Systems architecture and Integration plan

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Transcript Systems architecture and Integration plan

High-Performance Computing and Networking for Technological and Environmental Risk Management HITERM



Dr. Kurt Fedra Environmental Software & Services GmbH, Austria [email protected] A-2352 Gumpoldskirchen


HITERM Review Presentation

• HITERM Consortium • Project overview: objectives • Project structure • Progress Report: Work Packages and Tasks • The Demonstrator • Administrative issues

HITERM Consortium

• ESS , Environmental Software & Services, Austria • GMD Institute for Computer Architecture and Software Technology, Germany • SYRECO Italy • LNEC S.R.L. Affidabilita, Sicurezza, Software, Informatica, SA, Portugal • FCCN Fondacao para a Computacao Cientifica Nacional, Portugal • PETROGAL , Petroleos de Portugal SA • ASIT , Safety and Information Systems in Transport Ltd, Switzerland HITERM


HITERM Project Objectives

develop HPCN decision support tools for technological risk management and the environment with: – better-than-real time complex simulation models (3D, dynamic) – fully integrated uncertainty analysis and error propagation (Monte Carlo) – on-line data interpretation, visualization – integrated MC decision support tools.


HITERM Project Structure

30 months project, overlapping development phases and test cycles: • Preparatory phase with Requirements and Constraints Report • Tool development phase: model parallelization, communication, visualization and multi-media, uncertainty analysis, decision support • Case study applications: Italy, Portugal, Switzerland

HITERM Progress Report

WP 0: WP 1: WP 2: Project Coordination and Management Requirements and Constraints Analysis Model Parallelization WP 3: WP 4: Communication and Networking Visualization and Multi-media WP 5: WP 6: Model Calibration, Uncertainty Analysis Decision Support, Expert System WP 7: System Integration W 8-10: Case Studies WP 11: Analysis and Evaluation of Case Studies WP 12: Dissemination and Exploitation HITERM


HITERM Progress Report

WP 0: Project Coordination and Management • installation of project web server:

• installation of ftp archives for document exchange • installation of e-mail list

[email protected]

• management and progress reports

HITERM Progress Report

WP 1: Requirements and Constraints Analysis HITERM Report prepared by SYRECO and ASIT, with inputs from other partners (Project Deliverable D01.1) • provides guidance for subsequent design and development tasks • internal document is prepared for publishing on the web server

HITERM Progress Report

WP 2: Model parallelization responsible partner: GMD first experiments on workstation clusters with: • diagnostic wind field model (running vertical layers in parallel) • Lagrangian atmospheric dispersion model (particle tracking) HITERM


HITERM Progress Report

WP 3: Communication and Networking responsible partners: LNEC, FCCN • report on communication alternatives by FCCN (integrated in D01.1) • first experiments with mobile GSM client (using Java) by LNEC


HITERM Progress Report

WP 4: Visualization and multi-media responsible partner: ESS • implementation of model output display as part of the demonstrator development • Java demonstrator prototype

HITERM Progress Report

WP 5: Model calibration, uncertainty analysis responsible partner: GMD • implementation of a Monte-Carlo framework for the evaporation model (dynamic source term for dispersion modeling) HITERM

HITERM Progress Report

WP 6: Decision support, expert system responsible partners: ESS, ASIT • linkage of a rule-based expert system with the demonstrator prototype • definition of evaluation rules • rule-based user interaction HITERM

HITERM Progress Report

WP 7: System Integration responsible partners: ESS, GMD, LNEC • definition of basic client-server architecture • implementation of first client-server modules based on http protocol with – X11 based interface (high bandwidth) – Java GUI (low bandwidth) HITERM

HITERM Progress Report

WP 7: System Integration HPC server 100Mb Ethernet, FDDI, ATM, B-ISDN GSM, ISDN


Main server http server X11 client Java client moni toring HITERM

HITERM Progress Report

WP 8: Case Study: Portugal WP 9: Case Study: Switzerland WP 10: Case Study: Italy • data compilation and processing (reports on data availability in D01.1) • definition of accident scenarios HITERM

HITERM Progress Report

WP 12: Dissemination and Exploitation • installation of project web server • address list for project user group, on-line registration page on the web server • presentation at the RISK ‘97 in Amsterdam HITERM


HITERM Demonstrator

• Implemented with sample GIS and installation data from San Pietro, Italy • hierarchical GIS with site selection • embedded expert system • integrated hazardous chemicals data base • diagnostic wind field model • dynamic source term (evaporation model) linked with http client-server protocol • simple Eulerian (multi-layer) dynamic dispersion model

HITERM project overview

HITERM Public interest, Portugal: A truck upside down on the motorway: 400 trucks a day with no safety planning (February 4, 1997)

HITERM project overview

HITERM Public interest, Portugal: Truck capsizes: Danger of underground water contamination (February 11, 1997)

HITERM project overview

HITERM Public interest, Portugal: Aveiras-trucks to travel at night: Civil Protection to study further measures (March 5, 1997)

HITERM project overview

HITERM Public interest, Portugal: Fire in refinery: Modern societies have to live with risks but they should be ready to control them (June 20, 1997)