Transcript Slide 1

90.1-2010 Energy Cost Budget
Jason Glazer, PE
GARD Analytics
Arlington Heights, Illinois
[email protected]
90.1-2010 Energy Cost Budget
• Section 11 – Energy Cost Budget Method
• Appendix G – Performance Rating Method
• Addenda that will be included
– R, W, AI, BJ, BO, BV
• Addenda that may be included (in process)
– CH, CR, CW, DA, DB, DH, DN
• Why these changes?
Why These Changes?
Consistency with other Addenda
Continuous Maintenance Proposals
Proposals from Subcommittee Members
Brainstorming Session from Boston
Add. R – Normative Appendix G
• 3 Public Reviews – Will be in 90.1-2010
• Replaced “should” and “may” with “shall”
• More specific
– G1.4 – Documentation Requirements
– G2.5 - Exceptional Calculation Method
• Table G3.1 Part 4 – Schedules
– Exception for automatic control only
• Table G3.1 Part 14 – Exterior Conditions
– Shading, ground temperatures, water main temperatures
Add. W – Two Changes
• Will be in 90.1-2010
• Table G3.1.1A Baseline HVAC System Types
– Adds to footnote to make clear that Exception (a)
to Section G3.1.1 applies (additional systems for
non-predominant building areas)
• G3.1.2.10 Exhaust Air Energy Recovery
– Adds exception for systems serving dwelling units
in multifamily buildings.
Add AI – Purchased Heat/Cool
• Will be in 90.1-2010
• Adds new section on how to deal with
buildings with purchased hot or chilled water
• Now compared to baseline with same kind of
equipment and uses actual rates for
purchased chilled water or hot water/steam
• System mapping and pump power is revised
to be consistent
Add. BJ – Ventilation Effectiveness
• Will be in 90.1-2010
• Adds exception to G3.1.2.5 Ventilation
• Credit for the increased ventilation
• Need to use Standard 62.1 Section 6.2
Ventilation Rate Procedure
Add. BO – Consistent E, S, & U
• Will be in 90.1-2010
• Revise G3.1.2.10 Exhaust Air Energy Recovery
to just reference new heat recovery provisions
in Section
• Changes 11.3.2 HVAC Systems and G3.1.2.1
Equipment Efficiencies to use IEER instead of
• Reference cooling tower performance in Table
Add. BV – Consistent Y, AJ, BK, AX
• Will be in 90.1-2010
• Reference Sections 5-10 instead of just 10 in
reference to receptacle loads in Table G3.1
• Revise G3.1.2.9 System Fan Power to be
consistent to changes to the motor section
• Better modeling of kitchen exhaust in 11.3.2
and G3.1.1
Add CH – Consistent H & AH
• May be in 90.1-2010
• Table 11.3.2a Footnote (b) and G3.1.3.13
replace 0.4 cfm/ft2 with 30% zone peak air
• New rules about laboratory exhaust
Add CR – Unmet Load Hours
• May be in 90.1-2010
• Clarify definition of Unmet Load Hour and add
definition for Temperature Control Throttling
• In Section 11, 300 hours replaces 50 hours but
proposed must be less than budget
• In Appendix G, 300 hours replaces 50 hours
Add CW – Service Water Heating
• May be in 90.1-2010
• Update Table 11.3.1 Part 11 Service Water
• Now can trade off efficiency
Add DA – Baseline Ventilation
• May be in 90.1-2010
• G3.1.2.5 Ventilation new exception
• Baseline ventilation is what is required by
• Extra ventilation has energy impact
Add DB – Air Flow and Fan
• May be in 90.1-2010
• Add exception for labs in G3.1.2.8 Design Air
Flow Rates to use 17F delta
• Add subsection to G3.1.2.9 System Fan Power
to distribute fan power for supply, return,
exhaust, and relief fans in the same
proportion as the proposed design
Add DH - Renewables
• May be in 90.1-2010
• Add definitions for “on-site renewable energy”
and “purchased energy”
• Clarify 11.2.3 and G2.4 into subsections about
renewables and annual energy costs
Add DN – Heated Only Spaces
• May be in 90.1-2010
• Adds systems 10 and 11 that are heating and
ventilation systems with gas furnace or
electric resistance heat
• Storage rooms, stairwells, vestibules,
electrical/mechanical rooms, and restrooms