Reaction, movement and response

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Transcript Reaction, movement and response

Decision Making
What is decision making?
What is the relationship between reaction time, movement time and
response time?
What is Hick’s Law?
Decision Making
Having used our memory to identify a stimulus...
 Next stage is to make a decision of how to respond
Response Selection stage
 Choice of what movement to do is made from information coded in the store
Once information starts the process it cannot leave until it has been completed
 Single Channel Hypothesis
 Until one stimulus has had a decision made another cannot be acted upon
There are 2 types of Decision Making...
 Simple reaction time- only one action (100m runner choosing to start the race)
 Choice reaction time- more than one option available (Player choosing what to do with
the ball)
Reaction, movement and response
It is an advantage to a performer if they can recall information more quickly
 Before reacting to a stimulus a player needs to
 Receive information from the display
 Code the information into relevant and irrelevant- selective attention
 Make decision based- response selection
 Initiate response by sending impulses to muscles
 Top players look like they have more time on the ball
 Their information processing is quicker
Decision making can be sped up by...
 Practice
 Coaching
 Highlighting of relevant cues
Response Time
Reaction time – time taken from presentation of stimulus to onset of
movement (no movement)
Movement time - time taken to complete the task
Response time – time taken from presentation of stimulus to completion
of task
Influences on reaction time
Number of stimuli
The more choices which are available the slower the reaction time will be
 100m runners have only one choice when they hear the gun- FASTER
 A midfielder with a number of team mates to choose to pass to- SLOWER
Hick’s law
Describes relationship between number of choices available to you and reaction time.
 Relationship is not linear
 More choices makes reaction time slower
 BUT Rate of increase in reaction time decreases as the number of choices increases
 ‘In a one on one situation a goalkeeper should stay standing
as forward already has numerous options and adding one
more will only increase reaction time by a small amount’