Collaborative Working in UK Learning and Teaching Projects

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EDINA Learning and Teaching
Briefing Event
Tuesday 19 November 2002
Main Library Building
Committee Room
1.30 Coffee available
1.45 Welcome and introductions – Peter Burnhill
2.00 Overview of EDINA's L&T work – Moira Massey
2.20 Numeric Data project – Robin Rice
2.40 Xgrain project and demo – Peigi MacKillop
3.00 Coffee break
3.20 NLN project and demo – Sarah McConnell
3.40 Jorum+ project – Moira Massey
4.00 e-MapScholar project and demo – Moira Massey
4.20 Q & A session
4.45 Close
Why is EDINA involved in L&T?
• Major funding body is Joint Information Systems
Committee (JISC)
• JISC originally funded only by HE; priority originally
network provision; then involved in provision of large
research datasets, journals, bibliographic services etc.
• EDINA started out supporting research work in HE
• Change of government in 1997 placed greater emphasis on
needs of learners
• 2 JISC funding calls in 1999 for L&T
• JISC funded by FE funding councils from 1999
JISC Vision
Information Environment (IE) is key aspect of
JISC 5-Year Strategy 2001 - 2005
“… to build an on-line information environment providing
secure and convenient access to a comprehensive
collection of scholarly and educational material”
Among other things, the IE will support the
F/HE community in the submission, sharing
and re-purposing of online learning materials
• Request for Proposals
– Using Numeric Data in Learning and Teaching
– Geo-data investigation projects (browser and cross-walk)
• Circular 5/99: Developing the DNER for Learning and
Geo-Data Portal (Go-Geo!)
Geo-Data Crosswalk
L&T Context
• Excellent content already exists in FHE, but
– very difficult for teachers to locate and re-use
– not compliant with interoperability specifications
– many teachers reluctant to re-use entire courses
– but would use nuggets from other people’s work, add own content, repurpose and re-use
– time constraints to develop from scratch
• Facilities to modify & customise essential, which
– support interoperability standards
– provide toolkits that hide unnecessary complexity
– offer support to everyone engaged in the process
Re-usable objects
• Digital/re-usable information assets
– e.g. images, films, maps, pieces of text
– assets in the sense that they have potential for re-use
– have standards-based meta-data e.g. IMS, IEEE LOM
• With addition of specified learning objective(s), become
learning objects
– e.g. explanation of a particular concept, assessment object etc.
– assessment objects described using IMS QTI
• Aggregations of learning objects e.g. units of learning, may
be put together as content packages
and described using IMS/EML/SCORM
NLN and Jorum+
• NLN Learning Materials Delivery Project
Scoping study Nov 2001 – March 2002
NLN project March 2002 – July 2003
Likely extension from August 2003
Likely migration of materials to long term JISC repository
• Jorum+
Scoping study for long-term JISC learning materials repository
X4L Programme call early 2002
EDINA and MIMAS joint bid to Strand B (for development bay)
Asked to combine scoping study and development bay in Jorum+
Jorum+ project October 2002 – July 2005
L&T Contacts
• Close links with several LTSN Subject Centres for project
work, and also contacts in others
• LTSN Generic Centre
• Centre for Educational Technology Interoperability
Standards (CETIS)
• Close contacts in all JISC FE Regional Support Centres
• JISC Plagiarism Advisory Service at University of
• JISC L&T Portal