Transcript Slide 1

International Financial Management
10th Edition
by Jeff Madura
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Measuring Exposure to
Exchange Rate Fluctuations
Chapter Objectives
This chapter will:
A. Discuss the relevance of an MNC’s exposure to exchange rate risk
B. Explain how transaction exposure can be measured
C. Explain how economic exposure can be measured
D. Explain how translation exposure can be measured
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Relevance of Exchange Rate Risk
1. Investor Hedge Argument: exchange rate risk is
irrelevant because investors can hedge exchange rate
risk on their own.
2. Currency Diversification Argument: if U.S.-based
MNC is well diversified across numerous currencies,
its value will not be affected by exchange rate risk
3. Stakeholder Diversification Argument: if stakeholders
are well diversified, they will be somewhat insulated
against losses due to MNC exchange rate risk.
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Forms of Exchange Rate Exposure
1. Transaction exposure
2. Economic exposure
3. Translation exposure
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Transaction Exposure
1. Definition: sensitivity of the firm’s contractual
transactions in foreign currencies to exchange rate
2. To assess transaction exposure, the MNC must:
a. Estimate net cash flows in each currency
b. Measure potential impact of the currency exposure
 p  Wx2 x2  Wy2 y2  2WxWy x y CORRxy
W  proportionof portfoliovaluein currency xor y
σ  standarddeviationof percentagechangesin currency xor y
CORR  correlation coefficient of percentagechangesin currenciesx and y
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Exposure of an MNC’s Portfolio Affected by:
Measurement of currency variability
Currency variability over time
Measurement of currency correlations
Applying currency correlations to net cash flows
Currency correlations over time
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Transaction Exposure Based on Value at
Risk (VaR)
1. Measures the potential maximum 1-day loss on the
value of positions of an MNC that is exposed to
exchange rate movements.
2. Factors that affect the maximum 1-day loss:
a. Expected percentage change in the currency rate for the next
b. Confidence level used
c. Standard deviation of the daily percentage changes in the
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Using Value at Risk
Applying VaR to longer time horizons
Applying VaR to transaction exposure of a portfolio
Estimating VaR with an electronic spreadsheet
Limitations of VaR
a. Presumes that the distribution of exchange rate movements is
b. Assumes that the volatility of exchange rate movements is
stable over time
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Economic Exposure
1. Definition: The sensitivity of the firm’s cash flows to
exchange rate movements, sometimes referred to as
operating exposure.
2. Economic exposure arises from:
a. Exposure to local currency appreciation
b. Exposure to local currency depreciation
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Measuring Economic Exposure
1. Use of sensitivity analysis
2. Use of regression analysis
PCFt  a0  a1et  t
PCFt  percentagechangein inflation- adjusted
cash flows measuredin homecurrency
et  percentagechangein direct exchangerate
t  randomerror term
a0  intercept
a1  slope coefficient
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Translation Exposure
1. Definition: The exposure of the MNC’s consolidated
financial statements to exchange rate fluctuations.
2. Does translation exposure matter?
a. Cash flow perspective
b. Stock price perspective
3. Determinants of translation exposure:
a. The proportion of business conducted by foreign subsidiaries
b. The locations of foreign subsidiaries
c. The accounting methods used
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