Transcript File

Parvana-Main Character
Nooria-Parvana’s older sister
Maryam-Parvana’s younger sister
Ali-Parvana’s Younger Brother
Mrs.Weera-Family Friend
Shauzia-Parvana’s Best Friend
Homa-Lonely lady on the streets that Parvana
found crying
I can relate this to myself because in the book it says that Parvana
had to run up and down the stairs to get water for her family and
she would get so tired and I can relate that to me because
sometimes my mom says can you go get bread, milk, or anything
else from the pantry and I get so tired doing that cause our pantry
is downstairs and I get way to lazy to do it and I think that Parvana
had such a hard job getting water and she would love to switch
places with me!
I can also relate this to one of the books I read which is Number
the stars. I can relate that to The Breadwinner cause the Jews in
Number The Stars could have got relocated and in The
Breadwinner girls could have got in so much trouble just for going
outside showing even a little bit of their skin or wanting to go to
school, so if they did any of that stuff they could have got beat to
death or have went to prison and in Number The Stars they would
have got beaten to death or relocated to Sweden!
The Main Events were…
1. The Taliban won’t let girls go outside without a guy, so a family
friend (Mrs.Weera) says that Parvana has to transforms into a boy
because her Dad got arrested and there is no other guy in the
house unless her little brother but he is too small. So know she can
get money for her family and get food without getting arrested
by the Taliban.
2. Later on in the book Nooria found a husband in Mazar Sharif, so
Nooria, Parvana’s Mom, Ali, and Maryam go to Mazar Sharif for
her wedding and that is a good thing cause there is no Taliban in
Mazar Sharif.
3. Parvana doesn't’t go to Mazar Sharif because she doesn't’t
want to so she stays back with Mrs. Weera. Later on when her
family is gone, a day or two later her father comes back. Some
people tell Parvana that there is now Taliban in Mazar Sharif! She
tells her father but he is really ill to go anywhere, so later on when
he gets better they go to Mazar Sharif to go bring them back safe
and sound.
I think the climax would be when Parvana
dresses up as a boy and cuts her hair then goes
outside to get food and money for her family
without getting caught by the Taliban or any
other people. I think that was a really interesting
part in the book and maybe even the most
important part.
I think the theme is that the book tells you to
never give up, and follow your dreams no
matter how many obstacles stand in the
way, because that's what Parvana did and
she kept on going through hard times like
when her father got arrested she had to try
really hard to help her family and she kept
on thinking that my father will come back
some day. At the end everything turned out
fine and she also helped out her family when
they needed it.
The Breadwinner is about a girl named Parvana
that has to live under the Taliban's control; the
Taliban didn't let girls go outside without a man or
a letter from a man. Later on in the book, her
father was taken away to prison for keeping school
books in their house when they are not allowed
and her father also teaches a school for girls when
that is also illegal and you can get in so much
trouble for that and that is exactly what
happened, her father got taken away to prison.
Parvana's mother is so sad and depressed about
what happened so she just sits face front to the
wall crying because her father is gone…
Continued on next slide
Parvana and Nooria had to take control of
everything since their mother is way to sad to do
anything. Parvana makes trips to go get water
and secretly to go get food. When she goes
outside she is really scared because she doesn’t
have a note from a man but she does have a
note from Nooria, which she wrote in case she
gets caught. Later on a family friend Mrs. Weera
(mothers friend) gets everything under control
and tells Parvana to dress up like a boy because
girls are not allowed to go outside and that’s the
only way to survive and also now she can get
money for food and help her family!
Later on Parvana realizes that now she has cut of her
hair and wear boy clothes! After she cut a bunch of her
hair and wore her older brothers clothes who was dead
a long time ago she actually got used to the idea and
thought that if she did this her family could actually
survive. She also had her own job like selling used things
to people and digging up bones in an old bombing site!
A couple of times she found gifts that were being
dropped form the window where she was sitting. She
never found out who that person is, but she wanted to
send that person a message that she was here, so she
got a bunch of flowers and planted them right in front of
that ladies window. Some People got mad at her
planting flowers because they said it was no use and
that they would die in a day or so, but the other people
convinced the people that this girl is trying to make a our
city more better and you should let her do what she is
doing so she planted some flowers in front of that ladies
window so now when ever the lady tried give Parvana a
present she would see all those pretty flowers!
Later on her Mother, Older Sister, Younger Sister and Brother
are going to Mazar Sharif for her big sister (Nooria's)
wedding because her husband lived there and Nooria
would be living there with him and she would work as a
teacher there because there is no Taliban there and she
would be safe, and Parvana didn't feel like going to Mazar
Sharif so she stayed with Mrs. Weera in there small
apartment. Later on they find out that the Taliban took
control of Mazar Sharif and that’s where her family is going,
so now Parvana’s family are in a lot of danger, but her
father comes back from the prison really ill, so now Parvana
has to take care of her father and worry about her family
too! After her father gets a bit better she chooses to tell him
about the Taliban in Mazar Sharif and her father suggests
that they should go look for them and make sure they are
ok and bring them back safe and sound.
The Breadwinner is a really interesting book and probably the most
interesting I have read so far! The Breadwinner is about an eleven
year old girl named Parvana who lives in Afghanistan while the
Taliban is in control. She has moved into a run down apartment in
Kabul. One day while she is at home with her family, 4 Taliban
soldiers come in and take Parvana's father away. This is awful
because there are rules about going outside. You are not aloud to
go outside without a man or a note from a man. Women must wear
a chador when they go outside and they are not aloud to work.
Now they are running out of food and money and there mother
won't do anything but sleep. A couple days later,
Mrs. Weera comes over and turns everything around. She gets
mama up and dressed and she gets everyone organized. Mrs.
Weera is one of mama's friends and she used to be a gym
teacher.That night mama and Mrs. Weera decide to dress Parvana
up like a boy, that way they can get food and money. She is their
only hope becuase she is the only one old enough and that can
look like a boy.
First of all as a boy she takes over her Dad's job. She
enjoys being outside and doing her Dad's job. It gives her a
whole new understanding about what boys have to do. One
day she runs into Shauzia, a girl from school, who was also
dressed as a boy and does a job . From then on they hang
out with each other and become great friends.
Then Shauzia and Parvana come up with an idea to join
together and sell things, but they don't have enough money.
Shauzia suggests to Parvana that their is this that will give
us double the money we get now! She tells Parvana that
the job is bone digging at an old bombing site,Parvana
knows her mom will not like this, but she goes along with it
and says okay what ever it takes to get more money . Then
she goes bone digging she digs up a lot of bones and
makes a lot more money then she ever has, But she
doesn't tell anyone except Shauzia .
Later on in the book she finds out that Nooria has
found a husband in Mazar Sharif. Her whole family is
going but Parvana doesn't want to go, so she stays
back with Mrs.Weera. Its a good thing that their is no
Taliban in Mazar Sharif because her family doesn't
have man with them. Parvana stays back and a
couple of days later her father comes back ill.
Parvana hugged him as hard as possible as she that
to her self I always thought that you would come
back. A couple of guys tell Parvana that their are
Taliban in Mazar Sharif and her family could be in
danger. She doesn't want to tell her father because
he is ill. So when he gets better she tells him about
the Taliban and they decide that they have to help
them and get their family back safe and sound.
The inference in the book would probably be
when the Taliban burst into Parvana’s
apartment and took her father away.
Parvana noticed how they were dressed and
how roughly they behaived but they didn’t
tell why they were taking Parvana’s father
away? When Parvana and her mother went
to go get him then they told her why he was
in jail. Which was that Parvana’s father was
keeping foreign school books in their house
when they weren’t allowed!