Transcript Document

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

  The National Flag of the United Kingdom is known as the Union Jack ’Union’ for union of England and Scotland in 1606.

‘Jack’ because the flag is flown on the jack staff (a small flagstaff) of ships to show their nationality.

What is the name of the country?

Britain ?

Great Britain ?

the British Isles ?

the United Kingdom ?

England ?


 England  Great Britain  the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the UK) (UK)  the British Isles     Ireland ( Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic)

i s land I s les I r eland

England ( London ) Great Britain ( London )

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland ( Belfast ) Scotland ( Edinburgh ) Wales ( Cardiff )





(northern, southern)

 West


 East

ern (western, eastern)

(is) (be) is is situated washed by consist s of (be) is made up of comprise s include s compose s (be) is divided into (be) is subdivided into (be) is (be) is separated from surrounded by (be) is bounded by take s up occup y -occup ies extend s (be) are filled with flow s to / into / out of

              the British Isles Europe - the European continent the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Great Britain England Scotland Wales the Irish Republic the Atlantic Ocean the North Sea the Irish Sea the English Channel The Wash The Bristol Channel            the Thames the Trent the Clyde The Fourth the Severn the Lake District the Pennine Chain the Grampian Mountains Ben Nevis the Cumbrian Mountains Snowdon