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the Gateway to
Joint European Technology Initiatives
Support for the coordination of activities
Three aspects…
1. Main features
2. Emerging experience
3. Implementation support from FP VII
Support for the coordination of activities
Technology Platforms: central concept
Framework to unite stakeholders around:
a common vision and approach for the
technology concerned
definition of a Strategic Research
mobilisation of a critical mass of
research and innovation effort
Support for the coordination of activities
Technology Platforms:
Shared vision of all stakeholders : industry,
public authorities, research community,
regulators, civil society and consumers
Mobilisation of public and private funding
sources : Community Framework Programmes,
Structural Funds, national, regional and private
research funding, EIB, EUREKA
Education, training, communication,
Support for the coordination of activities
The European Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology Platform (HFP)
ENIAC - European Nanoelectronics Initiative Advisory Council
NanoMedicine - Nanotechnologies for Medical Applications
The Gas Cooled Reactors Technology Platform
Plants for the Future
Water Supply and Sanitation Technology Platform (WSSTP)
The European Technology Platform on Photovoltaic
Technology Platform on Sustainable Chemistry
Innovative and Sustainable Use of Forest Resources
European Technology Platform for Global Animal Health (GAH)
ERTRAC European Road Transport Research Advisory Council
ERRAC European Rail Research Advisory Council
WATERBORNE Technology Platform (Supported by ACMARE Advisory Council).
The Mobile and Wireless Communications Technology Platform (eMobility)
Innovative Medicines for Europe
Embedded Systems (ARTEMIS)
ACARE - Advisory Council for Aeronautics Research in Europe
The European Space Technology Platform (ESTP)
The European Steel Technology Platform
The European Technology Platform for the Future of: Textiles and Clothing (ETP-FTC)
MANUFUTURE - Platform on Future Manufacturing Technologies
The European Construction Technology Platform (ECTP)
EuMaT - European Technology Platform for Advanced Engineering Materials and Technologies
The European Technology Platform on Industrial Safety
The NEM Initiative - European Initiative on NETWORKED and ELECTRONIC MEDIA
Support for the coordination of activities
Implementation under FP 7
Most research agenda implemented
through existing Community instruments
(some adaptation possibly needed)
But limited number will be identified:
- very ambitious
- huge public and private investments
- many thousands of researchers
New mechanism needed
Support for the coordination of activities
Implementation under FP 7 (2)
Propose the use of Treaty Article 171
(Galileo may serve as a model)
Article 171
« The Community may The
set up joint undertakings or
any other structure necessary for the efficient execution of
Community research, technological development and
demonstration programmes. »
Support for the coordination of activities
Implementation under FP 7 (3)
Set up Joint Undertakings to:
- Manage funds from several sources
- Large number of players involved
- Conclude contractual arrangements
Designate as:
« Joint European Technology Initiatives »
Support for the coordination of activities
Next steps
1. Discussions with Member States and
other key stakeholders
2. Continue to support Technology
Platforms in the run-up to FP VII
3. Further refine identification process
4. Include specific axis in FP VII proposal
Support for the coordination of activities
Poland reproduces EU Technology Platforms at home
[Date: 2005-02-03]
The popularity of EU Technology Platforms is evident. Since 2001, 22 platforms have been created, bringing together all interested parties
in a given sector to develop a strategic research agenda.
While the initiative was originally intended by the European Commission to gather stakeholders from across Europe, individual countries are
now beginning to recognise the national benefit that such platforms could bring, and are creating their own versions accordingly.
Poland is pioneering this course, and has now created 18 Technology Platforms of its own. Speaking to CORDIS News, Dr Andrzej Slawinski
from the Polish National Contact Point (NCP) said that the reasons for transposing the EU initiative into Polish research policy are twofold.
The government would like to prepare the Polish research community for participation in European activities, and also to help the country's
research institutes to become more involved in the development of technology.
While Poland is one of the first countries to support national Technology Platforms, Dr Slawinski is sure that other countries will follow suit.
The 18 Polish Technology Platforms overlap thematically with those at EU level, but do not address exactly the same issues. Some of the
national platforms are particularly relevant to Polish needs, explained Dr Slawinski.
And Poland is not stopping with the establishment of national Technology Platforms. The initiative will be funded through a national framework
programme, said Dr Slawinski.
The Polish framework programme has not yet been full defined, and the work of the Technology Platforms will be central to their final configuration,
explained Dr Slawinski. 'The Technology Platforms will prepare a strategic research agenda. This will be the core of the framework programme,'
he said. Although no timeline has been formalised, Dr Slawinski expects the national framework programme to be put in place quickly.
While many of the Technology Platforms have been established recently, three have been operating for a year already. One such platform
is that on construction technology. The group brings together all of Poland's largest construction companies and research institutes, and has provided
the government with insights into how the other platforms should be structured.
Category: Miscellaneous
Data Source Provider: CORDIS News interview with Polish NCP
Document Reference: Based on a CORDIS News interview with a Polish NCP
Programme or Service Acronym: FUTURE RESEARCH
Subject Index : Coordination, Cooperation; Construction Technology; Policies; Scientific Research
RCN: 23303
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