CST 10.3- 10.4 Review Answers

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CST 10.3- 10.4 Review
10.3.1 Review
What was a direct effect of increased food
production during Europe’s Agricultural Revolution?
• 1. Choice C is correct. One result of
increased food production during the
Industrial Revolution was an increase in
the population.
During the 1600s, Europe developed a
thriving economy based on
• 2. Choice B is correct. During the
1600s, Europe developed a thriving
economy based on money.
A defining feature of Europe’s Industrial
Revolution was that many commercial goods were
• 3. Choice D is correct. A defining
feature of Europe’s Industrial
Revolution was that many commercial
goods were made not with tools by hand,
but with machinery.
A geographic advantage of England in
the Industrial Revolution was its
• 4. Choice A is correct. Its natural
harbors provided England with a
geographic advantage in the Industrial
The “Black Country” of England was
known for its
• 5. Choice B is correct. England’s “Black
Country” was notorious for the clouds of
soot and smoke caused by industrial
What was one important power source
for factories in 18th-century England?
• 6. Choice D is correct. Water was a key
source of power in the Industrial
Revolution; the rivers of industrial
England were important for this reason.
10.3.2 Review
What impact did the steam engine have
on the growth of industry?
• 1. Choice D is correct. The steam
engine was a source of industrial power
that maximized output of energy.
What technology did James Watt
• 2. Choice A is correct. The English
inventor James Watt is famous for his
improvements to the steam engine.
Which process would be an example of
• 3. Choice A is correct. Pasteurization is
commonly used as a means of sterilizing
By the 1840s, England was connected
by a network of
• 4. Choice C is correct. By the 1840s,
England was connected by a network of
Which 20th-century invention is most
comparable to the telegraph in its impact?
• 5. Choice B is correct. Email and the
Internet have an impact today that is
similar to the telegraph in its time,
because they enable written messages
to be sent quickly.
Which increased as a result of the
Industrial Revolution?
• 6. Choice C is correct. The Industrial
Revolution dramatically increased the
pace of daily life and business, including
travel, work, communications, and
business transactions.
10.3.3 Review
Between 1800 and 1850, London’s
• 1. Choice B is correct. In London
between 1800 and 1850, the population
more than doubled.
Which city had the smallest population
throughout 1800–1850?
• 2. Choice C is correct. Over the years,
Edinburgh maintained the lowest
What is the best explanation for the
population growth shown in the graph?
• 3. Choice A is correct. The population
explosion based on improvements in
agriculture and science, led to growing
numbers as well as growing
industrialization and urbanization.
10.3.4 Review
Which would have been a common life change
in England during the Industrial Revolution?
• 1. Choice A is correct. During the
Industrial Revolution, many people left
agricultural lifestyles to take jobs in
industrial areas.
In Great Britain, the Factory Act of 1819 declared it illegal
for children to work more than 12 hours a day. What does the
act suggest about labor conditions at that time?
• 2. Choice C is correct. In Great Britain,
the Factory Act of 1819 declared it
illegal for children to work more than 12
hours a day—not an unheard-of
occurrence. However, this act was not
enforced for many years.
In the 19th century, millions of people
seeking work migrated
• 3. Choice D is correct. In the 19th
century, millions of people seeking work
migrated from Asia and Europe to
North America.
Which statement is true of social class
during the Industrial Revolution?
• 4. Choice B is correct. During the
Industrial Revolution, social classes
became increasingly divided.
Collective bargaining was a process of
negotiation between
• 5. Choice A is correct. Collective
bargaining was a process of negotiation
between employers and employees.
In 1902, Pennsylvania coal miners refused
to work, returning to their jobs only when
guaranteed a 10 percent pay increase and
reduction of hours. The miners’ action is
an example of
• 6. Choice C is correct. The 1902 strike
of Pennsylvania coal miners was a
famous success.
10.3.5 Review
“They are the leaders on the way to material
progress . . . . They guess what the consumers
would like to have and are intent on providing
them with these things.”
—from Human Action: A Treatise on
Economics, Ludwig von Mises
The quotation describes the role in an
industrial economy played by
• 1. Choice A is correct. The quotation by
Ludwig von Mises describes the role of
entrepreneurs in an industrial economy.
According to the quotation, what skill is
important to a business leader?
• 2. Choice B is correct. Von Mises says
that an ability to guess what consumers
would desire to buy is a key part of an
entrepreneur’s success.
What is the goal of industrial
• 3. Choice D is correct. The goal of
industrial production is to manufacture
consumer goods that can be sold.
Which event in 19th-century England
most benefited its industrial economy?
• 4. Choice C is correct. Increased
population growth—and the labor it
provided—was an enormous benefit to
industrializing England.
Which social change in 19th-century
England would have most benefited an
industrial entrepreneur?
• 5. Choice C is correct. The ready
availability of money is essential to
entrepreneurship. Lending by new
financial institutions such as banks
played a key role in the industrialization
of England.
10.3.6 Review
Which statement would a critic of
capitalism have most likely made during
the Industrial Revolution?
• 1. Choice C is correct. Critics of
capitalism were concerned that the
Industrial Revolution concentrated
wealth in the hands of business owners
and investors, while many workers lived
in poverty.
Nineteenth-century socialists made
significant gains in
• 2. Choice B is correct. Nineteenthcentury socialists are particularly
remembered for their work in the labor
movement. They were also among the
leaders of the feminist and peace
What was the relationship between work
and property in a utopian community?
• 3. Choice D is correct. In a utopian
community, people typically lived and
worked together and held their
property in common.
With what economic idea is Karl Marx
most closely associated?
• 4. Choice C is correct. Karl Marx is
most closely identified with communism.
Citizens in a social democracy expect
their government to
• 5. Choice A is correct. Citizens in a
social democracy expect their
government to provide them with
certain benefits.
Which economic system emerged in
Europe as a response to both capitalist
and socialist ideals?
• 6. Choice D is correct. Social
democracy is the dominant economic
system in many European nations today.
10.3.7 Review
“How glad I am to be able to roam in wood
and thicket, among the trees and flowers
and rocks!”
—Ludwig van Beethoven
What Romantic value is expressed in
Beethoven’s words about nature?
• 1. Choice B is correct. Beethoven’s
joyful words emphasize his own personal
appreciation for nature.
Which would have been the most likely
subject for a classical painter?
• 2. Choice C is correct. Classicizing
painters sometimes depicted subjects
from ancient Greece and Rome, such as
Jacques-Louis David’s famous Death of
Nineteenth-century European Romantics
tended to view the past as a
• 3. Choice D is correct. Nineteenthcentury European Romantics tended to
view the past as a simpler, gentler time.
European Romanticism celebrated the
beauty of nature at a time when
• 4. Choice B is correct. European
Romanticism celebrated the beauty of
nature at a time when industrialization
was polluting the land.
European Romanticism celebrated
ordinary people at a time when they
• 5. Choice C is correct. European
Romanticism celebrated ordinary people
at a time when they were agitating for
greater political power.
A 19th-century novel that attempted
“social criticism” might have shown how a
young hero or heroine was affected by
• 6. Choice D is correct. Some novels by
Charles Dickens show the effects on
industrial pollution on society and the
10.4.1 Review
Which event would be an example of
• 1. Choice A is correct. A powerful
nation seizing control of a poor nation
and its resources is a classic example of
Nineteenth-century European
imperialism was spurred in part by
success in
• 2. Choice B is correct. Nineteenthcentury European imperialism was
facilitated by developments in
What geography-related goal most
motivated 19th-century European
• 3. Choice D is correct. Nineteenthcentury European imperialists competed
for control of trade routes.
The resource of central Africa that would
have been most attractive to 19thcentury European imperialists was its
• 4. Choice C is correct. Tin and copper
mines in central Africa were of great
interest to European industrialists.
Christian missionaries in colonized lands,
in the 1800s,
• 5. Choice A is correct. Christian
missionaries in colonized lands typically
sought to convert non-Christians.
A 19th-century English Social Darwinist
would say that his or her nation’s power
was proof of
• 6. Choice C is correct. A 19th-century
English Social Darwinist would say that
his or her nation’s power was proof of
its superiority.
10.4.2 Review
What two European nations colonized
most of South America?
• 1. Choice D is correct. Most of South
American was colonized by Spain and
What two European nations colonized
most of Africa?
• 2. Choice B is correct. England and
France were the two largest colonial
powers in Africa.
During the late 1800s, which European
nation had no colony in Africa?
• 3. Choice D is correct. The Netherlands
had no colony in Africa in the late
Which European nation colonized the
most land around the world during the
19th century?
• 4. Choice C is correct. At the height of
its powers, Great Britain controlled
two-fifths of the world’s land mass,
with colonies on every continent.
The purpose of the Berlin Conference
was to plan for the
• 5. Choice C is correct. The purpose of
the Berlin Conference was to plan for
the division of Africa among colonial
Where did the United States acquire a
colony in 1898?
• 6. Choice B is correct. In 1898, as a
result of the Spanish-American War,
the United States acquired the island
nation of the Philippines as its colony.
10.4.3 Review
European colonists believed they had
the right to colonize Africa because
• 1. Choice A is correct. Europeans
believed that their wealth and power
gave them the right to claim foreign
For Africans, European colonization
resulted in
• 2. Choice C is correct. As a result of
European colonization, Africans
suffered loss of lands and loss of trade.
They also achieved longer life spans and
some gains in literacy.
What event closely preceded the rise
of African nationalist movements?
• 3. Choice D is correct. The end of
World War I preceded a rise in
nationalist movements in areas of Ghana
and other future African nations.
The African prime minister who first
came to power in Ghana
• 4. Choice A is correct. When Kwame
Nkrumah became prime minister in
1952, he was the first black African to
be an acknowledged leader in the area in
more than 50 years.
Ghana achieved independence
• 5. Choice C is correct. Ghana achieved
independence in a series of steps.
10.4.4 Review
“The British treat nations as the silk-worm farmer
treats his worms; as long as they produce silk, he
cares for them well; when they stop, he feeds
them to the fish.”
—from The Vital Problem of China (1917), Sun Yatsen
Which statement best summarizes the danger
Sun Yat-sen describes in the quotation?
• 1. Choice C is correct. Sun Yat-sen uses
this simile of a silk-worm farmer to say
that a colonial power cares for the
nations it colonizes only while it enjoys
their profits.
What made the Haitian revolution a
landmark in history?
• 2. Choice B is correct. The Haitian
revolution was unprecedented in that
enslaved people won freedom for
themselves and established a republic.
Struggles for independence in Latin
America were led mainly by
• 3. Choice D is correct. Struggles for
independence in Latin America were led
mainly by creoles, such as Simón Bolívar.
What was the primary means through
which Indians sought independence from
Great Britain?
• 4. Choice A is correct. Nonviolent civil
disobedience was a defining feature of
India’s struggle for independence from
Great Britain.
From whom did the Chinese win
independence in 1911?
• 5. Choice B is correct. In 1911, the
Chinese people won independence from
the Qing dynasty and founded a
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