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Academic Scheduling
Why a new system?
Dates to remember
Why a new system?
 Academic Scheduling at UNO until now was
done entirely on paper, relying on one person to
compile and enter all data.
 This practice was not only a miss-use of
resources, but was also prone to mistakes.
 Decentralizing the scheduling process will allow
individual departments more time and direct
control in creating their schedules, eliminating
mistakes, decreasing paperwork and removing
needless administrative oversight.
Frequently Asked Questions
Combined Courses
 Combined courses at UNO are treated as
separate entities and must be scheduled as
such. (This includes 4000G courses)
 Schedule courses that will later be combined
with identical information in all fields.
 The Registrar’s office will ask you for a list of
courses to be combined once the initial
scheduling process is complete.
 Courses that are combined across subjects
must have blank IOR assignments. Instructors
for cross-subject course combinations must be
assigned manually by the Registrar’s Office.
Combined Course Enrollment
 Combined course enrollment maximums should be dealt
with as follows.
All courses to be combined should use THE TOTAL
For example. Course 4000 and 4000G should have a
total of 35 students in their combined course. Therefore,
course 4000 should have an enrollment max of 35 and
course 4000G should have an enrollment max of 35.
This will allow any combination of registrations in any
section included in the combo up to the maximum
Any deviations from this policy will be dealt with on an
individual basis.
Common Lecture Courses
 Common lecture courses are treated similarly to
combined courses.
 For any course with a combined lecture, use
Meeting Pattern for the common lecture pattern
and time, and use Addtl. Meets for
recitation/breakout meeting patterns and times.
 The Registrar’s Office will ask for a list of
courses with common lectures after the initial
scheduling process is over and will assign
rooms accordingly.
 IOR’s must be assigned to all sections,
regardless of the common lecture.
Special Classroom Needs
 The new system cannot yet process
special room requests.
 These requests will be handled as
before through lists requested by the
Registrar’s office after the schedule is
 As the software is refined, room feature
needs and requests will be automated.
Special Topics Courses
 The new system will allow the department to assign
Special Topic Titles to Special Topics Courses
 Any course with a Special Topic Title in the catalogue will
have a drop-down box under the Basic Info tab on the
section editing portion of the interface.
 The drop-down will only reflect topics previously taught
as new topics must be added to the catalogue before
they can be selected.
 Special Topic Titles must be assigned BY SECTION as
there can be multiple titles for multiple sections of the
same Special Topics Course.
Ind. Study / Non-Meeting
 Ind. Studies, Dissertation Research etc.
or any course that will not utilize
academic space or meet regularly DOES
NOT need to be assigned a meeting
pattern. PSOFT no longer records blank
meeting times as TBA so please leave
them blank if the course does not
actually meet.
 This will prevent facility and student
scheduling conflicts.
Add/Cancel after deadline
 Once the scheduling deadline has passed, courses
cannot be added or canceled without submitting the
proper form.
As these additions are considered add/cancel, signatures
are required
Photocopies or e-mails claiming “paperwork to follow” will
no longer be permitted.
Paperwork IS NOT necessary for room changes or
changes to enrollment maximums, only for meeting
pattern changes, time changes, or adds/cancels.
An electronic version of this form is something else we
wish to automate in the near future.
Instructors of Record
 Using the new system, departments can assign
and change IOR assignments at will up until
grade rosters are printed.
 The IOR portion of the system will remain
active, even after the scheduling deadline.
 There may only be two IOR’s per section.
 All IOR’s will be defaulted to APPROVE level
status. The Registrar’s office may be notified to
lower the grading status of any IOR if you wish
(i.e. TA’s)
 Feb. 5th – 9th: Training (system open)
 Feb. 9th 4:30pm: System data wiped
 Feb. 12th: System open for scheduling
 March 9th 4:30: Dean’s deadline for approval,
system closed. Schedule committed to
production (available to general viewing)
 March 12th 4:30: List of courses to be
combined, combined lecture courses, and
special room requirements/requests due in
Registrar’s office.