Transcript Document

Parents’ Meeting
(for parents of students in 10+)
A Levels
University applications
GCSE / AS / A2 !?!?!
GCSE / AS / A2 !?!?!
Std. 10 & Std. 11  2 year courses
• International GCSE
(exceptions are Religious Studies which is done in Std. 9
& std. 10 and Mathematics for some students)
This is equivalent to Std. 9 & Std. 10 in many
countries (including India, USA, Australia)
GCSE = General Certificate of Secondary Education
GCSE / AS / A2 !?!?!
Std. 12  1 year courses
AS (Advanced Subsidiary)
Std. 13  second ½ of 2 year courses
A2 (incorporates the AS grade from the year before)
This is equivalent to Std. 11 & Std. 12 in many
countries (including India, USA, Australia)
GCE = General Certificate of Education
At Hebron we recommend;
Std. 12  4 AS Subjects (plus PD, PE & GS)
Std. 13  3 A2 Subjects (plus PD, PE & GS)
Example 1:
Std 12: Mathematics, History, French, Chemistry
Std 13: Mathematics, French, Chemistry
A2: Mathematics, French Chemistry
AS: General Paper, History
Example 2:
Std 12: Biology, Art, German, Business Studies
Std 13: Art, German, Business Studies, Tech
A2: Art, German, Business Studies
AS: General Paper, Biology, Tech
At Hebron students sit exams in May / June
There are some exams offered in November
(this is for Std. 11 Mathematics taken ‘early’)
Timetables for exams will be on the Hebron
Website – When the exam boards finalise their
timetables, a ‘Hebron timetable’ will be placed
in the website.
Exam Dates at end of June
The Leaver’s Service is on Saturday 15th June
ALL leaving students (std. 11 – 13) are expected
to leave by Sunday 16th June unless they still
have an exam.
Music – 19th June – A2 Music Students
Mathematics C4 – 18th June – A2 Maths & AS Further Maths Students
Mathematics FP2 – 21st June (am) – A2 Further Maths Students
Mathematics FP3 – 24th June (pm) - A2 Further Maths Students
Exam Dates at end of June
Good News is that there are not any IGCSE or
GCSE exams after the Leaver’s Service. 
• If the exam board does not change the mark,
then parents must bear the cost. (GBP50)
• This year we’ve had 2 out 9 go up this year by a
few UMS marks (not even a grade).
• The biggest RISK is not the financial cost is that
the grade may actually go down and the new
grade stands.
• This year we have not had any go down – this is
due to careful consideration before any requests
have been made.
• Re-sits – costs GBP18 + GBP43 a subject +
postage!! (one student this year is re-sitting all 4
subjects at a cost of INR 25,000)
• The bigger cost to consider is TIME – students
have drama, A2 courses, Music, SATs etc. to
consider during this time (as most re-sit in
• The difference here is that if the grade is not
improved by re-sitting the best grade stands.
• Encourage your children to “get it right the first time”
PSATs – can only be done in (or before!) Std. 11
(it’s for 9th and 10th Grade Students)
• October – this year 20th
• Offered at Hebron (& many other schools)
SATs – should be done in Std. 12 or Std. 13
• Usually the first Saturday in the month
• Closest center is GSIS
• Parents need to enter their students for SATs
• Hebron staff arrange transport only
• Hebron does NOT offer SAT preparation courses
• There are many online practice tests & books
Why should Hebron Students
complete the full A Level Progamme?
A Levels is a very important all-round maturing programme,
building towards the greater independence and level of
responsibility. Examples include:
• The greater emphasis on independent research, critical
thinking, presentation skills and in-depth analysis in A2
academic courses.
• The leadership opportunities including Student Council,
Prefects, House Captains. In fact all Std 13 students are
given leadership roles and responsibilities at Hebron.
• The increasingly student-led and challenging extracurricular opportunities in Drama, International Award for
Young People, Christian Activities, Charity work and Music.
Why should Hebron Students
complete the full A Level Progamme?
A Levels is a very important all-round maturing programme, building
towards the greater independence and level of responsibility.
Examples include:
• The opportunities for cultural exposure and in-depth interaction
with class peers, through the Delhi tour and other major dorm
outings, the Orientation for College life through PD lessons.
• The opportunity to research courses during PD lessons, as well as
attend presentations by universities and colleges from all around
the world (sometimes these are made as part of PD lessons and are
not open to younger students).
• The opportunity to prepare over a full academic year to leave with
classmates, culminating in the Leavers’ Weekend and the
Graduation programme at the end of the year.
Why should Hebron Students
complete the full A Level Progamme?
Academically students will be disadvantaged by leaving before they complete the full
two years of A Levels.
• Students apply to colleges and universities on the strength of their results in
IGCSE, AS and A2 exams. If they apply in Std 12, the only results that are
completed are IGCSEs.
• If applying to the USA, the other important component for admission to a good
college is a high SAT score and the better colleges often require SAT 2 (Subject SAT)
results as well as SAT 1. Students consistently achieve higher SAT1 results in Std 13,
and are rarely able to attempt SAT 2 earlier. However good students who complete
Std 13, regularly achieve very high SAT 2 results and are consistently rewarded for
their A Level courses in the form of significant college credit, sometimes
amounting to a whole year of credit.
• Students who complete Std. 13 with three good A Levels and are granted credit
may be able to complete a 4-year college course in the USA in 3 years or will be
able to take a lighter load and work to earn money alongside studying. Several
Hebron students have been given credit in US colleges on the basis of their A2/ Std
13 subject passes.
• The UGC requirement for entry into an Indian university degree course is a
minimum of 2 A2 passes at A Level.
Why should Hebron Students
complete the full A Level Progamme?
The Hebron community is diminished by the loss
of students half way through what is an
excellent A Level programme; while as a school
we accept the early withdrawal of students from
the programme, it does undermine the training
and personal development of students that we
are working hard to provide.
Why should Hebron Students
complete the full A Level Progamme?
There can be good reasons to leave Hebron before completing A
• Sometimes it is appropriate for students to leave early because of
family reasons.
• Sometimes a student is finding the A Level programme too
academic and is unlikely to succeed at the more demanding A2
level in Std. 13, or in some cases they may find the AS level in Std.
12 too demanding.
• If a student is interested in studying professional courses at an
Indian University, it may actually be appropriate for them to leave
after Std. 11 so that they can complete their higher secondary
school (+2) education in one of the Indian exam Boards (ICSE/
CBSE/ State Board etc) and then to prepare for the competitive
entrance exams.
University Applications
June Std. 12:
Students asked to discuss location and type of
course with parents during the holidays.
University Applications
August Std. 13:
PD lessons allow time for course research and
Personal Statements are written (where
University Applications
15th October: Oxbridge & Medicine applications
due (earlier if interviews in Asia)
University Applications
December Std. 13:
All UK applications due
Majority of Northern Hemisphere applications
University Applications
March Std. 13:
Indian applications finalised
October post grad:
Southern Hemisphere applications due
University Applications
June Std. 12: Students asked to discuss location and type of
course with parents during the holidays.
August Std. 13: PD lessons allow time for course research and
Personal Statements are written (where needed).
15th October: Oxbridge & Medicine applications due (earlier if
interviews in Asia)
December Std. 13: All UK applications due
December Std. 13: Majority of Northern Hemisphere
applications due
March Std. 13: Indian applications finalised
October post grad: Southern Hemisphere applications due
University Applications
Parents – please discuss the following with your
children BEFORE they start Std. 13
• Location
– What is realistic for your family?
– Cost, Visa, living arrangements, travel etc.
• Course
– What is realistic? – AS grades are a good indicator
of what students should be applying for
University Applications
How Hebron Helps your Children
• Choosing courses
• Writing personal statements
• Filling in application forms
• Provide Transcripts, References and other
required documents
Please don’t expect Hebron staff to do this
during the holidays! 
University Applications
Useful Things to Know
• Hebron Students are not required to sit TOEFL
or another English Language exam (as long as
they received a C or higher in IGCSE English
• Students are strongly encouraged to restrict
their applications to 6 courses.