other responsibilities: Recruit volunteers to work registration/host/etc.

 Suggest spouse/guest program if any     Suggest social events if any Suggest plant tours if any (Recruit session aides if available) Manage local publicity for meeting 22 April 2006 44

MPC Responsibilities (In Conjunction with Meetings and Programming Staffs [EBPC

appoints the MPC 2 -3 yrs before meeting

] Major responsibility: Prepare technical program

22 April 2006 Select vice or co-MPC Coordinate, select, & approve sessions (some are mandated) Assign times, rooms, and session #s for the technical sessions Approve any and all changes/moves Prepare and proof-read the technical program (T-pages in MPB) Prepare and proof-read the index to the technical program Prepare the technical program grid Prepare MP Committee page (good to have a vice-chair) Prepare highlights page (ID threads, topicals, special features) Ex-officio member of Institute Lecture Committee (Annual MPC) Advise/approve MPB cover Maintain contact with programming coordinators and NPC 45

AIChE Meeting Database Program

22 April 2006 • GC/AC – enter own info & session info, submit schedule requests • PTP process (authors submit papers) • Extended Abstract/Full Paper Upload Process (authors submit) • SC (or assigned coord.) submit or approve proposed program • MPC assigns rooms/times/session # -- may modify sessions • DB Program generates  TP, Index, Grid for web  TP, Index, Grid for printer  Early version for SCs to proof 46