AP Environmental Science Flo Gullickson How to take the

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Transcript AP Environmental Science Flo Gullickson How to take the

AP Environmental
Flo Gullickson
How to take the APES Exam
Part 3
[email protected]
The Exam
• May 1998 – 5,163 students took the first AP
Environmental Science exam
• In May 2009 – 59,000 students took the APES exam
• What is it?
– Section I – 100 Multiple Choice Questions with a
time limit of 90 minutes
– Section II – 4 Free Response Questions with a time
limit of 90 minutes
• All questions come from the test development
committee – 2 years to develop and tested at different
• Three exams have been released to use
for review 1998,2003 & 2008
• If you pass the Audit there is a third exam
available to you to use.
• All Essays except 1998 are on line for you
to use
• Exams are good to use as pre and post
May 3,2011 from
Effective Instructional Practices
• Connect with other professionals
• Develop a repertoire of effective teaching
• Share Activities and Post exam activities
• Share effective practices and lessons from
with others
• Begin to develop an action plan and
The Exam
I. Multiple Choice (60%)
 100 questions in 90 minutes
 Breadth
- Thought-provoking, fundamental ideas
- Recall facts/concepts
 Guessing
- ¼ point penalty
 Released Exams
- three released exams
The Exam
II. Free Response (40%)
 4 Questions in 90 minutes
 Depth
- 1 data set question
- 2 synthesis/evaluation questions
- 1 document-based question
Test-taking hints
- Students may be asked to plot graphs, predict, describe,
discuss, analyze
Score range 1 - 5
Common Verbs
• Compare: point out similarities and
differences, to examine 2 or more objects
and consider the likenesses.
• Explain: Tell how to do( steps), tell the
meaning of or why.. Give reasons for
• Describe: to give a picture or account of
in words
• Discuss: to consider from various points
of view
What to know about the multiple
• 1/4 point for every wrong answer
• No point are subtracted if you leave it
• It may be to your advantage to guess if
you can eliminate at least two
• It is not expected that everyone will finish
so DO NOT spend too much time on
difficult questions
• Use your time effectively
What to know for the Free
• Read all four essays first, pick the one you know
best and start with that one
• DO NOT RESTATE the question
• Follow the directions EXACTLY
• Underline the key words. If it says two only
answer two
• Give Clear and Concise answers
• Do NOT make lists. You must give the answer
in complete sentences
• Do NOT use buzz words without an explanation,
example- bioaccumulate
More on Free Response
• Know the common APES language, examplereduce or remediate
• Do NOT give up on a question there is a point
there for you
• Make sure you do all your work in the PINK
• Where explanation or discussion is required,
support your answers
• Be aware of “negative” questions such as “ all of
the following except”
Math Problems
• Problems are simple multiplication, division and
• Show every calculation in the PINK booklet
• Do NOT give up because you’re afraid of the
• Read the free response carefully it’s not
completely math so there can be points even if
you can’t do the math
Designing an Experiment
• Hypothesis- If…….Then statement.
• Example – If the number of gypsy moths increase then the
number of acorns will decrease.
• Control- Clearly indicate a control and the experiment
• Independent and dependent variable• Independent – the variable that is being changed
• Manipulative variable ( pH) What treatment will you apply
• dependent - the one that you are testing
• Responsive variable ( Frog) What will you measure
• Data or description of experiment – describe how you will take
data, materials, organism etc. How it will be graphed an analyzed.
• State how you will draw a conclusion. Your experiment needs to
be at least theoretically possible.
• Be consistent throughout.
Free Response Graphs
• Set up the graph with the independent variable
along the x-axis and dependent along the y-axis
• Mark off axes in equal increments and label with
proper units
• Plot points and attempt to sketch in the curve
• If more than one curve is plotted, write a label on
each curve ( this is better than a legend)
• Label each axis
• Give your graph an appropriate title( what is it
Types of Free Response
• Data- analysis
• Document based
• Synthesis and evaluation
• Lets look at one of each:
• Biosphere, the living
• Cycling of matter
• Population
• Food Agriculture &
• Solid Earth
Land & Water Use
Human Health
Laws & Influential
•Follow the directions EXACTLY
•Blue or Black ball pt. pen ONLY
•Complete sentences ONLY
•Write clearly and neatly
•Look for the buzz words
•When asks for two – only first two
•Label parts, a-d or e
•If you can’t exactly remember a word – give a shot
•Read all four essays first
General Misconceptions
Niche & Habitat
CO2 & CFC’s
Atmospheric Ozone & Ground level Ozone
Fission & Fusion
Origin of Acids in the Atmosphere,Sulfuric
& Nitric acids
• Convention & Alternative energy
• Passive and Solar energy
Become a Reader
The Reading
60% College professors, 40% AP teachers
Hierarchy (quality control ensures consistent scoring)
- Readers
- Table leaders
- Question leaders
- Chief reader
No rubric/answer key