wja M8:30 Intro - University of Utah

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Transcript wja M8:30 Intro - University of Utah

ANSS NetOps Workshop Special thanks to USGS and NIC Walter Arabasz & UUSS Staff

Intermountain West (IMW) Strategic Planning Meeting


Walter Arabasz Regional Coordinator Aug. 14, 2006

ANSS-IMW Organizational Structure

Regional Advisory Committee (18 members

—2 from each state, except 1 from AZ, and 3 “at large”)

Regional Working Group (

16 members, incl. rep’s from

all major networks and every state)

state level advisory committees UT 12 members, incl. 10 engrs NV ~17 members CO ~20 members

Regional Coordinator: Walter Arabasz

IMW Web site: www.seis.utah.edu/anss

(2) (2) (1) (1) (2) (2)

RAC Members Represented at This Meeting

(1) Plus one of three RAC “at large” members

Map 7

IEL MBMG YVO BYUI UNR UU NAU LANL Seismic Networks Represented at This Meeting

Plus NEIC, NSMP, and YVO’s Scientist-in-Charge

Attendees at this meeting

All eight IMW states

8 RAC members + 4 RAC alternates (out of 18 RAC members)

12 network seismologists representing 8 regional / local IMW nets

 

ANSS management, NEIC, NSMP, and YVO also represented Majority —but not an exhaustive— representation for an IMW “constitutional convention”