Book review key ring - EAL Nexus

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Transcript Book review key ring - EAL Nexus

This project and its actions were made possible due to co-financing by the European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals
EAL Nexus resource
Writing book reviews
Key ring
Age groups:
8 – 11, 12 – 14, 15 – 16, 17 - 18
Non-fiction writing
Licence information | This resource is free to use for educational purposes.
Source | This resource was originally developed by Charlotte Hurley and has been adapted by EAL Nexus.
©British Council 2014
Book review
Book review
Purpose: To give a view, opinion and recommendation
Examples of main types and forms:
• Magazine article
• Newspaper article
• Poster
• Essay question
• Script (television or radio review)
Book review graphic organiser
Book review
Words and phrases to collect for writing
• Adjectives to show opinion
• Words and phrases to point the reader
to a particular part of the book
• A range of conjunctions to justify
Book review writing frame
• Opener – a sentence to hook the
• Beginning – a paragraph giving
background information and a
brief plot summary
• Middle – a series of paragraphs
giving more detail (plot, setting,
character etc.)and your opinion
• Ending – a paragraph giving your
overall opinion and
Book review key ingredients
• Strong first sentence
• Background information, e.g.
genre and author
• Brief summary of plot
• Your opinions about plot,
character, themes and setting
• Evidence to back up opinions
• Strengths and weaknesses of the
• Would you recommend the book
to other people?
Book review
Book review