Sprint 1 Presentation (February 26th, 2015)

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Transcript Sprint 1 Presentation (February 26th, 2015)

ShareList – Sprint 1
Derek Baker
Olivier Berthonneau
Farrell Farahbod
Bryanna Noda
Lazaro Ramirez
Hunter Rowan
© Grossbit presentation
Product Description
ShareList is a cloud accessible software allowing music lovers to
collaboratively build playlists. A user friendly and mobile compatible
interface helps users to mix links from YouTube to make a unique and
cross platform song list. A simple login with Facebook gives access to
social interactions between users, making songs not only good to hear,
but also good to share.
Technology Stack
Software Stack
Teamwork Tools
1. Javascript
1. Notepad/Text Editor -- Coding
Ember.js (front end)
Ember-Data (front end)
Sails (back end)
2. CSS3 – front end
Bootstrap 3 framework
3. HTML – front end
4. SQL – back end
2. Stash/Git – Repository
3. Jira – Project Management
4. Docker – Developer environment
Design Visual
Database Design
Sprint 1 Objective: A basic but mobile friendly interface
allows users to login with Facebook and save links into lists
User Stories:
As a user I would like to create an account using Facebook
As a user I would like to be able to create a playlist
As a user I would like to link YouTube videos into a playlist
As a user I would like to select a playlist to play if multiple exist
As a user I would like to select a playlist to edit
As a user I would like to rename an existing playlist
As a user I would like to be able to reposition songs on my playlist
As a user I would like to be able to delete songs off of my playlist
As a user I would like to be able to delete an existing playlist
As a user I would like to log out of my account
As a user I would like to have this website optimized for mobile devices