AM SOP Integrated Operating Plan

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Integrated Operating Plan

AM Standard Operating Procedure

AM SOP Integrated Operating Plan 1

Integrated Operating Plan

Definition The process of aligning P&DC and Customer Service operations to provide our customers with consistent, reliable service every day



AM SOP Integrated Operating Plan 2

The Cycle

The daily 24-hour operational cycle starts with

 

Carrier returning on time Carrier leaving on time Based on Based on

  

Carrier office consistency Transportation leaving on time Plant Operating Plan achievement

Carrier returning on time Based on Based on Based on

AM SOP Integrated Operating Plan 3

Seven Guiding Principles

Carriers leave on time every day

Plant provides a consistent, planned product flow on each trip

Transportation leaves on time

All operational problems are short stopped and reported where they occur

AM SOP Integrated Operating Plan 4

Seven Guiding Principles

Problems are resolved through the communication customer feedback process

Full preventive maintenance is performed on all equipment as scheduled

All operations are supported by written, customer based contingency plans

AM SOP Integrated Operating Plan 5

Delivery Unit and Plant Contracts

Plant Inter-Tour

Plant to Delivery Unit

Percentage of mail on each trip by mail type

Measurement: DOIS Dispatch Feedback Report

Delivery Unit to Plant

Collections and Mail Preparation

Measurement: DOIS Late Leaving / Returning Report

AM SOP Integrated Operating Plan 6

Start-Up and Implementation

IOP Pre-Implementation

IOP Implementation Preparation

Backwards Processing Model

AM SOP Integrated Operating Plan 7

IOP Pre- Implementation

Senior Management Commitment

Understanding of Guiding Principles

Communication Network Availability

Delivery Unit Readiness

F2 Carrier Leave Times Adjusted

F4 Reviews

Staffing Analysis


IOP Implementation

AM SOP Integrated Operating Plan 8

IOP Implementation Preparation

Project Manager Selected

Team Member Selection with mix of Plant, Delivery, and Computer skills (Minimum of 4 full time - 2 Plant and 2 Delivery, NTE 1 year)

Team Members Assigned Duties

Baseline operations

Training (Guiding Principles, Overview, Communicate the Plan to All Employees)

Ramp-Up (CET at Delivery Unit, Processing Windows by Mail Type, Identify Dispatch Schedules)

Create Dispatch Plan

Start IOP

AM SOP Integrated Operating Plan 9

Backwards Processing Model

Identify Actual Mail Arrival Profile at Delivery Units

Delivery Units Provide Needed Mail Arrival Profile based on Current Carrier Reporting Times

100% Committed flats by reporting time

80% of caseable mail by reporting

Formal Negotiation (Delivery Units, Inter-Tour, Inter Plant, BMEU/Plant)

Plant Adjustments / Delivery Unit Adjustments



AM SOP Integrated Operating Plan 10

Integrated Operating Plan - Deliverables

Organization Activities


Communication Loop

Delivery Unit Activities

AM SOP Integrated Operating Plan 11

Integrated Operating Plan - Deliverables

Plant Activities


Formalize Contracts

Install Process Management


AM SOP Integrated Operating Plan 12

Timeline – Organizational Activities

AM SOP Integrated Operating Plan 13

Timeline – Delivery Unit Activities

AM SOP Integrated Operating Plan 14

Timeline – Plant Activities

AM SOP Integrated Operating Plan 15

Timeline - Implementation

AM SOP Integrated Operating Plan 16

How It Supports AM SOP

Contracts must support AM SOP.

Mail flow and processing must be re-engineered to provide requirements to Customer Service.

Consistent reliable mail flow is a must.

Indicators must be in place to measure IOP effectiveness

AM SOP Integrated Operating Plan 17

Integrated Operating Plan - Contracts

Percentage of mail for each trip determined.

Percentage of mail being automated and finalized for carrier distribution. Target 80% secondary flats, 85% DPS.

100% of committed flats available by carrier start time

80% of caseable mail available by carrier start

Separation of Standard and Pref. Flats

Timely dispatch of transportation.

AM SOP Integrated Operating Plan 18

Integrated Operating Plan - Transportation

All trips must leave on time.

All trips must contain the proper amount of mail as per the contracts.

Mail must be prepared in accordance with the contracts.

Transportation should be reviewed to ensure it meets the requirements.

AM SOP Integrated Operating Plan 19

IOP Dispatch Profile to Delivery Unit

Trip Time 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Post Office / Stations And Branches With GMF Plant Performing Primary Distribution Enter all figures in percentages by trip Station Name: _______________________________________________ Pref Ltrs Act Pref Ltrs Need Pref Ltrs Neg Pref Flts Act Pref Flts Need Pref Flts Neg Auto Act Auto Need Auto Neg

Station Mgr:____________________ IOP Mgr:_________________________

Act=Actual% Need=Needed% Neg=Negotiated% AM SOP Integrated Operating Plan 20

IOP Dispatch Profile to Delivery Unit

Trip Time 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2C 3C Act Post Office / Stations And Branches With GMF Plant Performing Primary Distribution Enter all figures in percentages by trip Station Name: _______________________________________________ 2C 3C Need 2C 3C Neg DPS Act DPS Need DPS Neg Pri Act Pri Need Pri Neg

Station Mgr:____________________ IOP Mgr:_________________________

Act=Actual% Need=Needed% Neg=Negotiated% AM SOP Integrated Operating Plan 21

IOP Dispatch Profile to Plant

CFS Mail leaves on 1st P.M. dispatch truck. Letters trayed & sleeved. Flats in tubs with lids. Correctly labeled.

All available collection mail on every PM dispatch truck. Culled to the Collection S.O.P. & properly labeled.

Backflow-properly labeled, bands cut, plastic off and dispatched on earliest transportation.

All RTS/ ACS must be prepared with proper labels. Sleeved and tagged if necessary. Dispatched on earliest PM transportation.

AM SOP Integrated Operating Plan 22

IOP Dispatch Profile to Plant

LOOP/MISSENT must be dispatched on earliest transportation. Properly labeled

All empty equipment must be sent back to plant on earliest truck.

All empty trays in one APC. All empty tubs in another APC. Nothing in BMC’s. No wooden pallets. All Plastic pallets together. ALL TAGS REMOVED.

All Insufficient Address Mail is worked in station, or sent back to Sender. Do NOT send to plant unworked.

All transportation leaves on time

AM SOP Integrated Operating Plan 23

IOP Delivery Unit Check-off List

Have you completed and submitted your SOP/Contingency Plans?

Are your routes properly adjusted?

Are your routes leaving on time?

Are your routes returning on time?

Is your Function 4 staffing adequate?

Is your collection mail being properly prepared?

Is your empty equipment being returned properly?

AM SOP Integrated Operating Plan 24

IOP Delivery Unit Check-off List

Is your transportation arriving on time?

Is your transportation leaving on time?

Is your preventive maintenance (DBCS/CSBCS) schedule adhered to?

Are you messaging I.O.P. to your employees daily/weekly? ( Stand-Up Talks )

Are you adhering to all SOP’s concerning CFS/RTS/LOOP/MISSENT mail?

AM SOP Integrated Operating Plan 25

Delivery Unit Process Indicators

Delivery Unit

Volume Arrival

DOIS Dispatch Feedback DOIS Late Leave/Return

Carrier Leave time

DOIS Late Leave/Return

Carrier return time

AM SOP Integrated Operating Plan 26

Delivery Unit IOP Tracking

IOP compliance will be measured based on two DOIS reports

The Dispatch Feedback Report will measure compliance with AM volume arrival agreements from the plant to delivery units

The Late Leaving / Returning Report will measure compliance with PM collection arrival agreements from delivery units to the plant

AM SOP Integrated Operating Plan 27

DOIS Dispatch Feedback Report

The DOIS Dispatch Feedback report will be used to determine if plant operations are meeting IOP agreements.

DOIS Setup and Usage

Dispatch Information in DOIS must match the IOP agreement – times, trips, and mail percentages

Record volumes by trip

Use the actual trip arrival as the time entry instead of when the volume is actually recorded

AM SOP Integrated Operating Plan 28

Dispatch Setup in DOIS

AM SOP Integrated Operating Plan 29

DOIS Dispatch Feedback Report

Shows the planned percentage of volume available by trip

Shows the actual percentage of volume available by trip

The plan compared to the actual percentage serves as the basis for determining if the IOP agreement is working

AM SOP Integrated Operating Plan 30

DOIS Dispatch Feedback Report - Selection

AM SOP Integrated Operating Plan 31

DOIS Dispatch Feedback Report - Example

AM SOP Integrated Operating Plan 32

Dispatch Feedback Report Goal


Daily Review and Corrective Action as Needed

Volume arrival complies with IOP agreement 95% or higher over the previous four weeks

AM SOP Integrated Operating Plan 33

Late Leaving / Returning Report

DOIS 1813 – Late Leaving / Returning Report will be used

To determine if routes are leaving on time when volume is received on time according to the IOP

To determine if delivery units are meeting their goal to provide collection mail timely to the plant as part of IOP by getting carriers back on time

AM SOP Integrated Operating Plan 34

DOIS 1813-Late Leaving / Returning

AM SOP Integrated Operating Plan 35

Late Leaving and Returning Report

AM SOP Integrated Operating Plan 36

DOIS Late Leaving / Returning

Late Leaving / Returning Goal

Daily Review and Corrective Action Taken as Needed

Carriers leave on time 95% higher over the previous four weeks

Carriers returning on time 95% or higher over the previous four weeks indicates whether the collection mail will arrive as scheduled at the plant in compliance with the IOP

AM SOP Integrated Operating Plan 37

Web Discrepancy Reporting

To get to the Discrepancy Report:

Select Your Cluster

AM SOP Integrated Operating Plan 38

Reporting a Discrepancy Step 1

As a Customer you must perform the following procedures: 1. Go to Discrepancy WEB Page at http://lancaster/disc_menu/ (HINT: Assign it to your favorites for easy access) 2. Click on : Your District Click here for Instructions AM SOP Integrated Operating Plan 39

Reporting a Discrepancy Step 2

Select IOP Team zip AM SOP Integrated Operating Plan 40

Reporting a Discrepancy Step 3

Click on your choice IOP Menu only for IOP Teams AM SOP Integrated Operating Plan 41

Reporting a Discrepancy Step 4

AM SOP Integrated Operating Plan 42

Reporting a Discrepancy Step 5

AM SOP Integrated Operating Plan 43

Receiving an IOP Discrepancy -Take Action

AM SOP Integrated Operating Plan 44

Receiving an IOP Discrepancy -Take Action

AM SOP Integrated Operating Plan 45

Receiving an IOP Discrepancy -Take Action

Enter Cause of Problem and Action taken to prevent recurrence here If you want to save your response and input more information later before final closing out press Save Action(s) then you can come back later & finalize your information and submit for close out.

When you are finished entering information Press save Action(s) and Submit for Closeout AM SOP Integrated Operating Plan 46

View Completed Discrepancy

AM SOP Integrated Operating Plan 47

View Completed Discrepancy

AM SOP Integrated Operating Plan 48

Plant IOP Planning

Daily Volume Projections For All Mail Types

Daily EOR Chart Processing Plan By Equipment Type

Daily Staffing Plan By Operation Area

End Of Tour Inventory Report

End Of Tour Turnover/ITOP Compliance Checklist.

AM SOP Integrated Operating Plan 49

Plant Process Indicators

Tour 1 Mail Processing % of mail dispatched Dispatch Report Secondary distribution timely completion WEB EOR report TIMES % report 4-8 Transportation On-time AM SOP Integrated Operating Plan 50

Plant IOP Tracking

Operating Plan Achievement

Actual Volume Versus Projected Volume

Actual EOR Run Chart Versus Projected Run Chart

Late Leaving Transportation

Late Leaving Carriers

AM SOP Integrated Operating Plan 51

Plant IOP Tracking

Late Arriving Mail

Service Tracking

Daily Delivery Issues Tracked For Dissemination To Responsible Tours

Maintenance Issues Tracked By Equipment Type

AM SOP Integrated Operating Plan 52


Once the contracts have been negotiated and agreed to, formalize the contract using the IOP Contract .

AM SOP Integrated Operating Plan 53

Integrated Operating Plan

“We all work for Delivery”

AM SOP Integrated Operating Plan 54