Transcript Document

Building a Road Map for
Strengthening the Caribbean
Health Workforce
2012 – 2017
High Level Meeting on Human Resources for Health in
the Caribbean
Bridgetown, Barbados
March 19-20, 2012
Charles Godue, Coordinator
Human Resources for Health
Why a regional Road Map?
The Road Map will provide a framework to guide HRH
national policies, stakeholder actions and crosscountry collaboration toward achieving the CCHIII
CAR HRH Working Group for the Road Map
From the perspective of the
Region of the Americas
1.The 2005 Toronto Call to Action for a Decade of
Human Resources for Health (the regional network of
HRH Observatories)
2.PASC 2007: Twenty Regional Goals for HRH and their
3.DC 2010: Strategy for health personnel competency
development in PHC-based health systems
4.“Sub-regional” HRH policies and technical working
The objectives of the Meeting
1. To discuss and contribute to the development of a
regional Road Map to strengthen the Caribbean
Health Workforce 2012-2017
2. To identify key elements of a strategy for its
communication, adoption and implementation
Some principles of the Road Map
1. The Road Map should build on the history and
current HRH policies, initiatives and achievements
2. The Road Map should bring together relevant
government sectors, institutions, agencies and
stakeholders committed to HRH development
3. The Road Map should respond to critical
challenges to the health and well-being of the
Caribbean population and to desired changes in
the health systems
4. In other words, the Road Map should be relevant,
collaborative, realistic and have political traction
The structure of the proposed Road Map
1. The duration of the Road Map is 5 years, 2012 2017;
2. The focus are on:
a. Governance
b. Education and training
3. It builds on synergies between regional and
national levels
About our meeting
The agenda
Diffusion through livestream; interviews
Creation of a web page
Most importantly, the participants…