Transcript Slide 1

Lesson 28
The 1800’s - “The Great Century”
William Carey
(1761 – 1834)
Expect great things from God,
attempt great things for God.”
Church History
Ancient Church History
Ca. 30AD
Medieval Church History
590 AD
Apostolic Church The First Medieval Pope
Apostolic Fathers The Rise of the Holy Rom Emp
Church Councils
The Crusades
Golden Age of
The Papacy in Decline
Church Fathers
The Pre-Reformers
Modern Church History
1517 AD
Reformation &
Counter Reformation
Rationalism, Revivalism,
& Denominationalism
Revivalism, Missions,
& Modernism
The 1800’s - “The Great Century”
Great in its results - missionary zeal & social reform
Great in its reach - into all the world
The Context of the Great Century
Great Spiritual Revivals
German Pietistic Revival – Moravians early to mid 1700’s
English Methodist Revivals – late 1730 – 1790’s
1st Great Awakening – 1720’s – 1760’s
2nd Great Awakening – 1790’s – 1840’s
The Context of the Great Century
Great Modernization
Great growth in worldwide peace (1815 - 1914)
Great growth in scientific knowledge
Germs/fighting disease
Surgery-antisepsis & anethesia
Chemicals to fight pests
Genetics – seed selection/breeding
Great growth in technology
Telegraph & telephone
Refrigeration – industrial uses
Steam powered factories/farm equip
Great growth in transportation
Steam – ships/trains
Great growth in prosperity
Industrial Revolution (few - very wealthy, large minority – middle class, many - very poor)
The Context of the Great Century
Christianity Assaulted
Societal Organization
Prosperity & Urbanization
Charles Darwin
Karl Marx
Materialism & Sin
The Context of the Great Century
Colonialism is the extension of a nation’s sovereignty over territory beyond its
borders by the establishment of either settler or exploitation colonies in which
indigenous populations are directly ruled, displaced, or exterminated. Colonizing
nations generally dominate the resources, labor, and markets of the colonial
territory, and may also imposse socio-cultural, religious and linguistic structures
on the indigenous population.
Christianity Challenged by Outside Threats & Unprecedented Opportunity
Social Reforms
Religious Awakening &
Modern Technology
Missionary Endeavors
Prohitibion against dueling
Abolition of debtor prison & general prison reform
Prohibition movements began in late 1700’s
Methodist, Presbyterian, & Congregationalist
1895 – Anti-Saloon League
18th Amendment adopted in 1919; 1933
Abolition of Slavery
1769 – Congregational churches began to preach against slavery
1833 – Lane Seminary in Cincinnati became the center of an
anti-slavery movement led by students. When the admin.
Prohibited the students participation, the students left for Oberlin
1833 – The American Anti-Slavery Society
Many denominations split – Wesleyan Methodist Church; Southern
Baptist Church; Presbyterian Church.
America (cont.)
Industrialization & immigration caused cities to grow rapidly
City Rescue Missions – The Water Street Mission of New York – 1872
Chicago’s Pacific Garden Mission, 1877
Young Men’s Christian Association – Boston in 1851
Young Women’s Christian Association – 1855
The Goodwill Industries – 1900
The Salvation Army – Late 1880’s
William Wilberforce (1759-1833) – outlaw of the slave trade
Lord Shaftesbury (1801-1885) – in 1840 worked for laws against
unfair child labor – chimney sweeps, mine work; reform of
insane asylums & lodging houses.
John Howard & Elizabeth Fry worked to reform prisons
YMCA & YWCA – youth living in cities
Moravians – Caribbean, Far East, Africa, Greenland
French Huguenots – missionary attempts to Brazil
Dutch Colonists – church planting in Indonesia
New England Experiment
John Elliot (1631) Missionary to Algonkian Indians; published a
catechism in their language and translated the Bible, the first
Bible to be printed in North America.
David Brainerd (1718- 1747) Missionary to Senecca & Delaware
Indians. His legacy was not his strategy, but his heart for God
and a intense desire for Indians to know Christ.
Church Efforts
1792 – The Baptist Missionary Society – Sent William Carey & the
Serampore Trio to India, Carey, Joshua Marshman, & William Ward
1795 – London Missionary Society – David Livingstone (1813-1873),
Smoke of a 1000 villages, 3 C’s: Christianity, Commerce, & Civilization,
Explorer & Abolitionists
1799 – Church Missionary Society – Evangelical Anglican Church
sent Henry Martyn to India & Persia – translation work
1810 – American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions –
formed by Congregationalists and Presbyterians, Haystack Revival
1814 – Baptist Missionary Board – Adoniram Judson, Burma
1861 – Southern Presb. Church – John Latin Wilson – Congo/Zaire
1824 – Thomas Chalmers – St Andrews 7
1847 – Reformed Church of Scotland – John G. Paton, New Hebrides
Faith Missions
1865 - China Inland Mission, Hudson Taylor
1867 – 1951 – Amy Carmichael - India
Born in England, was a shoemaker who was converted around 17 years old
Later becomes a pastor and serves in 2 churches
Carey developed a deep sense of duty to take the gospel overseas
5 Common Objections Carey had to refute about Missions
Obj. #1 – No Duty to Go
Obj. #2 – Too Far to Go
Baptist Deacon- “Sit down, young man.
Obj. #3 – What Are We Going to Eat
it pleases
to convert
the Means
Obj. #4
– Savages
Will Kill Us
to Use
Obj. for
will do
your (1792)
or mine.”
Carey joined with
12 other pastors to form a Missionary Society.
Carey will leave with his wife for India. Dorothy Carey does not want to go,
she will have a nervous break down and go insane before dying. She will
die in India
1. To set an infinite value on men’s souls.
2. To acquaint ourselves with the snares which hold the minds of the people.
3. To abstain from whatever deepens India’s prejudice against the gospel.
4. To watch for every chance of doing the people good.
5. To preach “Christ crucified” as the grand means of conversions.
6. To esteem and treat Indians always as our equals.
7. To guard and build up “the hosts that may be gathered.”
8. To cultivate their spiritual gifts, ever pressing upon them their missionary
obligation, since Indians only can win India for Christ.
9. To labor unceasingly in biblical translation.
10. To be instant in the nurture of personal religion.
11. To give ourselves without reserve to the Cause, “not counting even the
clothes we wear our own.”
 Don’t Despise Youth.
 Study one’s culture and be attuned for opportunity
to serve Christ.
 Euro-American Christianity transitions to a
World Christianity.