Baha'i Teachings and Holidays

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Baha’i Teachings and
Holy Days
December 6, 2004, 7 p.m.
NMU University Center Nicolet Room
Blast From the Past
Holidays Around the World program
Dr. Rodney Clarken
Northern Michigan University
(C) Rodney H. Clarken
The first basis of belief in the Baha'i
is that there is one God, the Lord of Creation,
the All-Powerful, the Unknowable, who has
always been made known to the creatures of his
creation through a series of holy beings in
human form: perfect men who have, from time
to time, lived on the earth and taught men about
God, shown them the spiritual path he wants
them to tread, given them knowledge and laws
to guide them. (see 4 minute video)
(C) Rodney H. Clarken
Christ, Muhammad, Buddha, Moses,
to name those we are familiar with--were perfect
souls who reflected to mankind all the qualities
of God, just as, for
example, a mirror can
reflect the sun and we
see the sun in that mirror.
(C) Rodney H. Clarken
The message of the Baha'i faith
is that a new revelation has been given to
mankind by Baha'u’llah, the Glory of God, who
through the power of the divine Spirit, brought
to the world the teachings
of God for this day. The Baha'i
Faith has spread all over the
earth, increasingly gaining
adherents in every country.
(see 11 minute video)
(C) Rodney H. Clarken
Oneness of God--The Oneness of
Since there is only one God, there can be only
one religion, the Religion of God. Religion by
any other name is really only a section of
religion. Baha'u'llah says that revelation is not
for part of humanity but for the whole world,
that the world must eventually be united in one
common faith, accepting the new while
maintaining the basic truths of the previous
(C) Rodney H. Clarken
The Oneness of Humanity
Baha'u'llah says that there is only one human race and
that differences of race, language, color, country, etc.,
are merely variations in the human family. We are one
family and once this is accepted, such things as wars,
race, class, and political differences can no longer be
justified. He calls on the nations to come together in
unity, to outlaw war, and if any nation breaks that rule,
all the rest should arise and put it down. Unity is
essential and any grievance or injustice can be dealt
with by a world court to which all must defer. (See 4
minute movie)
(C) Rodney H. Clarken
Equality of Men and Women
Obviously, if mankind is one, both men and
women must be seen as spiritually equal and
treated as human souls with the same rights and
obligations. (See 90 second movie)
(C) Rodney H. Clarken
Harmony of Religion and Science
Baha'u'llah taught that what we do in this world
must be controlled and reinforced by our
spiritual qualities. Therefore, religion and science
must not be in opposition
but in harmony, as different
aspects of truth.
(C) Rodney H. Clarken
Personal Conduct
Baha'u'llah sets very high standards to guide us
through life, all based on spiritual principles-selflessness, sacrifice of oneself, and purity of
thought and deed as enjoined by previous
revelations. He also gives
some specific laws regarding
prayer, fasting, the
sanctity of marriage.
(C) Rodney H. Clarken
The world
The world must be governed on the basis of
spiritual principles, accepting the oneness of all
men, rather than the present expediency and
controversy. America
has a special destiny in
bringing about peace
and justice.
(See 2 minute movie)
(C) Rodney H. Clarken
The Bahá'i calendar includes nine
holy days
which all have the significance of major feasts whose
observance is required. Seven of them are joyful days
celebrated by picnics or festal gatherings at which
music, the reading of verses and tablets, and short
addresses suitable to the occasion are contributed by
those present. The anniversaries of the Martyrdom of
the Báb and the Ascension of Bahá'u'lláh are celebrated
with solemnity by appropriate meetings and discourses,
the reading of prayers and tablets. All Bahá'í holy days
run from sundown to sundown.
(C) Rodney H. Clarken
"In the sacred laws of God,
in every cycle and dispensation there are blessed
feasts, holidays and workless days. On such days
all kinds of occupations, commerce, industry,
agriculture, classes, etc. should be suspended."
“All should rejoice together, hold
general meetings, become as one
assembly, so that the national oneness,
unity and harmony may be
demonstrated in the eyes of all.“
(C) Rodney H. Clarken
Baha’i Holy Days
March 21 Naw-Ruz - New Year.
April 21, April 29, May 2 - Ridvan
Declaration of the Báb - May 23
Ascension of the Bahá'u'lláh - May 29
Martyrdom of the Báb - July 9
October 20 Birth of Bab
November 12 Birth of Bahá'u'lláh
(C) Rodney H. Clarken
The Bahá'í New Year (Naw
Rúz): March 21
The festival of the New Year, Naw Rúz, marks
the end of the month of fasting and is a joyous
time of celebration.
(C) Rodney H. Clarken
The Festival of Ridván (Paradise): April
21 - May 2
The Ridván (pronounced "riz-vawn") festival
has three significant days and commemorates
the first public declaration by Bahá'u'lláh of his
mission, (in 1863).
First Day: April 21
Ninth Day: April 29
Twelfth Day: May 2
(C) Rodney H. Clarken
Declaration of the Báb: May 23
Commemorates the date in 1844 when the Báb
first declared His mission (Mt Carmel movie 5
(C) Rodney H. Clarken
Ascension of Bahá'u'lláh: May 29
Commemorates the date in 1892 when Bahá'u'lláh
ascended to heaven (i.e., passed away)
(C) Rodney H. Clarken
Martyrdom of the Báb: July 9
Commemorates the date in 1850 when the Báb
was executed by a 750-man firing squad in
Tabríz, Iran
(C) Rodney H. Clarken
Birth of the Báb: Oct. 20
Commemorates the date in 1819 when the Báb
was born in Shíráz, Iran
(C) Rodney H. Clarken
Birth of Bahá'u'lláh: Nov. 12
Commemorates the date in 1817 when Bahá'u'lláh
was born in Tehran, Iran
(C) Rodney H. Clarken
'Ayyám-i-Há: The Intercalary Days,
February 26 to March 1
Days of preparation for the Fast (March 2-20), days
of hospitality, charity and the giving of presents.
My God, my Fire and my Light! The days which
Thou hast named the Ayyam-i-Ha (the Days of
Ha [light], Intercalary days) in Thy Book have
begun, O Thou Who art the King of names, and
the fast which Thy most exalted Pen hath
enjoined unto all who are in the kingdom of
Thy creation to observe is approaching.
(C) Rodney H. Clarken
What Bahá'ís actually do during the
Basically do what anyone else does on a holiday-spend time with people they like, eat food they
like, listen to music, enjoy and observe the day.
(C) Rodney H. Clarken
The Bahá'í year is based on the solar
year of 365 days.
Each year is divided into nineteen months of
nineteen days each with four Intercalary Days
(five in a leap year), called Ayyám-i-Há which
should precede the
nineteenth month.
New Year's Day (Naw Rúz)
falls on the Spring Equinox.
(C) Rodney H. Clarken
Nineteen Day Feasts
There are no clergy and very little ritual. Every
nineteen days the Bahá'ís get together for
community worship in what is called the
Nineteen Day Feast, where adherents read
scripture, pray, discuss, consult and socialize.
(C) Rodney H. Clarken
1 Splendor March 21
2 Glory
April 9
3 Beauty
April 28
4 Grandeur May 17
5 Light
June 5
6 Mercy
June 24
7 Words
July 13
8 Perfection August 1
9 Names
August 20
10 Might September 8
11 Will September 27
12 Knowledge October 16
13 Power November 4
14 Speech November 23
15 Questions December 12
16 Honor December 31
17 Sovereignty January 19
18 Dominion February 7
--Intercalary February 26
19 Loftiness March 2
(C) Rodney H. Clarken
The world is but one country, and
mankind it citizens 1 minute movie
We are one (streaming 8 minute video with Dan
(C) Rodney H. Clarken
Most of the text and pictures were taken from various
sources and websites.
Text: from Bahá'í writings
Photos: personal photos
(C) Rodney H. Clarken