Transcript Document

Special Education and
Adapted Physical Education
Alberto Friedmann, MS
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville,
Qualifying Disabilities Under
Individuals With Disabilities Act
Mental Retardation
Hearing Impairments (including deafness)
Speech or Language Impairments
Visual Impairments (including blindness)
Serious Emotional Disturbance
Orthopedic Impairments
Traumatic Brain Injury
Other Health Impairment
Specific Learning Disability
Any student who, by reason thereof, needs special education
and related services
Special Education
Not your parents’ SPED
Under IDEA, Special Education is defined as:
“Specifically designed instruction, at no cost to parents, to meet the
unique needs of a child with a disability including:
•Instruction conducted in the classroom, the home, in hospitals
and institutions, and in other settings; and
•Instruction in Physical Education.”
Adapted Physical Education
To adjust
To change to fit
To make suitable to or fit for a specific use or situation
Of or relating to the body
Involving or characterized by vigorous bodily activity
Of or relating to our physical environment
A program of instruction of a specified kind
An instructive or enlightening experience
The gradual process of acquiring knowledge
Important Terms and Ideas:
Person-First Wording
Least-Restrictive Environment
Educating not Labeling
Quality of Life
From the term hand-in-cap, actually derived from a game of chance but
sometimes mistakenly believed to involve the image of a beggar.
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
All children with disabilities have
•The right to a free and appropriate public education
•The right to physical education
•Equal opportunity for nonacademic and extracurricular activities
•An Individualized Education Program (IEP) designed to meet their
unique needs
•A program that is conducted in the least-restrictive environment
•Nondiscriminatory testing and objective criteria for placement
•The right to due process
•Access to related services to assist in special education
Purpose of
Adapted Physical Education
Self Actualization
To develop or achieve one's full potential
Optimal Personal Development
Optimal Self Awareness
Some Questions - Problems and Solutions about
PE and School Legal Obligation.
PE is defined by the federal government as a very
important component (major curricular area) & PE must
participate completely in IEP & instructional process.
Question 1 - Must children with disability
always be placed in regular PE?
1. No, If needs are better served
2. However, push for "inclusion" makes it
difficult to separate children.
Question 2 - If a child with a disability
is participating normally in regular PE
class, does the child need an IEP?
Question 3 -If a child with a disability
is so disruptive that others can't learn
effectively, must child be kept?
Question 4 - Can recess, physical therapy,
free play, field trips satisfy PE requirement?
Question 5 - Do obese, malnourished,
awkward/clumsy, etc. students qualify as
children with disability?
However, the child may still need, and may take
adapted PE
Question 6 - What if a child is excused
from PE because no adapted PE exists?
No child may be summarily excused of PE.
If the school gets federal funding, adapted PE
options must exist. It is the law.
Identification of A.P.E. Students
Done on a regular basis
Must include all students
Range from simple to complex
Often performed annually within a school district
Usually referred via screening
Can be specifically requested by teacher, parent,
doctor, physician, judge, student
Multiple tools available (B.O., BPFT, Fitnessgram, TGMD, etc.)
Need must exceed 30 consecutive calendar days
Determined by a team of professionals
Trend over last 20 years is towards Inclusion
Separate is NOT Equal
Requires an aware, creative, intelligent, and smart instructor
Placement Continuum
Level 9
Hospitals and Treatment Centers
Level 8
Special Schools
Move Only If
Level 7
Full-Time Individualized Classes
Level 6
Part-Time Individual Classes
Level 5
Full-Time Special Classes
Level 4
Part-Time Special Classes
Level 3
Regular Placement with Supplements
Level 2
Regular Placement with Support Services
Move As Soon
As Possible
Level 1
Regular Class Placement
Assessments have specific legal responsibilities. They must be:
In native tongue or other mode of communication (e.g., sign,
Administered by Trained Professionals
Reflect ability, not disability
Reliable and viable
More than a single procedure
reflective of all domains (social, cognitive, physical, etc.)
Must include MEASUREMENTS as well as ASSESSMENTS
Individualized Education Plan
According to P.L. 94-142, all children
receiving special education must
have IEP!
IEP conferences are to be held at beginning of each
school year and are a multidisciplinary event
Done within 30 days after school starts
Scheduled and reevaluated yearly
IEP Conference
Must Include:
•Member of teaching staff other than the teacher responsible
for special education, e.g., coordinator or director
•All teachers for that child
•At least one parent
•The child, when appropriate
•Other individuals such at parent or lawyers discretion, e.g.,
independent evaluator/related services (TR, OT, PT)
Must Include
•Statement of child's present level of performance
•Statement of annual goals and objectives
•Statement of extent to which child can participate in regular
•Projected dates of initiation of services
•Appropriate evaluation procedures to determine if goals and
objectives are being met
•Statement of specific special education and related services
There are yearly and daily goals and objectives
Three (3) components
•Behavior - Desired actions or response
•Criterion - How many times, what's it look like
•Conditions - Under what conditions done
Sample Yearly Goal:
“To have Ray achieve fundamental skill patterns at a developmental
level appropriate for a 6 year old, in daily APE.”
•Behavior- Achieving fundamental skill patterns
•Criterion - At a developmental level appropriate for a 6 year old
•Conditions - in daily adapted PE
Daily goals should reflect the yearly goals and should also be
definable, achievable, and measurable. Often these are not
done because of the amount of work required, but you can
Otherwise, work for at least short-term goals so you know what
is happening and can adjust the program as necessary.
Special Considerations
Not all adaptations are difficult to implement
•Extra set of books to avoid scoliosis
•Pencil grips
•Use of computers instead of handwriting
•Special seat cushions
Modifications which change the difficulty of the work
These can result in grades marked “WM” meaning the grade was
earned “with modifications,” often interpreted as “changed so the
stupid kid can get it.”
Stigma among children
Least Restrictive Environment also includes social environment. No
child should be embarrassed if avoidable.
Unrealistic or unachievable goals
There are limits to what you can ask a school to do.