1.1.4 גופים מסיעים

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Ministère de la Science, Culture & Sport

Recherche et Développement Scientifique en Israel


H. Bercovier et David Mendlovic

Télécommande Irrigation goutte à goutte, Cartes intelligentes pour accès aux programmes TV satellites, Pentium III/IV et Centrino Programmes pour téléphones cellulaires et Modems Zip-Unzip, Internet Chat, Médicaments pour la maladie d’ Alzheimer, Cancer, Sclérose en plaques, maladie de Parkinson… Stents cardiaques, Disk on Key Méthode de Feldenkrais Hamster Syrien …


* Excellence et création du savoir pour les 7 Institutions de Recherches/Universités * Doivent préparer la prochaine génération de scientifiques et de cadres de la société.

Etudiants dans l

Education Supérieure

250,000 198,800 200,000 Bachelor's degree Total 150,000 135,890 150,150 100,000 101,290 50,000 0 1985/86 1987/88 1989/90 1991/92 1993/94 1995/96 1997/98 99/2000 2001/02 2003/04

Développement des Institutions d ’ Education supérieure dans les années 90.

60 50 40 16 30 20 10 7 6 8 0 1989/90 8 7 7 8 7 8 1991/92 8 7 8 10 8 8 1993/94 13 10 8 14 16 8 1995/96 20 8 19 21 8 1997/98 19 22 8 19 23 8 99/2000 22 22 8 23 22 8 2001/02 24 22 8 25 22 8 2003/04 Universités autres institutions Teacher training colleges

To be an independent body between the Government and the Institutions of higher education, in all matters relating to allocations for higher education

Le PBC Budget

Aide aux étudiants Research & other Bodies Institutions of Higher Education

Principe du Modèle 1. Le modèle a 2 compartiments séparés:

Enseignement Recherche

Compartiment Recherche Sur une base compétitive, il comprend 4 éléments: 1. Revenus de recherches compétitives 2. Revenus de recherches “non compétitives” 3. Publications Scientifiques 4. Doctorants (La part de HUJ est 29%) Poids 35% 20% 15% 30%

Scientific Publications – 1999-2001 and Number of Citations in Scientific Literature – 2001 per Million Population (us=1.00) Switzerland Sweden Israel Finland Denmark United Kingdom Netherlands Australia New Zealand Canada United States Norway Belgium France Germany Spain No. of citations in scientific literature per million population 2001 Scientific publications per million population - 1999 - 2001 0.00



Source: Science & Engineering Indicators 2004, US NSF 1.50


Israel As a Scientific Leader

 Scientific Publications – Israel is one of the two world wide leader in scientific publications per capita – 1% of the scientific worldwide publications, 2% in mathematics  Scientific Citations – Israel is the 3 rd worldwide leader in citations per capita. In 6 over 20 scientific fields, Israel is number 1  Scientists Per Capita – 0.5% of the overall population. Israel is number 1 with 133 scientists per 10,000 employees  Investment Is Science – Israel invests more than 4% of the Gross National Product (#1), more than Finland and Sweden (3.3%) 10

Scientific Publications of Israel and neighboring countries As Percentage of World Publications 1.20

Israel 1.00





Middle East & North African Countries (Exc. Israel) 0.00

1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Source: Science & Engineering Indicators 2004, US NSF

Position de la Science Israélienne

• Sciences des matériaux et nanotechnologie: 1 er • Sciences de l’ordinateur : 2 eme rang • Economie et management: 4 eme rang rang • Chimie: 5 eme rang. • Mathématiques: 7 eme • Biologie: 8 eme • Immunologie: 13 eme • Microbiologie: 15 eme , rang • 14 eme en Psychologie et Psychiatrie, 18 eme Sciences sociales et 22 eme en en Médecine Clinique.

Ranking Of The 5 Leaders Per Fields


Computer science Chemistry Materials Microbiology Mulec. Biology and genetics Physics Agriculture science Astrophysics Earth science

Israel Rank Among The 5 Leaders

Israel , USA, Swiss, Canada, Denmark USA, Swiss, Israel , Holland, Sweden USA, Denmark, Holland, Israel , Swiss USA, Swiss, GB, Holland, Israel Swiss, USA, Germany, Holland, Israel Swiss, Denmark, USA, Holland, Israel Sweden, GB, Denmark, Canada, Holland USA, Swiss, Holland, Canada, GB USA, Australia, GB, Swiss, France 13

Prix Nobel

• Littérature (S. Agnon) • Paix • Physique (D. Gross) • Chimie (Hershko & Ciechanover) • Economie (Kahneman & Aumann) • Chimie (R. Kornberg)

ERC competition 2007

• CNRS (France) Max-Planck Society (Germany) University of Cambridge (UK)


Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientcas Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Italy) •

Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Imperial College London (UK) University College London (UK)

Weizmann Institute of Science

Oxford(UK) University Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Ruprecht-Karls-Universitat Heidelberg -

Tel Aviv University

16 10 10


7 6


5 5


5 4 4


Investissement dans l' Education (pourcentage du PNB) 2007 Israel Denmark Sweden France Australia Finland U.K.

Germany Netherlands Japan 0.0



Source:OECD, 2000 3.0

















Investissement en R&D (en pourcentage du PNB, 1996-2002) Israel Sweden Finland Japan U.S.A

Switzerland Germany France Singapore Denmark Austria U.K.

Canada Norway Australia Ireland 1.2














0 0.5

1 1.5

2 2.5

3 3.5

Source: Human Development Report, 2004 4 4.2



5 5.0


Productivité en Agriculture $ par individu employé en agriculture Netherlands Iceland Scotland Israel U.S.A

Australia Sweden France Luxembourg New Zealand Ireland Canada Finland 0 10,000 20,000 30,000 67,104 64,833 62,765 61,865 57,775 52,421 57,253 48,795 45,828 43,908 42,095 41,651 39,963 40,000 50,000 Source: IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook, 2004 60,000 70,000 80,000

Manufacturing Export by Technological Intensity, 2003 High Technology 49% 20% in 1991 Low Technology Industries 9% Medium-Low Technology Industries 17% Medium-High Technology Industries 25% Source: The Israel Export & International Cooperation Institue, 2003

R&D evaluation IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook (Japan’s ranking) Fuente: White Paper on International Trade 2002

(Citado en Journal of Japanese Trade &Industry July/August 2002, Japan Economic Foundation)

Research in Israel – Mind The Gap

Directed R&D BASIC RESEARCH Several funding resources mainly in Universities and research institutes STRATEGIC RESEARCH The well known “Gray Zone” APPLIED RESEARCH Min. of Trade & Industry and Commercial companies


"Strategic Research - the Connecting Link"

Ministry of Science, Culture & Sport

Orienter la R&D

Governmental Funding In Israel

 Mandatory for success in science and technology - Excellence  Encouraging the excellence is carried out by various organizations: Organization Ministry of Education Priority by Academic excellence Type of R&D Basic Sciences Ministry of Industry, Trade & Labor Commercial excellence Ministry of Science and other Governmental Ministries National priorities Applied and commercial Applied infrastructure Only the Ministry of Science and its related Chief Scientists prioritize their funds per national priorities and long term scientific vision 23

Chief Scientists Forum

 MOST is head and organizer of the Chief Scientist Forum  This forum is responsible to execute the Governmental R&D directions in Israel  It includes:  Defining national priorities  Announcement and review  Shared infrastructures  Meets monthly and activate various sub-committees  An observer of the NCRD participates all meetings 24

Pie Of Governmental R&D Investment

31 % 4 % 43 % MOIT MOST Agric.

Energy ISF Others 2 % 5 % 15 %


Ministry of Science, Culture & Sport

The Ministry of Science A Close Look

Vision in Science and Technology

Israel as a small country cannot invest in all Spectrums of R&D. There is a need for a national professional guiding hand.

Israel as a leading nation in science and technology, strives towards Excellence.

The Ministry of Science plays a central role in the shaping and leading the R&D policy of Israel.

The Ministry is responsible for determining national priorities, enhancing physical and human resources infra-structures, magnifying the contribution of Israel and implementing the relative advantages of Israel. 27

La réalité


Priorités nationales déterminées par: Académie Nationale des Sciences Directeur(s) Général de la Science TELEM Les Universités L ’industrie

Entropie maximale

Conscience nationale Investissement dans les infrastructures dépendants des donateurs Rencontre entre ces facteurs et priorités nationales

International Scientific Relations

Cooperative research programs.

Membership in international organizations.

Bi-national & international cooperative conferences.

Researcher exchanges.


Bi-National Research Programs

France Germany (BMBF+GIF) South Korea China Ukraine Taiwan USA Croatia India Slovenia Russia


Regional R&D Centers

To the Region For the Region About the Region


Regional R&D Centers


ISA – Israel Space Authority

Universities Research Institutes Industries Civilization of space technologies Support of space activity in Israel Inter – Ministries coordination International cooperation Educational mission Launch multi discipline projects


National Priorities – Vertical, Horizontal

Tissue Eng Stem Cells Water Photonics Advanced Materials IT & Telecom Nanotechnology Energy & Environment Space Science Policy


Ministry of Science, Culture & Sport

Les Relations Industrie Universités

Comparaison entre UK et USA pour le transfert de technologie

• • • •

Par $1 milliard de fonds de recherche US HUJ UK Spin-outs created

50 20 15

Licensing income

$31m $120m $12.4m

Licenses signed in year

» 206 190 120

Invention disclosure

» 440 520 399


• Copaxone • Exelon • Rebif • Doxil • Azilec Plus de 3 Milliards de $ de ventes

Albert Einstein The Hebrew University of Jerusalem 

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

4 Campuses 5 Affiliated Hospitals Over 400 Researchers in Applied Sciences 1,600 Post-Graduate Students in Biotechnology 3,500 Research Projects >100 Research Centres 1,000 Researchers (Staff Members) 24,000 Students 45% Graduate “ 43

HUJ Rang Mondial

• • • • •

Biomédicine Sciences Sociales Humanités 58 (Times Higher Education) 49 41 “ “ Général Général 93 “ 6 5 (Shanghai) Publications 59 (CEST)

ISF 2003/06 Exact Sciences 20% Life & Medicine 33% Social Sciences & Humanities 41%

• Microbiol • Medicine • Cell Biol.

50% 40% 36% • Mol biol 36% • Neurobiol 30% • Immunol • Ecology • Biochem • Plant biol 30% 29% 28% 28% • Statistics • Philo • Bible • Economics • Litter.

• History • Education • Law 67% • Pol Sciences 57% 50% 50% 40% 48% 39% 33% 30%

100 FONDS EXTERIEURS POUR LA RECHERCHE à HUJ (Par année académique ….) 107 Millions US $ 80 60 40 20 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

INVESTISSEMENT annuel réel pour la Recherche à HUJ

Grant/Centers Funds $ 107 Millions Bourses $ 16 Millions Salaires TOTAL $ 135 Millions $ 258 Millions

25 % de la recherche civile en Israel

Mission de Yissum (créée en 1964)

Propriétaire exclusif de la PI de l ’Université: doit promouvoir le transfert de technologies vers l ’Industrie et la Sociéte en général Yissum = Hebreu pour ‘application ’ 48 48

Le Transfert de Technologie

Research Money HUJ researchers discover new invention & submits disclosure Yissum protects the IP and commercialises Yissum pays royalties to the researchers and HUJI $/EU The Industry partner pays for the use of IP to Yissum

49 49

La Propriété Intellectuelle et son partage

Yissum est le propriétaire de tout développement réalisé à HU

Les bénéfices nets sont redistribués:

40% des Royalties vont au chercheur

– –

20% des royalties vont au Labo du chercheur 40 % vont à l’ HU

50 50

En résumé

 Plus d ’ $1 Milliard de ventes annuelles pour les produits développés à Hebrew University     5,500 brevets 1,600 inventions 480 licenses 65 spin-offs  Levée de fonds dépassant $165 mil en 2007 auprès des VCs et d’investisseurs privés.


Le mystère de l’ail enfin résolu

Et pourtant elle tourne

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