Transcript Main Title

CFC ERP Project
bi-weekly meeting (14/03/2014)
Ganda ERP Project |
Current Progress and Achievements
• All of CFC ERP Customization requirement have been collected and now is
under Customization Spec Development and Programming
All of MFG Modules customization spec have been confirmed and near 60% customization
program (Total around 2200 Hrs, Finished around 1200 Hrs) have been complete and under
internal testing.
All of MFG Reports Requirement have been confirmed on Feb-2014 and those customization
specs will be finished before 16-Mar-2014.
All of FIN customization have been collected and confirmed, including Dual currency solution.
Ganda ERP Project |
The Schedule to Go-Live for CFC
Distribution / FG
Finance &
Simulation Testing 50% (12-May)
Simulation Testing 10% (15-Apr)
ERP Go Live
ERP Go Live
Human Resouce
Basic Data upload
Test / Simulation
End User Training
Parallel Test Run
Ganda ERP Project |
Suggestion about CFC Operation Simulation Test
• Operation Simulation Test Scope on Apr-2014
• Modules : Purchasing, Inventory, Sales & B2B, Distribution & Warehouse,
Production, Finance & Accounting, SMS
• Locations : TKP plant only (or TKP & HPGP two plants)
• Testing Data Volume : 5% ~ 10% of daily transactions
• Major Target : (1) Ensure ERP Major process can running well and do
some fine turning
(2) Let user have more real practice chance
• Remark & Notes
• Maintain, Elec. Power, QC Report, Customization Reports & HRM modules can be
put on 2nd round Operation Simulation Test (May-2014)
• The Other CFC Branch Offices can be include in 2nd round Simulation Test
• Testing Data Volume can be enlarge to 50% ~ 100% of daily operation in 2nd round
Simulation Test .
Ganda ERP Project |
Progress update
Module / Function
Finance & Accounting
Progress Update
1. Digiwin Project Team have provided a new
solution for CFC Dual Currency
2. Regarding to how many Operation Center
(DB) should be configured in CFC ERP
system. Due to the VAT output
B2B & Sales
Distribution / Logistic
Due to CFC daily logistic operation process
requirement, the “Delivery Target Setting”
function on have to put on Phase-I
Due to CFC user still have no chance
to see the full distribution operation
flow demonstration on CFC ERP (DO
 DS  LN  LC  DN), so users are
worry about those function really can
run or not.
Next Plan
1. Digiwin Project Team will
breakdown the new Dual
Currency Solution more detail
and arrange an “solution
concept simulation meeting”
with CFC Accounting Dept. key
2. Ted will arrange a meeting with
CFC Accounting Dept. to
discuss it on next week
11/03/2014 17:47 Alex Sent
Dear Mr. Luong & Mr. Chinh & Mr. Hien
Please provide related documents to
Mr. Nick for the "Delivery target
setting". We can discussion the
details on Friday before Mr. Nick
came in the next week.
Digiwin Project team will provide
a whole distribution operation
flow demonstration when MFG
consultant next coming trip. (17
Mar-2014 15:00)
Ganda ERP Project |
Progress update
Module / Function
Inventory & Warehouse
Progress Update
1.some Inventory transaction list
below still need adding shift
control column.
2.CFC need to use Application
function for new Item No
3.In order to remind New Item No
Requestor have to put “Similar
Report” as attachment for Data
Center checking, the print-out
“New Item No Application Slip”
need to put some reminding text
on it.
1.How to solve the gaps between
Packing Shift Report and F/G Real
Time Report.
2.How to solve the daily report shift
across two days.
Next action Plan
1.The only outstanding shiftrelated reports are Inventory
Module Report and we are taking
some actions now and we will
provide the progress to CFC
2.CFC can user TIPTOP ERP
Standard Item Application
function in Item No Application
3.A.D agree to put the Similar
Report into Phase 2.
1.Digiwin suggest to use
“Warehouse Allow Negative
Stock Option” as the solution.
2.Due to most of customization UI
have already put [Shift-no] filed
for input, so those Shift Related
report can be generate by ERP
Ganda ERP Project |
Progress update
Module / Function
Cost Accounting
Progress Update
1.Digiwin have already explain the
solution about “How to solve the
problem for the dual currency and
separate the cost for 2 production line”
2.CFC suggest to held a “Cost Process
Simulation Meeting” to simulate cost
calculation process step by step, by
using some sample data, and to ensure
CFC user can understand the solution
TIPTOP ERP Budget Functions are
designed in GL Module, the main focus of
TIPTOP Budget function are Budget Data
Setting, Actual/Budget Comparison and
Purchasing Budget Control. There are not
supporting function for Budget Planning
and Budget Simulation on standard
TIPTOP Package.
The SMS Module customizations are
CFC Phase-I Must-Have functions,
Digiwin will provide the progress to
CFC continually..
Next action Plan
1. by using different Item-No for
different production line. And
after meeting discuss, CFC users
have already know the solution
and confirm the solution is
2. Ted will arrange a meeting with
CFC Accounting Dept. to discuss
it on next week
(Mr. Alex have provide attached
TIPTOP Budget Module
document to Ted on 06-Mar, and
Ted will help to checking if the
module still workable or not and
feedback to CFC.)
(The SMS Modules expect to deliver
on Mar-2014)
Now handling by Digiwin Vietnam
Branch office
Ganda ERP Project |
Progress update
Module / Function
Progress Update
1. Due to CFC process control
requirement, the “weight-scale &
belt-scale integration function” on
GR (Good Receiving) have to put on
Phase-I (01-July-2014 Go-Live MustHave function), but Digiwin can put
these integration function in lower
priority because of the function will
not be including in 1st month
Operation Simulation Testing.
2. Purchase Request (PR) Process
need one ERP Print-out “Similar
Report” as attachment to ensure
requestor (user) have checked
purchase items are existing in ERP
or not, before he Issue PR.
Customization Reports
1. CFC site review all the first priority
reports on 3/3/2014 and already reduce
the reports from 61 to 52.
2. All of 50 Customization Reports will be
delivery before 30-May-2014.
Next action Plan
1. Alex Sent: Sat 08/03/2014 11:06 AM
Please Mr. Nick make the Truck Scale &
Belt Scale data transmission
specifications for us to confirm.
CFC TKP & HPGP will assign the
person to responsible for maintaining
the LiGu TWM & BLM basic data and
unified sync with ERP data before
After that the application process will
be used to establish basic information
for LiGu system. including:. Item No. +
Vendor code.
2. A.D agree to put the Similar Report into
Phase 2
Digiwin will provide the RPT
Specs to CFC for confirmation
on Mar-2014
Ganda ERP Project |
Progress update
Module / Function
Equipment Maintain
Progress Update
Due to Maintain Module is a whole
new customization module, Digiwin
Project Team plan to provide
Maintain Module Training and collect
the gaps between delivered functions
and CFC requirements on Apr-2014.
Next action Plan
PD at CCR meeting on March 07, 2014 15:00
about mentioned subject, Mr. Thanh
Packing Manager hereby brief as following:
Please related department check manpower
basic data (specially for maintenance) and
send to Mr. Thanh integration.
10/03/2014 For the Basic Data, Mr. Thanh
suggest to use real case: One desktop
computer found shutdown / overheated and
suspected need to check or replace CPU or
CPU fan, what is basic data we need to
provide into TIPTOP system so as let thing
Electric Power
Q.C Reports
Fully customization and spec.
already confirmed
Fully customization and spec.
already confirmed
Digiwin will deliver those customization
function progressively from May-2014.
Digiwin will deliver those customization
function progressively from May-2014
Ganda ERP Project |
Progress update
Module / Function
HPGP & Branch Office
Progress Update
Next action Plan
1. Digiwin HRM Product Center will modify
1. Date Format
HRM System Product to support CFC Date
2. evaluation about how long does it take to
Format on UI (User Interface), and the
do Salary Calculation for 1,000 employee
new HRM will be released on 10-May.
(Digiwin Project team will help to modify
3. E-Card & Finger printer solution.
the Date-Format setting on HRM Report
4. Dummy Employee to record the summary
Template) p.s. This HRM Product Upgrade
of all Expatriate Employee salary data.
& Service will be free of charge.
5. Digiwin provide the HRM Activities Table
2. Digwin will provide the figures for CFC
for CFC HRM Dept.
evaluation about how long does it take to
6. HRM Consultant will help to set pilot
do Salary Calculation on Digiwn HRM
HRM alert application for CFC and
system for 1,000 employee circumstance .
execute technical transfer about those
3. CFC already Confirmed that will not
Implement E-Card solution. Finger printer
7. Department Head view members HRM
data in ESS system ?
8. CFC Import employee historical data who 4. CFC will not set all individual Expatriate
Employee salary data blank in HRM
still on duty into HRM system including
system. All of those employee salary will
department transfer records, promotion
be processed by CFC manually.
records and salary updated records.
5~8. Still waiting for reply
20/12/2013 MIS issue the application
for MPLS connection for TKP to all
branch office.
Inquire for VDC / FPT / VIETTEL
4/03/2014 Alex sent Acceptance Test
Condition for vendor.
Viettel visited on 11/03/2014 14:00
Ganda ERP Project |
ERP Customization Solution Concept Simulation
1. 17-Mar(Mon) 15:00 ~ 17-Mar(Mon) 16:50
: Sales & Distribution System Flow Demonstration
CFC : F/G team, Mr. Richard & Mr. Alex
Digiwin : Mr. Nick, Ryan & Mr. Nick
2. 18-Mar(Tue) 08:30 ~ 19-Mar(Wed) 15:00
: Dual Currency Solution Concept Simulation Meeting
CFC : Mr. George, Ms. Houng, Mr. Richard & Mr. Alex
Digiwin : Mr. Iris, Mr. Ryan & Mr. Nick
3. 19-Mar(Wed) 15:00 ~ 19-Mar(Wed) 16:30 : Multi-Operation Center(DB) Structure Discussion
CFC : Mr. George, Ms. Houng, Mr. Richard & Mr. Alex
Digiwin : Ms. Iris, Mr. Ryan & Mr. Nick
4. 20-Mar(Thru) 08:30 ~ 21-Mar(Fri) 12:00
5. 21-Mar(Fri) 13:30 ~ 21-Mar(Fri) 16:00
: Cost Process Simulation Meeting
CFC : Mr. George, Ms. Houng, Mr. Richard & Mr. Alex
Digiwin : Ms. Nick, Ryan & Mr. Nick
Summarize & Confirmation
Ganda ERP Project | 10
ERP Customization Solution Concept Simulation
For the Sales Module, How Digiwin effective this simulation ? Do we need to prepare some thing ?
(1) The goal of this session is to ensure ERP Sales/Distribution customization function progress thru
function demo. (user training will be arranged on following trips)
(2) Consultant Mr. Nick will direct demo ERP function thru full process : SO->DO->LN->LC->DN on
meeting session.
(3) CFC no need to prepare any data, but need to prepare meeting facilities (room, projector, whiteboard and network link to CFC TIPTOP ERP system)
2. For the Dual Currency solution and Cost Accounting issues. How Digiwin effective this simulation ? Do
we need to prepare some thing ?
(1) Dual Currency Solution Session :
(1.1) The goal of Dual Currency Solution session is to prove solution concept and to finalize detail
customization spec thru concept detail explanation and detail requirement alignment.
(1.2) Consultant Ms. Iris will use 1.system flow chart (PPT slide) and 2.TIPTOP ERP existing
function demonstration to explain and confirm the solution concept detail can fulfill CFC
requirement module by module.
(1.3) Regarding to Dual Currency Solution Session, CFC no need to prepare any data, but need to
prepare meeting facilities (room, projector, white-board and network link to CFC TIPTOP ERP
Ganda ERP Project | 11
ERP Customization Solution Concept Simulation
2. For the Dual Currency solution and Cost Accounting issues. How Digiwin effective this simulation ? Do
we need to prepare some thing ?
(2) Cost Process Simulation Session :
(2.1) The goal of Cost Process Simulation Session is to ensure CFC Accounting Dept. know how
TIPTOP ERP cost process running and the background logic, to ensure the solution can fulfill
CFC business needs.
(2.2) Consultant Ms. Nick will use sanario (2 production lines) data to do online demonstrate how
TIPTOP costing process running and using TIPTOP Cost Module existing function to trace and
to verify cost calculation logic.
(2.3) Regarding to Cost Process Simulation Session, CFC no need to prepare any data, but need to
prepare meeting facilities (room, projector, white-board and network link to CFC TIPTOP ERP
What Digiwin will delivery / present us before the meeting for we can review first ?
(1) For the Sales Module : Mr. Nick will provide Sales/Distribution system flow and related functions
screen snapshots documents to CFC before this weekend (15-Mar-2014).
(2) Dual Currency Solution & Multi-Operation Center (DB) : Ms. Iris will provide some explanation and
summary material to CFC before this Friday (14-Mar-2014).
(3) Cost Process Simulation : Mr. Nick will provide Cost Process Reference Data to CFC before this
weekend (15-Mar-2014).
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HRM Work Content Progress & Action log
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HRM Work Content Progress & Action log
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