Transcript Document

The strong interaction
between schools and businesses:
a persistent feature
of the CCI Paris Ile-de-France schools
Marianne Conde-Salazar
International Relations Education Division
CCI Paris Ile-de-France
CCI Paris Ile-de-France – Key facts
The first chamber of commerce and industry in France and in Europe:
98 elected members, 13 members standing at its Executive Board
5 200 collaborators with 4 main missions :
Serving and advising businessmen
Training and educating future business collaborators and leaders
Developing the competitiveness of the Paris region
Serving the interests of 789 000 businesses before the French public
A territorial force:
Representing 8 adjoining departements : Paris, Hauts-de-Seine, SeineSaint-Denis, Val-de-Marne, Val d’Oise, Yvelines, Essonne, Seine-et-Marne
Making for almost a 1/3 of the French economic activity: 29 % of GDP
CCI Paris Ile-de-France - Education mission
32 400 students in programmes ranging from vocational degrees to PhD
25 schools in France and 4 in the world. A consistent and diverse
o 4 management schools, 1 engineering school
o 8 marketing, financial, administration and human resources schools
o 8 professional schools: gastronomy, perfumery, leather
o 4 apprenticeship centers
Over 43 000 adults trained in continuing education
Universities and Grandes Ecoles: a brief
1150: The first university was founded in France. English students who were
rejected from this university went on to establish the university of Oxford…
1789: French Revolution, there were 22 universities in France.
1803: Industrial Revolution, Napoleon Bonaparte founded the CCIP .
1819: The Ecole supérieure de commerce de Paris, now ESCP Europe, was the first
business school established in France. Its founders were all business
entrepreneurs such as Auguste Blanqui.
1879: ESCP was acquired by the CCIP.
1881: The CCIP established HEC.
2011: Overall in France: 80 universities and 215 “Grandes Ecoles” (of which 38
Management schools are members of the Grandes Ecoles Conference).
The interaction between businesses and CCI
Paris Ile-de-France’s schools
School Governing Body
General Education
Continuing Education
Labour Market
Research and
Interaction: a word now taken up by
universities too
2003: The LMD reform act (Bachelor/Master/PhD) was passed.
2007: The French « LRU » Act (Law on the Responsability of Universities) set the
objective of attaining full financial autonomy for French universities by 2013.
2013: Assises de la Recherche: a public platform on new and future developments in
French higher education and research.
Illustrating interaction: research clusters linked to
Pôles de Recherche et d’Enseignement Supérieur
(Research and Higher Education Clusters)
Common objectives and research axes
Common governance: mix of Universities and Grandes Ecoles
“Grand Emprunt”, 35 BN€ in total, with 22 BN€ for higher education,
training and Research to finance initiatives of excellence (IDEX, 7,7 BN€)
and laboratories of excellence (LABEX, 1,5 BN€)
CCI Paris Ile-de-France examples :
 ESCP Europe & HESAM (Paris Novi Mundi)
 HEC Paris & Paris Tech
 ESIEE Paris & Université Paris Est
“Conférence des Présidents d’Universités”:
building a better interaction with businesses
125 universities in France
One development priority :
Students in the labour market, and, the connection between universities and businesses
1. The main steps :
• An agreement with MEDEF on particular professional fields (banking, steel industry)
• An agreement currently being in study with the association of French CCI
• Universities and businesses now attending common conferences: knowing each other
better (e.g. MEDEF workshop dedicated to higher education and research)
• Developing joint programs
2. Programs : businessmen teaching in academia , taking part in jurys, being represented in
governing boards
3. Yet: the governing system in French academia is slowly evolving. For example: business
representatives do not have a voting right.
For further information, please do not hesitate to
contact me:
Marianne Conde-Salazar
[email protected]