Right Plant, Right Place

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Transcript Right Plant, Right Place

Louisiana Yards and
Selecting the
Right Plant
For the Right Place
Gardening Styles
• Formal
• Informal
Formal Gardening
Bilateral symmetry
Clipped/hedged plantings
Geometrically shaped plants
Orderly rows
Repeated plant spacings
Classical hardscape structures
Smoothness in paint, wood, etc.
Neatly manicured
Formal Gardening
Very effective
Very “repeatable”
High maintenance
Fewer plant types; more of
the same plant
Informal Gardening
Natural plant shapes
Pruned plants but not sheared plants
Irregular arrangement
Curved and flowing beds
No geometric shapes
Relaxed, rustic building features
Lower maintenance
More plant types included
Landscape Planning Steps
List your needs.
Study your site.
Diagram space needs.
Shape the spaces.
Select the materials.
Step 1 – List Your Needs
Privacy issues
Outdoor living area
Swimming pool
Storage areas
Step 2 – Study Your Site
Compass directions
Shady and sunny areas
Wet and dry areas
Simple sketch of property
Scale drawing even better
Step 3 – Diagram Space
• List all things to go in
• Assign activities to spaces.
• Create a “bubble” plan on
• Use multiple arrangements.
• Think/plan for future.
Step 4 – Shape the Spaces
• Finalize spaces.
• Decide on plant characteristics.
• Creative stage (guided by
previous steps) need to know the
style you want to achieve.
Step 5 – Select the
• Plants to be used
• Surfacing materials to be used
• Cost factor
Site Analysis
Soil chemical/physical properties
Sunlight exposure
Temperature exposures/extremes
Structural limitations
Other conditions
Louisiana One Call
or 811
Soil, Soil Amendments
• pH of 5.5-6.5
• pH of 7 is neutral, above 7 is
alkaline (basic), below 7 is acid.
• Raise pH with lime.
• Lower pH with sulfur.
• Don’t guess, SOIL TEST!!!
Soil Drainage Modifications
French drains
Raised beds
“Pitcher’s mound”
Plant Materials
Annual bedding plants
Herbaceous perennials
Ground covers and vines
Turf grass
Annual Bedding Plants
• Warm-season
• Cool-season
• Transitional
Annual Bedding Plants
• Create islands of flowers in
open lawn.
• Easily viewed from every side.
• Problem? High maintenance.
Annual Bedding Plants
• Border plantings along
landscape edges
• Soften transition areas
• Slightly less maintenance
Annual Bedding Plants
Group according to color.
Intermix blooming times.
Consider plant height.
Consider water, sunlight and
fertility requirements.
• Provide proper spacing
between plants.
Herbaceous Perennials
• Fall bloomers – tall
• Summer bloomers – intermediate
• Spring bloomers – short
Annual/Perennial Selection
• Shade or sun
• Container, hanging basket,
landscape bed
• Cool-season or warm-season
• Season-long performer or shortterm performer
• pH requirement
Annual/Perennial Selection
Irrigation requirement
Fertilization requirement
Maintenance requirement
Re-seeding tendency
Insect susceptibility
Disease susceptibility
Ground Covers
• Proper spacing at planting =
faster establishment
• Improper spacing at planting =
slower establishment
• Fall planting best
• Should cover area in one year
Ground Covers
• Erosion control on slopes
• Vegetation growth where grass
is difficult to grow
• Reduces temperature and glare
• Less lawn to maintain
• Fill in odd-shaped areas in the
Ground Covers
Sunlight issues
Irrigation availability
Desired height
Desired growth habit
Desired growth rate
Shrubs and Trees
• Shrub growth habits
– Height
– Spread
– Form
– Color
– Texture
• Match growth habits to
design specifications
Shrubs and Trees
(Leaf Retention)
• Evergreen
• Semi-evergreen
• Deciduous
Shrubs and Trees
(Mature Size)
• Small
• Medium
• Large
Shrubs and Trees
(Growth Rate)
• Slow
• Moderate
• Fast
Louisiana Yards and
Selecting the
Right Plant
For the Right Place