Transcript Slide 1

Introduction to HTML

Contents      Getting Started..

What is HTML?

How to create and View an HTML document?

Basic HTML Document Format The HTML Basic tags   HTML Protocol Headers Publishing Pages

What the following term mean :

 Web server: a system on the internet containg one or more web site  Web site: a collection of one or more web pages  Web pages: single disk file with a single file name  Home pages: first page in website

Think about the followings before working your Web pages.

 Think about the sort of information(content) you want to put on the Web.

 Set the goals for the Web site.  Organize your content into main topics.  Come up with a general structure for pages and topics.

What is HTML?

 Telling the browser what to do, and what props to use.

 A serises of tags that are integrated into a text document.

Tags are ;  surrounded with angle brackets like this  or .  Most tags come in pairs  exceptions:


  • tags …  The first tag turns the action on, and the second turns it off.

     The second tag(off switch) starts with a forward slash.  For example , text     can embedded, for instance, to do this:   Your text </HEAD> it won't work.

    The correct order is Your text not case sensitivity. Many tags have attributes.

     For example,

    centers the paragraph following it. Some browsers don't support the some tags and some attributes.

    Basic HTML Document Format

    WENT'99 Went'99

    See what it looks like:

    How to Create and View an HTML document?

    1.Use an text editor such as Notepad to write the document. 2.Save the file as filename.html on a PC. This is called the Document Source. 3.Open Internet Explorer (or any browser) Off-Line 4.Click on File, Open File and select the filename.html document that you just created. 5.Your HTML page should now appear just like any other Web page in Netscape.

    6.You may now switch back and forth between the Source and the HTML Document  switch to Notepad with the Document Source  make changes  save the document again  switch back to Internet Explorer  click on RELOAD and view the new HTML Document  switch to Notepad with the Document Source......

    Tags in head

      ...-- contains information about the document ...-- puts text on the browser's title bar.

    HTML Characteristics

     Just a Text File!

    + Portable + Human Readable/Writable  Defines the Structure (not Appearance) of the Document  Client (Browser) defines the appearance  Font preferences, window width, …  Pours into Browser (PDAs, Bigger/Smaller)

    Document Structure

    < html > < head >< title >My First Web Page< /title > < /head > < body bgcolor="white"> < p >A Paragraph of Text.< /p > < /body > < /html >

    Nested Tags

      Like a tree, each element is contained inside a parent element Each element may have any number of attributes ... ... ... bgcolor="white" ... other stuff


    This is some text!

    Basic Tags

    < html > < head >< title >My First Web Page< /title > < /head > < body bgcolor="white"> < p >A Paragraph of Text.< /p > < /body > < /html >

    Basic Tags

      Preamble which identifies content as HTML 

     H1-6 where larger number means smaller heading 

     Includes vertical whitespace unlike

    Basic Tags

    horizontal rule 
    new line  ... bold  ... italicize text in between

       Unordered Lists

    • Apples
    • Oranges
    Ordered Lists
    1. One
    2. Two
    Can be nested


    o o 1.


    Apples Fuji Granny Smith Oranges

    Image Files

         JPEG  Best for photos  Public standard GIF  Best for simple images  Older standard PNG – Portable Network Graphics  Public standard replacement for GIF SVG – Scalable Vector Graphics  Series of drawing commands  Uses XML


     ... for each row  ... for each element in a row  … for header row

    Table Example

    row 1, cell 1 row 1, cell 2
    row 2, cell 1 row 2, cell 2



    Special HTML

     < → <  > → >  & → &    → space

    Anchor Tag (Links)

    Absolute HREFs specify fully qualified URLs.

       Yahoo! In this directory! In sub-directory a! Relative HREFs are relative to the directory containing the current HTML file.

    Review: Client and Server

     User uses HTTP client (Web Browser)  It has a URL (e.g.  Makes a request to the server  Server sends back data (the response )  User clicks on the client side...

    request (URL) response (HTML, …) Client Server

    Client/Server Timeline

    Client (C1)

    get IP address & port


    create new socket

    (socket) (C3)

    connect to server IP:port

    (connect) .







    connection successful


    send HTTP request

    (write) (C6)

    wait for HTTP response

    (read) .





    process HTTP response


    close connection

    (close) Server (S1)

    create new socket

    (socket) (S2)

    bind socket to port 80

    (bind) (S3)

    permit socket connections

    (listen) (S4)

    wait for connection

    (accept) .







    application notified of connection


    start reading request

    (read) .





    process HTTP request message




    send back HTTP response

    (write) (S9)

    close connection


    HTTP Request Structure

    URL, URN, or URI?

     URN is location-independent resource identifier  urn:ietf:rfc:3187  urn:isbn:0451450523  URL is the location  URI is the superset of URL & URN

    URL Structure

    < scheme >://:@< host >: /< path >;?< query >#

    Unsafe Characters

     Some Characters need to be encoded  ~  SPACE  % [ASCII: 126 (0x7E)] [ASCII: 32 (0x20)] [ASCII: 37 (0x25)]  Examples  


    Empty-String Path


     Assume the path is "/"  Client should send GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n

    Relative Headers

     Client Side  Given a URL in a file, if it is relative, will add base address to the relative URL Last requested path is

     in index.html see link

    Request Header

     GET / HTTP / 1.1

    Request Header Example

    GET / HTTP/1.1

    Host: localhost:8181 Connection: keep-alive Referer: http://localhost/~ronyeh/ User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/124 (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/125 Accept: */* Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate;q=1.0, identity; q=0.5, *;q=0 Accept-Language: en-us, ja;q=0.62, de-de;q=0.93

    General Headers

     Used by clients & servers  Seen in both requests and responses Date: Tue, 3 Oct 2004 02:16:00 GMT  Connection: keep-alive

    Request Headers

     Client-IP:

     Host:

     Referer:  User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0

     UA-OS  If-Modified-Since

    Request Headers

     Accept: */*  Accept: text/html  Accept-Language: en-us, ja  Accept-Encoding: gzip

    HTTP Response Structure

    Example Response

    HTTP Server Response Codes

       200 OK 3XX -- Minor Client Error    301 -- File Moved Permanently 302 -- Moved Temporarily 304 -- Not Modified 4XX -- Major Client Error     400 -- Syntax Error 401 -- Unauthorized 403 -- Forbidden, Permission Denied 404 -- Not Found!

    HTTP Server Response Codes

     5XX -- Server Errors  500 -- Internal Server Error  503 -- Service Unavailable

    General Headers

     Used by clients & servers  Seen in both requests and responses Date : Tue, 3 Oct 1974 02:16:00 GMT  Connection : close

    Server Response Headers

     Server: GWS/2.1

     Content-Length: 2136  Content-Type: text/html  Location  Expires  Last-Modified


     Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions  type, subtype, & optional parameters  type/subtype; param1=value1

        application/* audio/* image/*   image/jpeg image/tiff text/*     text/xml text/rtf text/html text/plain

    MIME types

     video/*    video/quicktime video/mpeg video/x-msvideo

    Pages with Multiple Types

     Each entity (ex. image) is standalone HTTP request  Page with many pictures creates many connections  Each response therefore has appropriate MIME settings

    Mapping URL Path

        Server can map URLs to any place on the file system. Doesn't have to be under the Document Root. It's the server's choice!!!

    User names  ~kashaw May map to /users/kashaw/WWW /a/b/ => maps to a default file  index.html, default.html, index.htm, index.shtml

    /a/b/ => if default file doesn't exist, may list the directory's files

    Trailing Slash

     What if Client asks for /a/b  Say file b doesn't exist  Utilize the 301 Redirect to /a/b/  Client re-does request What happens if server does NOT issue 301, but gives the client the right file anyways?

    Advanced Topics

     Redirection  Caching  Performance  HTTP 1.1

    When NOT to Redirect

     Client requests /a/b/  Server maps to /a/b/index.html and sends back html file  A Link  Client takes base address /a/b/ concatenates with c.html

     Client requests /a/b/c.html which is correct!

    When to Redirect

     URL missing trailing slash  No file named /class/cs193i  But, directory named /class/cs193i/  If Redirect did NOT happen  Client thinks base address is /class/  a relative href=”schedule.html” in cs193i will be mapped by client to /class/schedule.html

     Server will return 404 Not Found

    Why Redirect?

        Reliability (Find Live Hosts) Minimize Delay (Find Shortest Path) Conserve Network Bandwidth (Spread out Requests Geographically) Load Balancing (Distribute Requests Temporally)

    Load Balancing Example

    Client1 GET / HTTP/1.1



    Client3 HTTP/1.1 302 Found Date: Wed, 10 July 2004 16:46:17 GMT Location: http://c.goldenretrievers.c


    Load Balancing Example

    Client1 Client2 Client3

    Redirection Tradeoffs

       HTTP Redirection   Every request initially goes through the machine Must Customize www Web Server Alternative: DNS Redirection  DNS server decides which IP address to return (from a list of OK IP Addrs) Alternative: Hardware Redirection  NAT Box! Packet rewriting!

    Caching Motivation

     Redundant Data Transfer  Network Bandwidth Bottlenecks  Server Demand  Distance Delays (Latency)

    Adding Caching

    Web Cache < Traffic Server

    Hit, Miss, Revalidate

    Revalidate Options

    Revalidate request with If-Modified-State

    GET /announce.html HTTP/1.0

    If-Modified-Since: Sat, 29 Jun 2002, 14:30:00 GMT Cache (browser cache or proxy cache) HTTP/1.0 304 Not Modified Date: Wed, 03 Jul 2002, 19:18:23 GMT Content-type: text/plain Content-length: 67 Expires: Fri, 05 Jul 2002, 05:00:00 GMT

    “Still fresh” response

      Check via If-Modified-Since...Not Modified  Suffers from 2X latency between cache & server Just assume, and have a timeout, refresh cache automatically Server

    Request / Response Timeline

    SYN SYN+ ACK ACK+ GET /food.html


    HTTP/1.0 200 OK Time

    Web Pages w/ Multiple Requests


    Persistent Connections


    Connection: Keep-Alive

    Persistent Connections

     HTTP 1.0 -- Connections close by Default  No need for Content-length, end signaled by EOF (in-band signal)  HTTP 1.1 -- Persistent by Default  Must use Content-length

    Chunked-Transfer Encoding

     Problem: Content-length costly for server  Solution  Server omits Content-Length  Transfer-encoding: chunked  Send Data in Chunks, Prefixed by length in Hex  End is marked with Chunk Length 0 (in band signal like in POP)

    Publishing pages

     Viewing your pages via the internet  Send pages to a web server    How a page is distributed Server space maintenance Common ways (protocols) of sending pages to a web server  FTP   SSH Through a mapped drive

    Publishing pages

     Sending pages via FTP to a web server  File Transfer Protocol  Plain-text data transfer  Microsoft’s FTP client  ftp://username:[email protected]

     ftp://[email protected]

     Other FTP clients  WS_FTP  CuteFTP

    Publishing pages

     Exercise: Publish pages to through an FTP client  Go to your desktop  Open “My Computer” or “Internet Explorer”  Type in the following URL into the address field: Oakland’s ftp address

    Publishing pages

     Sending pages via SSH  Secure Shell  Encrypted data transfer  More secure than FTP  SSH used with

    access for off-campus  SSH clients  SSH Secure Shell  PuTTY (Free Win32 SSH client)

    Publishing pages

     Sending pages through a mapped drive  Method used to publish on campus to

    . Normally labeled “H:” or “the H drive”.

    Publishing pages

     Creating a mapped drive for

             Make sure you have access to on the web server If not: Have your fiscal agent send an e-mail to Web Services approving access Go to your computer’s desktop Right click on the “My Computer” icon Select “Map Network Drive…” Enter Q: as the drive letter Enter \\www\www_usi Click on Finish or OK as the folder Traverse to your folder you have access to using FrontPage or another web publishing application