Transcript Slide 1

My Greatest Hits!
 Your task is to create a CD cover, front and
back; the design should represent and reflect
 You will need to select (or create) ten song
titles that sum up important aspects of your
 Your CD will form part of your autobiography
Step one:
 Make a list of ten important aspects of your
life, such as:
 friends/family;
 interests/hobbies;
 likes/dislikes;
 music/food/cinema/books…;
 major events/holidays/important memories…;
 ambitions/future.
Step two:
 Take the ten points and convert them into
short song titles which you think reflect that
 You can use song titles that already exist or
make up your own.
Step three:
 Design a CD cover which you think reflects
your personality and life.
 Think carefully about the colours, images,
font and layout that you chose.
 Any images you use should be a reflection of
you and the aspects of your life you have
 Your cover should be the same size as a real
CD cover and your song titles should appear
on the reverse.
CD Cover example
A4 landscape – can be hand-drawn and coloured, a collage of cut-out
images and pictures or printed on a computer.
Images can be on both front and back or only the front.
Back Cover
Front Cover
Must contain your song
titles (10) and can be
decorated with images
and your design.
Must contain the name
of your CD and be
decorated with images
and your design.
Inside of CD Cover
On a separate sheet of A4 you must create the inside sleeve to your
CD cover. This will include your poem or prose – the introduction
to your CD.
Your poem or prose can
be on one side or across
the entire page (A4
Step four:
 Write an introductory passage for the inside
 This could take the form of:
 a poem introducing your CD/your life;
 an explanation of your design and song choices
and a description of why the aspects of your life
you have chosen are so important.
Poem - example
 Success
To laugh often and much;
to win the respect of intelligent people
and the affection of children;
to earn the appreciation of honest critics
and endure the betrayal of false friends;
to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others;
to leave the world a bit better,
whether by a healthy child,
a garden patch
or a redeemed social condition;
to know even one life has breathed easier
because you have lived.
This is to have succeeded.
Step five:
 Name your CD! Think carefully about what
you want your CD to suggest about you – all
words carry connotations so chose wisely.