Transcript Slide 1

A Review of the Literature
With Your Hosts
Writing Center Staff and Faculty
• Explore the Role of the Literature Review
by examining:
– The Definition
– The Purpose
– Strategies for Accessing the Literature
– Strategies for Reading the Literature
– Strategies for Crafting the Review
Questions to ask
• What is the specific research problem that
the literature review seeks to resolve?
• What type of literature review is to be
conducted (theories, policies,
• What is the scope of the literature review
(journals, books, popular media)?
A template to keep in mind
• Compile
– Gather the literature
• Critique
– Determine the value
• Categorize
– Organize according to common denominators
• Comprehend
– Understand the content well enough to teach it.
• Compose
– Write the literature review.
Literature Review Defined
• Any collection of materials on a topic.
– Scholarly peer-reviewed articles
– Government documents
– Conference proceedings
– Personal communication
– Unpublished pamphlets
– Internal documents
Purpose of the Literature Review
• To convey to the reader what knowledge
and ideas have been established on a
– Strengths
– Weaknesses
– Oddities
Purpose of the Literature Review
• Allows a researcher to demonstrate:
– Information seeking skills, that is, the ability
to scan the literature efficiently to identify a set
of useful articles and books.
– Critical appraisal skills, that is, the ability to
apply principles of analysis to identify
unbiased and valid studies.
Purpose of the Literature Review
• Provides a handy guide to a particular
• Useful reports keeping a professional
updated on what is current in the field.
• Emphasizes the credibility of the writer by
establishing their authority on a topic.
• Provides a solid background for a paper’s
Accessing the Literature
• Carry out a comprehensive literature
– May be disciplinary or interdisciplinary.
– Review all types of publications (journals,
books, govt. documents, popular media).
– Start with a broad range and then narrow.
– Review all internal references.
– Consult with others.
Reading the Literature
• Active Reading means asking questions.
– What is similar in the literature
(methodologies, philosophies, assertions,
interpretation of evidence)?
– What is different?
– What are the gaps, that is, what requires
further exploration?
– What stands out?
Reading the Literature
• Active Reading continued…
– Has the author formulated a problem/issue?
– Is it clearly defined (significance, scope,
– What is the theoretical framework?
– How is the theoretical framework related to
the research perspectives?
– Is this a good read?
Reading the Literature
• Keep track of the following:
– Perspective
– Problem or issue
– Specific claims
– Evidence
– Objectivity
– Persuasiveness
– Results
– Conclusion
Reading the Literature
• Annotate.
– Ask questions, jot down ideas, highlight.
• Keep detailed notes.
– Note the source.
– Track keywords
– Note themes.
• Consider a chart or a table.
– A matrix can help.
Writing the Literature Review
• In the body you should:
– Group articles according to common
denominators (examples?).
– Summarize articles as each merits according
to its comparative importance in the literature.
– Provide the reader with direction, leading
them back to your research problem and to
the “so what” and “who cares.”
Writing the Literature Review
• In the conclusion you should:
– Summarize major contributions while
maintaining the focus established in the
– Demonstrate the gap in the research,
returning the reader to your specific problem.
– Provide insight into the relationship between
the literature and your original research, use
the language of a social scientist.
• No one who is working on their
dissertation enjoys coming across material
that seems to refute a major premise
• Pretending there are not two sides does
not make it true
• Tackle the best points of the other side
• Look for intersections
• This is not a cage match; it is research
Common Problems
– Reliance on textbooks or books that are not
peer reviewed
– Reliance on websites of questionable worth
– Reliance on secondary sources
– Using wikipedia or other online encyclopedias
to substantiate definitions
Secondary Sources
• Identified by:
• (Cass, cited in Boss, 2003)
• Another type of secondary source involves
pulling citations from a reference list (e.g.,
from a textbook) and pasting them into
your reference list. The reference list is not
a bibliography.
Academic Integrity
• Cutting and pasting a series of abstracts is
not reviewing the literature.
• Remember to place the scholarship in the
context of your study (this requires that
you synthesize).
• Researchers write for a discipline, the
literature review should be understandable
to an outside audience.
• Stealing other people’s words or ideas
without giving them credit is unethical.
Avoiding Plagiarism
 Copy all materials used as sources (or keep
electronic copies of original articles).
 Put names of authors next to all notes that you
take. If you have quoted the material from the
source, use quotation marks.
 Soon all students will be required to submit their
dissertations to Turnitin to help you spot
“careless omissions” and to make corrections
prior to the final submission.
Direct Quotes
 Avoid them unless absolutely necessary.
 Randomly pick 10 journal articles - you will
rarely see quotations used.
 Excessive quotations means the work really is
not yours. You are just “parroting” others.
 If you use more than a few quotations, your
committee will likely send you back to
paraphrase and integrate through synthesis.
Elements of Style
 Revise and rewrite until it flows. Revision is everything!
 Do not overwrite (don’t include every study; only include
what is essential for the literature review for your study).
Write simply and in short, complete sentences.
 Avoid jargonistic writing; make sure your reader
understands you.
 Stay objective, and write in non-biased language.
 Omit unnecessary words.
 Be mindful of grammar and punctuation rules.
• Literature Review Resources
• Writing Center
• Library
• Residency Information