Transcript Slide 1

Energy Forum
Allocation rules for Industry in EU ETS 2013
presented by Mukund Bhagwat
Brussels 9 June 2011
General assessment
• Benchmarks for industry: The right decision
– but benchmarks severe, especially since they apply from 2013
no time for adaptation
• Allocation rules…
– … adequate for installations without production changes between
2005 – 2011
– … result partly in shortage of allowances or wrong incentives for
installations with production changes
EU experience has shown:
 To set up a benchmark system is challenging but feasible
 EU system can be a model for the world
if benchmarks are phased in (time for adaptation) and
allocation is based on actual production levels
safeguards right incentives, reduces complexity of allocation rules
significantly etc. while maintaining carbon price signal
In detail: What’s good or was improved
• Historical Activity Level: some flexibility
• Significant Capacity Extension Threshold: > 10 % or 50.000
EUAs …
• Allocation to heat consumer
• Carbon leakage status of heat consumer considered
• Efficiency improvement / Abatement measures will not lead
to less allocation
• No innovation and technology accelerator
In detail: What’s not implemented well
• Constraints on production growth
– No additional allocation in case of production growth without a
physical change
– No additional allocation in case of capacity increase below 10%
– Complex and problematic determination of added capacity
– There may be no allocation for new entrants/ capacity extensions in
case New Entrants’ Reserve is used up
– Extension of non-ETS heat consumers not sufficiently considered
(sets inefficient incentives)
– Capacity extensions of up- and downstream plants not considered
In detail: What’s not implemented well
• Competitive advantage of industrial CHP reduced
• Wrong calculation of “industry cap” may reduce free
– Total amount of free allocation independent of benchmarks and
allocation rules
• No hardship clause
• No rationalisation rule
• Lack of EU-harmonisation (esp. with regard to “installation”
Financial Compensation: still the missing link in the system