Transcript Document

The CoCP Knowledge Cafe
26 September 2013
VISION: That the NSW Public Sector, led by informed and active Change Sponsors, is at
the forefront of applying consistent, effective, contemporary change management
approaches and practices to enable the delivery of programs (projects) to improve the
lives of the people of the state. And that those implementing change to deliver those
outcomes, are supported.
Core Advisory Board
Advisory Board, 21 Members, represent change professionals from every
Capability and
Events and
(Sophia Herscovitch DFS)
(Terry Farley, Fire & Rescue)
• Working towards a
consistent change
management model
• Hosting events with
themed presentations/ key
note speakers
• Building change
management capability in
the profession across the
NSW Public Sector
• Sponsorship/ promotion of
change management
awards/ recognition
Knowledge Sharing
(Rebecca Pegg Treasury)
• Facilitate and enable
knowledge sharing and
lessons learned sharing
across the CoCP.
• Encourage internal sharing
of knowledge through
presentations of CM
interests/ activity/research
The role of Knowledge sharing in CoCP
To facilitate and enable knowledge sharing and
lessons learned across the CoCP.
Communities of Practice are ways of promoting innovation, developing
social capital, facilitating and spreading knowledge within a group,
spreading existing tacit knowledge, etc. *
Knowledge sharing is critical to the success of Communities of Practice.
*Lave and Wenger, Learning Theories
What is a Knowledge Café?
You still
Brings people together
open conversation on a topic of mutual interest
Build on each others knowledge,
share ideas
gain a deeper understanding of the challenges
potential solutions
The principal outcome: participants’ take aways
from the discussion
Ultimately leading to actions in the form of
better decision making and innovation
And better relationships
How does it work?
 Conversations in 6 small groups
 Three rounds of conversations on
different topics about 15 mins each
 Please change groups so you can interact
with as many people as you can
 Feel free to take personal notes
What will be discussed?
Managing Change Project Lessons
Monitoring Change Progress
Stakeholder Engagement
Developing Change Capability
Change Sponsorship
Change Communication
What was discussed…
1. Managing change project lessons
• Sharepoint is a basic but useful tool and
is commonly used
• Keep outcomes focus for example,
templates have been developed based
on lessons learned feedback.
• Lessons Learned centres – responsible
for addressing issues raised from
projects e.g. by developing new policies,
or amending old ones.
• Succession planning to keep knowledge
in an organisation
• TRIM – however there are limitations
with search functionality
• Blogs
• Lessons learned step embedded in
project cycle
• Communication plans extend to
delivering and sharing lessons learned
across organisation.
• Political sensitivities
around being too
open and public
about projects.
• Public sector turnover and capturing
corporate knowledge;
without a simple and
easy to use system
knowledge is
consistently lost.
• How to knowledge
• Project/program
lesson learned needs
a cultural shift across
the sector from
results driven to
activity driven.
• Centralised NSW Public
Sector project
• Project hub built into
innovation cycle
• Patient sharing journey
system in hospitals
(Archie?) useful up-todate knowledge sharing
system could be adapted
to projects.
• Lessons learned are more
then just agency IP – they
belong with people and
Lessons learned can be
improved by focusing on
moving change and
project managers around
the sector.
What was discussed…
2. Monitoring Change Progress
Embedding CM deliverables in Project
Management plans and schedules
CM documents as living documents that are
continuously get updated as project
Integration of CM
deliverables at the
planning stage of the
Measurement of CM
KPI as a part of an
overall organisational
The importance of
tangible CM
deliverables to build
credibility and visibility
of CM
Have key CM
milestones across the
life cycle of the project
and build engagement
and comms activities
around them
Early engagement of
the Change Manager is
critical to successful
implementation of
change projects
Enterprise CM
Demonstrate progress and success via
feedback from surveys ( before- duringafter) and use informal channels (word to
Some CM deliverables include: CM training,
Change Champions/ Sponsors/ Leaders,
Managers Forums, “ Town Hall Meetings”,
Surveys, Engagement Plans, Focus Groups,
Lessons Learned sessions
Successful implementation is measured by
the business adoption of the new process/
technology (when it becomes a business as
usual activity)
On going
measurements and
reporting on CM KPIs
after completion of
What was discussed…
3. Stakeholder Engagement
Competing priorities, technical language, assumptions, need to be explicit, benefit of
managing a program vs single projects, communication is not just an email loop, cross
agency sharing, resistance, geographic boundaries, project burn out and change fatigue
(particularly in smaller agencies where senior staff are called on regularly to be
stakeholders and sponsors), internal and external 'politics', hierarchy influence leading to
lack of experts being consulted, lack of sponsor leadership, government silos (little
communication between departments).
1-1 conversations particularly with project sponsor, ASK stakeholders how they want to
work, prepare key stakeholder role maps and explain what is expected, be clear and
honest with stakeholders on expected outcomes, talk to stakeholders and get lessons
learned from previous projects up front, repeatable mechanisms and effective
communication strategies, simple language, be explicit, use of 'Accelerated
Implementation Methodology', celebrate success, effective vendor management.
What was discussed…
4. Developing change capability
Build change capability through elearning and online learning.
Gaining executive sponsor
Identify managers to become trained
within the organisation.
Providing opportunities to
share experience and
learning across the
Develop internal forums
where people can share
their knowledge.
Move to online forums.
Have regular
conversations with your
executive sponsor to
ensure buy-in.
Develop a change
capability model that
incorporates what works
well, tools and resources.
Undertake a gap analysis to identify
current levels of change maturity
across different parts of the
organisation and develop a plan.
Knowledge sharing through internal
Develop a change network where
staff can share their experiences.
Sponsorship is key.
How to build change
capability across the
What was discussed…
5. Change Sponsorship
 Maintaining momentum
 Many have different levels of
 Varying levels of sponsor
 Different levels of sponsorship
can increase complexity in
some cases, and ease
complexity in others
 Selling the importance of
change to sponsors
 Getting the right level of
support required from
 Competing priorities of
various change projects with
 Peer to Peer mentoring
 Reverse mentoring
 Add sponsorship
capability to
 Competency
assessments for
 Education/training
 Sponsor Workshop s of
what is required and
Use Road Maps in project plans
Invite sponsors to initial start-up meeting
Embed sponsorship into project plans up-front
Building trust and credibility with sponsors
Conduct a survey/get data to back up need for change
Education use training to hold workshops on
Write all correspondence and communications for
your sponsors – make it easy for them
Include regular touch points and opportunities for the
sponsor to communicate / advocate in the plan
Have a coalition of sponsors – various levels of
Hold the right conversation at the right time
Tell sponsors clearly what you need
Engage sponsors early & set clear expectations
Be creative and keep sponsors engaged
What was discussed…
6. Change Communication
Operational & cultural influences
General notification via the intranet
Face-to-face discussion in relation to more specific issues
Target audience and check uptake with analytics
Tiles on intranet with links to information
Posters across offices
Lift (elevator) screens
Face-to-face (preferable)
DGs emails
News emails across the organisations
Visit regional areas to have face-to-face conversations
Choose your communication medium to maximise effectiveness
Tailor communication content and method to suit the audience/stakeholder e.g. face-to-face, video, briefing,
intranet etc
Ballots for staff to fill-in
Screensavers on PCs
Wallpaper to communicate change
Start with sharp messages and pictures
Break into stakeholder groups
Identify stakeholder communication needs before establishing comms register
Thank you
Next Event:
Building Change Management Capability
22 November 2013
DFS - McKell Building
Knowledge sharing group meets as required.
Please contact Rebecca (9228 5371),
[email protected], for
further information.