Transcript Slide 1

25 August
Here We Go!
A Capacitor Model
A National Science Foundation Project
“Conceptualizing Non-Contact Forces: The Efficacy of Visuohaptic Simulations”
Prof. Gail Jones (NCSU) and Prof. Hong Z Tan (PU)
Management Assistance
An innovative new solution to financial
management for student groups
Fast, inexpensive, efficient, simple, transparent
An opportunity to build a web app that will
become a campus-wide, and potentially
nationwide standard in group accounting
Current best-practice is dated
Re-imbursement process is slow
 Students required to front large group costs
 Lack of transparency presents risk
 High fees
 Large administrative overhead for universities
A web app that allows dynamic access
privileges (catered to rapidly changing nature
of groups)
One-click withdrawals for authorized
members, with security checks in place
Full transaction history and account
information available to registered group
This is not just a project, this is a business
We will be working with UNC/Duke student
gov’ts and administrations towards
i.e. Your work will be all over both campuses.
Firms interested in seeing a working model,
potential partnerships if successful
National role out
Contact: Paul Hiatt
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 908 442 8875
Thank you!
Neighbor-list update in the Rosetta
molecular modeling program
Andrew Leaver-Fay
Brian Kuhlman
de novo Protein design
Science (2005) 309 1868
Nature (2010) 466 756
Fibril Modeling
PNAS (2006) 103 4074
Atom-neighbor lists speed minimization, but
Neighbor lists go out of date
Rosetta’s tree-based kinematics suggest a
source of auto-update inefficiency
Define, implement, and test a new geometric
criterion for determining when a neighbor list
is out of date
Keller, Network Inventory
Ferris, Medical Passport
Frank, Text Mining Tool
Meyer, Transition to Online Database
Abrams, Piedmont Wildlife Center
Trice, CHCCS Professional Development