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IN – roky, měsíce, roční období
ON – data, konkrétní dny
AT – hodiny, vícedenní svátky
roky (in 1990, in 2005,…)
 roční období (in spring, in summer, in autumn, in winter)
 měsíce (in January, in February, in March…)
 části dne (in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening)
 ve významu „za jak dlouho“ (in five minutes, in two
weeks, in a half of an hour)
- We were there in summer.
- I was born in March.
- They visited the USA in 1990.
- She will go abroad in 2000.
- He lived in the Victorian period.
- in the holidays
- in the interval (o přestávce)
- in working hours
- in the fifties
- in the end (nakonec)
dny v týdnu (on Monday, on Monday morning, on Friday)
 konkrétní dny (on my birthday, on Thanksgiving day, on
Christmas day)
 datum (on May 3rd, on March 21st, 2005)
- I was there on Monday.
- She is usually free on Fridays.
- They came on my birthday.
- We always have a party on Thanksgiving Day.
- on a sunny day
- on May 3rd
- on Tuesday night
- on Christmas Day
I was born on May 25th, 1980.
- It happened on 1st January, 1958.
hodiny (at 4 o´clock, at 5 p.m., at three o´clock)
 vícedenní svátky (at Christmas, at Easter)
 spojení (at night, at noon, at midnight…)
- I must be at home at seven o’clock.
- My mother gets up at half past six every day.
 - Our lessons start at eight o’clock.
 - I was in London at Christmas.
 - There is a lot of fun at Easter.
What goes together ?
years, months, seasons
at, in, on ?
__ seven o´clock
__ March
__ Tuesday morning
__ the evening
__ 1987
__ Christmas
__ my birthday
__ five minutes
__ summer
__ night
__ Friday
__ 1492
__ Easter
__ 4 p. m.
__ April
__ November 22nd, 2005
__ winter
__ Friday night
__ Sunday
__ 7 o´clock
At, in, on ?
1. ............ Monday
2. ............ Thursday evening
3. ............ Christmas
4. ............ night
5. ............ New Year's Day
6………… April
7. ............ the 17th of
8. ............ ten minutes
8. ............ the weekend
9. ............ the autumn
10. .......... the New Year
11. .......... the evening
12. .......... 1865
13. .......... a while
14. .......... the night
15. .......... the end of the
16. .......... the twentieth
17. .......... May
18. .......... ten o'clock
19. .......... Tuesdays
20. .......... the holidays
v pondělí
v létě
v pátek večer
v 5 hodin
o Vánocích
v 8 hodin
3. února
v prosinci
v roce 1967
v sobotu
v zimě
v úterý ráno
o půl šesté
o Velikonocích
ve čtyři hodiny
5. března
v dubnu
v noci
v roce 1845
What´s wrong ?
in night
on Tuesday
in January
at seven o´clock
in Monday morning
at my birthday
on the evening
in September 5th, 1956
at Easter
on 1978
in the morning
at Friday
on March
on March 15th, 1587
on Tuesday evening
on Christmas Day
at noon
in summer
at 5 a.m.
on Boxing Day